Centre Daily Times from State College, Pennsylvania (2025)

FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1965 The CENTRE DAILY TIMES. STATE COLLEGE and BELLEFONTE, PA. PAGE TWENTY THREE TOR IN ALUMNI TWO BEDROOM, air conditioned apartmeat, available June 1 through August 31, with option for tall. Unfurnished except for stove, refrigerator, Ground floor, Heat, hot and cold water furnished. Phone 238-1970.

FURNISHED, ONE bedroom, for summer term. First floor, cable television, two blocks to campus, garage parking, all utilities Included. Couples only, $240.00 for term. Call 237-7263. FURNISHED APARTMENT for three boys, minute to campus Avail.

able June 15. 238-8057. FURNISHED, TWO rooms, Academy Apartments, Bellefonte, Phone 355-4313. 7 FURNISHED, THREE rooms, bath. Academy Apartments, Bellefonte.

Phone 355- 4313. WHITEHALL PLAZA, sub-lease, one bedroom apartment June 15 to September 15. Regular $135.00 reduced to $115.00. Call 238-0664. LARGE with seven bedrooms, three baths, three kitchens.

Available for summer months. Phone 238-8428 SIX ROOM apartment near CA us. Available June 30. Call 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Saturday, 256 South Burrowes Street. BEDROOM, furnished apartment In State College. Available now. Call 466- 6412. TWO BEDROOM apartment, first floor, available June 15.

One block from campus. Phone 238-2282. UNFURNISHED THREE rooms and bath, first floor, private entrance. $80.00 per month. Available June 15.

104 East HamIlton A Avenue. 238-3860. EFFICIENCY UNFURNISHED, furnished modern kitchen. Available June 15. Ressonable rent, 112 East College Avenue.

237-2482. Enjoy the quiet dignity of apartment living atNITTANY GARDENS Built on majestic sunny hilltop in the midst of beautiful countryside. Whichever way you turn there's breath-taking beauty spread out below. Hiding a view would be nothine's short shameful, so we included lots of windows in our plans. We went a step further and gave each apartment a terrace or balcony so you can enjoy the crisp, tangy air along with the view.

With so much beauty outside, we had to make the inside of each apartment special. too. And so we did. With things like oversize a closets, hardwood Parquet superb kitchens every conceivable ience, individual heating and air conditioning to assure year round comfort and sound conditioning for quiet private living. All the convenience of "in town" are within easy walkdistance; shopping, schools.

banks recreaion areas. Three Bedroomsunfurnished. Two $134.00 One Bedroomunfurnished. $109.00 One $149.00 Magnificent model apartment a and rental office now open reach them, off of South Atherton Street Westerly Parkway past Shopping Center to O'Bryan Lane between school and Shopping Center. Follow signs to office and model Open Monday 7:00 P.M.

to 9:00 P.M. Tuesday through Friday 1:00 P.M. P.M. and 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Saturday 1:00 to 6:00 P.M. Sunday 2:00 9:00 P.M. 2.00 P.M. For Information Phone 238-2092 or 238-2491 J. Alvin Hawbaker REALTOR SECOND FLOOR, quiet apartment, two large rooms, kitchen, bath, parking.

No smoking. Phone 237-7872. 7 FURNISHED EFFICIENCY center Pine Grove Mills. Reasonable rent. Call 237- 4961.

Realtor. FURNISHED APARTMENTS, low, low, rate for summer, air conditioned, near campus, parking facilities. Call 237-3084 after 5 p.m. 7 FURNISHED BASEMENT Apartment. $80.00 per month.

Utilities Included. Phone 238-4592. 7 MODERN SECOND floor, five room and bath apartment for rent Centre Hall. $55. month.

Phone Lewistown 248-5531 or 248-7648. THREE BEDROOM, furnished house for rent, 129 Heister Street, near campus. Available June 12, to Septmber 1. Adult family only or three individuals. Box 760, Centre Daily Times, State College, Penna.

8 FURNISHED HOUSE in State College, two or three bedrooms, June 15 to AugUst 31. Call 238-2212 8 Bachelors and Families 130 Apartments Now Available ments, married couples only. Available June 1 and July 1. Call 238-6783 for appointment. SUMMER, FALL rentals.

Two and three person apartments. Walking distance to campus. Furnished, modern. Mrs. Cox, 237-7792.

237-4850. Now renting for summer, fall, winter terms and permanent housing. Furnished Studios bedroom apartments FOSTER AVENUE APARTMENTS New, one bedroom, luxury apartments only one block from campus and three blocks from downtown shopping. Price per month includes all electricity, air conditioning, heat, kitchen hot water, water and sewer, garbage and trash disposal plus ample parking. An all General Electric kitchen.

UNIVERSITY TOWERS prestige location on East College Avenue, directly across from the heart of the campus. Seconds away from downtown shopping and recreational facilities. Furnished studios, and one bedroom apartments with one month rental price including everything. NO EXTRAS! For full rental information about State College's newest and most economical apartments, Call Mrs. Nicholson Federated Home and Mortgage Company, Inc.

238-0534 After 6 p.m., call 238-0331 TWO AND a halt room efficiency apart- A MAN FURNISHED, THREE rooms and bath. Ceramic tile shower, central in town convenience. Parking. Couple or bachelor. 237-7792.

237-4850. Homer, ONE BEDROOM apartment, second floor. East Linn Street. Bellefonte, Heat. hot water furnished.

washing facilities on premises. Call 355-4591. UNFURNISHED. ONE bedroom apart. ment, $85.00 plus electricity, Call 238- 2281 or 237-2986.

UNFURNISHED FIVE room apartment Building, 106 North Alle. gheny Street. Belletonte, Heat, hot ter and refuse service Included. Phone 355-2621 after 6 p.m. FURNISHED APARTMENT to sublet for summer term, will sacrifice to $70.00 per month.

Call 237-3900. UNFURNISHED, one bedroom apartment. first floor, individual heat control, all kitchen facilities included. tile bath, hard wood floors, availeble June 1. 1965.

$90.00 per month. 220 East Hamilton Avenue, Apartment two, 238-0883. COMPLETELY FURNISHED, mo de rn three rooms, bath. Ideal for student couple, not suitable for children or pets. Private entrance.

Available June 15. 359 2473. 8-FOR RENT (HOUSES) TWO AND a half bedrooms, carport, Houserville, July 1, $110.00 plus hall utilities. Call 238-3369 after 5 p.m. 9-FOR RENT (OFFICES) OFFICE FOR rent for information call Federated, 238-0534.

9A- -FOR RENT (COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES) STORE ROOMS, warehouses, highway frontage for lease. State College Shopping Center, Carl E. Temple. 10-HEIP WANTED MAN AS apprentice meat cutter Some experience preferred. See Mr.

Hunter, Dean's Fruit Market, North Atherton Street. 10 SERVICE MAN, full time for installation of tires, batteries and seat covers. Apply in person, Joe The Motorists Friend. State College. 10 ELECTRONIC MECHANICS, skilled in fabrication of proto-type equipment according to government specifications from assembly drawings and schematics and process planning for production run fabrication.

Contact Mr. Vick or Mr. Eldridge at Electronics P. 0. Box 824, State College.

Or call 814-238- 2461. An Equal Opportunity Employer. 10 shorthand desirSECRETARY some knowledge in the biological sciences. Must be over 20 years of age. Please send resume to Institute for Research, P.

O. Box 254, State Col- lege. 10 Director, Part-time For County Homemaker Service to supervise home help services for families in area. Master of Social Welfare, Bachelor of Science in Home Economics, Bachelors or Registered Nurse and Administrative Experience. Open July 1, 1965.

Write Box 757 Centre Daily Times State College, Penna. 10 WOMAN TO do housework and light duties for female invalid, in State College. Phone 466-6047 after 6 p.m. 10 ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS, experienced in fabrication of electronic equipment involving to point wiring and soldering, installation of wiring harnesses and printed circuit board assemblies, according to model unit or process sheets. Contact Mr.

Vick or Mr. Eldridge, C- Cor Electronics, P.O. Box 824, State College, Pa. Or call 814-238-2461. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

10 EXPERIENCED PART time secretary, engineering office, accurate typist, IBM electric. Send resume to Post Office Box 557, State College. 10 MALE, FOR cleaning, two hours per day. Charles Shop, 124 South Allen Street. State College 10 JANITORS FULL and part time.

Phone 238-1921 for appointment. 10 MAN WITH aluminum siding experience. Year around work, good working conditions. Wages depend on experience. Call Ronald Johnson 238-3594.

10 EXPERIENCED FULL time housekeeper for family of two adults, one boy 13 years old, one dog. Live in attractive separate living quarters. Call Mrs. E. G.

Dill, 300 East Hamilton Avenue, State College. Phone 237-3103. 10 WAITRESSES, COOKS, dishwashers and Interviews between 2 p.m. and p.m. Downtowner Motor Inn co Restaurant, 240 South Pugh Street, S.tate College.

CHANGING JOBS? Think twice before making that allimportant change on your own. Write, phone, or visit our offices today and inquire about our professional placement services. Confidential handling assured. Hours nine to five weekdays, nine till noon Saturdays, and evenings by special appointment. PENN CENTRAL PERSONNEL SERVICE SUITE 207, Hotel State College (Just over the Corner Room) State College, 10 BOOKKEEPER: HIGH school graduate job with local chemical company.

Experience helpful but not necessary. Write Box 756, Centre Daily Times, State College 10 EXPERIENCED MAN for general farm work. Phone 238-0824. 10 WOMAN WHO enjoys young children to babysit in my home between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Begin first week in June. References required. Call 237-7283 after 5:30 p.m. 10 ANYONE INTERESTED in selling popular Cort Cosmetics with vitamins. Write Rena M.

Peters, District Manager, 698 East 8th Street, Clearfield, Pa. 010 LARGE RETAIL chemical company, will appoint two men to serve regular established customers in Centre County area, Up to $125.00 to start. Call Altoona 943-6893. 10 Waitresses Wanted for full time employment. Apply in person only at The Autoport South Atherton Street State College, Pa.

10 WANTED, MAN who is willing to do tree climbing and trimming. Call Oakwood Tree Service, 355-3982 or 238-1784. 10 NEED TWO full time men and three part time men with cars, to call on regular customers and establish new accounts, $2.00 to $4.00 per hour to start. Call Tyrone 684-4606. 10 STUDENTS, DO you have summer jobs If you have spare time now and time work later, have a car, telephone, write P.

O. Box 172, Altoona. 10 TWO CONCRETE finishers to work for contractor. Phone L. Melvin Lowery, 355-6499.

10 LOCAL OFFICE offers permanent opportunity to married man, high school education. Qualified men start at $90.00 per week, average $120.00 after first month. See Mr. Kast, 121 West Foster Avenue. Wednesday May 26 between 12 p.m.

and 1 p.m. 10 TEACHERS: GUARANTEED Income of $500.00 to $1,000.00 for seven to ten weeks work. Parent Counseling Field. For personal interview, Write Mr. MurBox 759, Centre Daily Times, State ray, College.

10 HIGH SCHOOL junior or older woman to be companion this summer for three boys ages, six, eight, nine Phone 237- 4378 after 9 p.m. 10 11-WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED painters, 238-4456 reasonable rates, free estimates. Call after 5 p.m. 11 LAWNS TO mow. Bellefonte and vicinity.

Call 355-9389. 11 EXPERIENCED INTERIOR and exterior painting and decorating. Satisfaction quaranteed. Reasonable rates. 355-5294.

11 YOUNG WOMAN will baby-sit can evenings, give and weekends. Experienced, references. 75-cents an hour before midnight, $1.00 an hour after Call 238-2950 after 5:30 p.m. 11 SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned, prompt service and fair prices. Ray.

mond Shultz, 355-4474 or 355-4683. SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned. Easy financing. Prompt service. Phone John Shultz, 355-4447 or 355-2682.

BABY SITTING in my home, any age, any hours. Phone 238-2668. 11 11-WORK WANTED COUPLE DESIRES to manage rooming house and live on premises. Phone 238- 8639 after 6:30 p.m. WOMAN DESIRES housework on days In State College area.

Phone 355- 3108 after 6 p.m. 11 WANTED TO UY OLD STAMPS and collections. Early American and European Issues especial. ly wanted, write Box 551, Centre Daily Times. State College.

12 BUTTONS COLLECTOR wishes 10 buy old picture button. glass, china, work clothes, etc. No modern plastic. Call or write. Mrs.

William Schreck, Lemont, Penna. Phone 237-3983. 12 OLD COINS will pay full Blue Book prices for coins in nice condition be tore 1900. Gold, silver, copper, let me know what you have. Box 408, Centre Daily Times, State College.

12 GOLD COINS wanted. will pay $20.00 for gold dollars, $15.00 for gold dollar, $16.00 for gold $5.00. Write Box 409, Centre Daily Times, State College. 12 12A -REAL ESTATE WANTED 24 SALE Antiques at Auction Saturday, May 22, 1965 starting at 9:30 A.M. D.S.T.

at Bob. Chuck, and Rich Roan's auction hall, five miles north of Williamsport, on Routes 14 and 15. Furniture: glass: china: lamps: coins in gold and silver: Indianhead nies: coper lustre: sandwich glass: blown glass; brass kettles: guns: swords: picture frames: Gody books: Histories: 12 oriental throw rugs; allver: primitives: buttons and many more Items not mentioned. Exhibit Friday May 21 from 1 to 1 P.M. Bob, Chuck and Rich Roan, Inc.

Auctioneers and Appraisers Cogan Station R. D. No. 2. Pa.

Phone 494-0170 Williamsport, Pa. TWO OR three bedroom house in or near State College, Phone 237-7924. 12-A Public Sale Do You Want It "SOLD" Or Just Listed? Your property will enjoy our full "professional" approach, whether you have decided to sell or rent. Over the (25 of them) we've built up number of contacts years. people looking for every conceivable type of home or business.

Chances are better than average that we can find A buyer or tenant for you by our use of advertising, knowledge of market values and procedure. So, it you have property in need of professional attention, give us a call today. One of the members of our sales staff will help you arrive at the correct solution to your real estate problem. J. Alvin Hawbaker Realtor 1840 North Atherton Street State College, Pa.

Phone 238-2491 or 238-6729 12-A ASSISTANT, PROFESSOR wishes to buy three bedroom split level or ranch home, the State College area. $22,000 to $27,000. Phone 237-3932. 12-A Are You Planning To Sell Your Home? ARE YOU LEAVING TOWN, or moving to Suburbia? Is your present home a burden to you or are you in a bind because your present home is too small? WHATEVER your reason for selling, CENTRE REALTY COMPANY can solve your problem advantageously, CENTRE REALTY COMPANY offers you a PERSONALIZED real estate service based on 30 year's experience in the field of SELLING and AP. PRAISING all types of real estate.

THE SALE OF YOUR PROPERTY Is our challenge. If we do not sell your home, you are not obligated. All we ask is that YOU LET US TRY FOR 30 DAYS! We will APPRAISE your Property, list it for sale, advertise it to its best advantage and show it to qualified buyers by appointment only The quality of real estate service is not measured by the NUMBER of sales people a firm has, but the EXPERIENCE, INTEGRITY, DEDICATION and SUCCESS of your REALTOR. We're like the car rental people in the magazines. being smaller organization, we HAVE TO TRY HARDER.

and believe you me. WE DO! In fact, we're just about sold out Centre Realty Co. Edward A. Basler, Realtor 418 W. College Avenue Ph.

238-0621 or 466-6695 State College, Penna. 12-A 13-WANTED TO RENT MODERN HOUSE, for one year, preferably unfurnished, four bedrooms, or three bedrooms, with den, two baths. $150 to $175. Call 865-3467 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

13 UNFURNISHED THREE (Or two) bedroom house with basement or garage, June 15 through September or October. Call 238-3249. 13 HOME FOR all or part of 10 week perlod, approximately June 18 to August 28. Three bedroom minimum, close campus preferred. Box 410, Paoli, Penna.

13 13A-APARTMENT WANTED EFFICIENCY OR apartment in private home for two women students. 865- 4192 after 6 p.m. 13-A UNFURNISHED, TWO bedroom apartment or equivalent house by June 15. Two year lease. Please call 238-8054.

13-A TWO UNDERGRADUATE coeds want apartment in building that has live in landlord. Call Mary, 865-8032. 13-A 15-LOST SMALL BOOK of recitations and poems in brown envelope, Tuesday afternoon on East Beaver Avenue to Post Office Badly needed. 237-3173. 15 17-NOTICE HECLA PARK Miniature Golf now open every Sunday in May.

It's fun. Bring the family. 17 PARK PROMENADE: dance on May 29th at. Hecla Park, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

Dancing to the HY-Tones. Sponsored by the Junior Section of Bellefonte Woman's Club. 17 TWO BARBERS RUSS COPENHAVER and JERRY LUCAS "Your Appearance Is Our Interest" South Allegheny Street Bellefonte Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 17 JOHNNY GRAY is back in State College.

Old and new customers are welcome at the Atherton Street Sinclair Service Station. 17 EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society of the United States wishes to announce the appointment of Jerome R. Leitzell, as representative to meet the insurance and home mortgage needs in the State College, Bellefonte area. Bellefonte, Pa. 355-9233.

17 PERSON WHO took our Toy Terrier puppy during the fire at our home to care for it, please phone 364-1369. 17 21 -PERSONAL SPOTS BEFORE your eyes on your new carpet-remove them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1.00. G. C.

Murphy, State College. 21 24 PUBLIC SALE CONFER'S AUCTION four miles east of Bellefonte, Route 550, Friday May 21, 6:30 p.m. Electric stove, refrigerator, side-board, kitchen cabinets, dishes, dining room table, bedspreads, wash tubs, power lawn mowers, old picture frames, garden tools, shovels, butchering equipment, barn door track, corn sheller, oil drums, electric motor, more goods to be consigned. Elmer Confer, Auctioneer, 383- 2771. 24 25-HOUSE OR APT.

WANTED MODERN HOUSE or apartment. Preferably furnished. Call 865-4896. 25 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of water pipe lines and water storage tanks with outlets to approximately 30 homes will be received by the Upper Halfmoon Water until 8:00 P.M. (D.

S. June 2. 1965. Said bids will be publicly opened and read at 8:00 P.M., on the second day of June. 1965, at the Stormstown Methodist Church, Route No.

550, Stormstown, Pa. Sealed bids may be mailed to Ralph M. Seeley, Secretary, Upper Halfmoon Water R. D. 1, Port Matilda, Pa.

All bids must be plainly marked on the out. side for Water Co." A summary of the major Items and approximate quantities are as follows: Upwards of 10,000 feet of 4 Inch ite pipe: 800 feet of 3 inch transite pipe with valves and fittings: some 4 inch cast Iron pipe: 1 concrete block pump house: two 25.000 gallon storage tanks set in the ground: 3 or more fire hy: drants: service connections to about 30 homes: 5 highway crossings: all of which work is to be installed on the ground as per detailed plans and specifications. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the President's Executive Order No. 11114, and the provisions of Executive Order No. 10925 AS Included therein.

The requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the specifications. Copies of the plans and contract ments are on file and open to public Inspection and may be examined or procured at the home of Ralph M. Seeley, R. D. 1, Port Matilda, Telephone No.

692-5386, upon payment of the deposit of $15.00 for each set of documents. If the documents are returned In condition within ten (10) days after good opening of the proposals. the full amount deposited for one set will be refunded to each actual bidder. if the documents are not returned within ten (10) days, the entire amount of the deposit will be forfeited. A bid bond in the form acceptable to the water company or a certified check or bank's cashiers check naming as obligee or payee the Upper Halfmoon Water in the amount of of the bid must be deposited by each bidder with his bid as a guarantee that in case the contract is awarded to him, he will execute the contract and furnish the bonds required.

The Upper Halfmoon Water hereby reserves the right, which is understood and agreed to by all bidders, to reject any and all bids submitted hereto, or any part thereof or Items therein, and if the Water Company deems it cessary, to readvertise for bids; The he: said Water Company also reserves the right to waive any defects, irregularities or informalities in bids received. No bids may be withdrawn by the bidder for forty-five (45) days after scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids. UPPER HALFMOON WATER INC. By: RALPH M. SEELEY, Secretary LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF RE-ENACTMENT OF TAXES Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Directors of Bald Eagle Area School District, Centre County, has re-enacted, without substantial change, Resolution levying a wage tax of of for general revenue purposes on salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation earned or received by residents of the Bald Eagle Area School District, and on the net profits earned on or after July 1, 1965, of business, professions, and other activities conducted by such residents under the Act of June 25th, 1947, P.

L. 1145, as amended, and that said tax Is effective for the school year 1965-66. JEAN HAYNES, SECRETARY Walker Twp. MRS. MELVIN YARNELL 383-2386 Mrs.

Mabel Audry was hostess to he Sunday School class, the Willing Workers, at a meeting in the Sunday School rooms at Snydertown last Friday evening. Mrs. Mildred Wenzke and Mrs. Mildred Kissell of Lock Haven were Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs.

John Wenzke and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Alexandria, Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Walizer, Mrs. Gertrude Krape and Mrs. Dennis Dixon of Bellefonte were recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Truckenmiller.

Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Stover visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Emory Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Yarnell were Sunday dinner guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Powers.

Mr. and Mrs. Junior Truckenmiller and family Sunday evening Mrs. wrisited Roy Tate at Bellefonte. Mrs.

Ella Korman visited Saturday evening with Mrs. Ella Vonada. Mrs. Ruth Wells spent Sunday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Reed at Coleville. Sunday evening callers of Mrs. Mary Vonada Connie Copeland of Philadelphia, Mrs. Marie Copeland of Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs.

Ken Copeland and son, Chipper, and Miss Minnie Stover of Bellefonte RD 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee and daughters were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Junior Truckenmiller and family. Miss Rosalie Marshall and Miss Peg Yarnell spent the weekend at the New York World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Vonada, Leroy and Eileen visited Friday evening with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Toner Merryman. Mr. and Mrs. John Waltz were recent callers of Mr.

and Mrs. Cecil Pletcher at Howard.Darlene Yarnell was a weekend guest of Sharon Spotts. Donald Stover of Williamsport was a last Thursday supper guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Stover.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deitrich visited Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Stella Schwab at Buffalo Run JANE, L. 355-8932 GUMMO BU RUN VAL PERS Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Johnsonbaugh and son, Brian, of Buffalo Run were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bloom of illmore. Mr.

and Mrs. Allen Wolford and son, Mike, of Lemont were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spearly of Airport Rd. Rev.

and Mrs. Raymond Zeigler and family of Van, were Tuesday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neff of Airport Rd. Mr.

and Mrs. Mac Haupt of Harrisburg spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haupt and sons of Fillmore. Mrs.

Ruth Crust, Mrs. Harold Bloom and Mrs. Glenn Bloom of Buffalo Run were Sunday guests of Mrs. Lizzie Hoover and her brother, Clarence Hull, of Fillmore. Stevens To Speak K.

Stevens, State historian, will tell the State College Kiwanis Club about the new State museum in Harrisburg at the State College Monday p.m. club's meeting at the Hotel Stock Report Following of Mutual Funds obtained, National Association Security Dealers -courtesy of Reed, Lear and Company. Bid Ask Affiliated 9.27 10.03 Capital Life Ins. 8.93 9.79 Delaware 13.73 15.01 Dividend Sh 3.91 4.29 Dreyfus 22.27 24.31 Fundamental In. 11.90 13.04 Mass Tr 17.80 19.45 Wellington 15.52 16.91 Windsor 17.19 18.68 Following quotations courtesy Waddell Reed, Inc.

Bid Ask United Accum. 17.72 19.37 United Income 14.61 15.97 United Science 8.50 9.29 Stocks of local interest, noon quotations courtesy of Clark, Dodge and Inc. Bid Ask Allegheny Airlines 61 Cerro Corp. Communications Sat. Curtiss Wright Martin Marietta Corp.

National Gypsum Singer Mfg. 72 Warner Co. Following courtesy of National Association of Security Dealers: Erie Resistor Weis Markets 233 241 West Penn Power NEW YORK UP -Stocks (11:30 a.m.): ACF Ind. Acme Mkts 68 Allegheny Ludlum Steel Allegheny Power Allis Chal Alcoa American Can American Mach Foundry American Metal Prod. American Motors 123 American Standard Amn Tel Tel American Tobacco Anaconda 673 Armco Steel Armour Co.

43 Atlantic Refining Babcock Wilcox Bald Lima 18 Bethlehem Steel Borg Warn Brunswick 9 Bucyrus Erie Budd Co. 173 Carrier Corp. Case, J. I. Chrysler Cities Service Columbia Gas Comsat Corp.

Consolidated Edison Consolidation Coal Continental Oil 54 Continental Oil Corning Glass 213 Crucible Steel 27 Curtiss-Wright 19 DuPont Eastman Kodak Erie-Lack RR FMC Ford Motor General Dynam General Elec General Food General Motors 104 General Pub Util General Refractories Gen Tel El 41 Greyhound Gulf Oil 58 Hamilton Watch Harsco Hershey Chocolate I. B. M. Intl Harvester Intl Tel Tel Jones Laughlin Kennecott Kresge (SS) 66 Liggett Myers Lorillard Madison Fund Martin M. Merck Merritt-Chapman Scott Montgomery Ward Murphy (GC) National Biscuit Nation Cash Register National Dairy National Distillers New York Central 57 Olin Mathieson Chem Penny (JC) 75 Pennsalt Chem Penn Power Light 383 Penna RR Pennzoil Pepsi-Cola 77 Phila Elec Pittsburgh Plate Glass 82 Polaroid Pullman Pure Oil RCA Reading Co.

19 Republic Steel Revlon Reynolds Tobacco Safeway Sts Sears, Roebuck Singer Co. Socony 84 Sperry Rand Square Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil Ind Standard Oil New Jer. Suburban Prop. Gas Sunray DX Texaco Tidewater Oil Trane Co. 54 Union Carbide United Air Lines U.S.

Steel 51 Unit Util Western Union Tel Westinghouse Elec Woolworth Youngstown Sheet Tube Zenith Rad American Exchange Aero Supply El-Tronics Gen Devel Library Assistants of the Westerly Parkway High School will hold a banquet at the school today from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. with 35 students expected to attend. Photographer George Nearhoof will present a program of slides including pictures of his trips around the world. A special feature will be slides of scenes in the Holy Land. Banquet committee members who planned the event are Rosemarie Nearhoof, chairman; Donna Hamilton, Wynn Meyers and Carolyn Barr.

Library Group To Hold Banquet Car Wash Planned Snow Shoe Boy Scouts will hold a car wash at the Snow Shoe fire hall tomorrow and May 29, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cars will be cleaned both inside and out, it was stated. DRIVING TO THE WORLD'S FAIR? GOING ON A BUSINESS TRIP or VACATION? PATENTED NEW STOP ANTI-THEFT AND ALARM SYSTEM Gives you 3-way protection! CAN'T BE 1 WHEN DOOMS. IF LIGHTS ARE IGNITION SOUNDS ALARM 6 REMINDS YOU JUMPED TRUNK.

CLOVE ACCIDENTALLY COMPARTMENT LEFT ON WHEN No thief can start your car either by ARE OPENED YOU PARK jumping the ignition or with key! STOP. Dealer Inquiries Invited. Contact ALL eliminates the single biggest oppor- CENTRE STOP-ALL DIST. tunity thieves have to Rd. Box 52-5 State College, Pa.


BODY FRAME SHOP Public Sale OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned Executor of Estate of Ethel M. Hoffman will offer for sale at public sale on SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1965 at 10:30 a.m. at the ETHEL M. HOFFMAN residence, one-eighth of a mile north of Petersburg Borough, the following personal property: Full line of household goods, including living room, dining room and bedroom furniture, sewing machine, TV set, electric stove, garden tools and number of antiques, including spinning wheel, reed perambula to trunks, dry sinks, wash bowl sets, music box and solid walnut bedroom suite with marble top dresser and wash stand. TERMS OF SALE: Cash.

Lunch served on premises. For further information inquire of JOHN HOFFMAN 415-11th Street Huntingdon, Pa. Executor Mark Glick, Auctioneer Morris M. Terrizzi, Esquire 306 Penn Street Huntingdon, Pa. 24 26-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BOYS, 12 years or older, to operate their own Centre Daily Times newspaper routes.

Earn money, learn responsibility. Apply in person or by phone 10 Circulation Department, Centre Daily Times, Bellefonte, 355-4766; State College, 237. 4964. 26 Snap-On Tools Fed up with your job, sick of working your head off and getting none of the profits? Can you put enough aside from your pay check to send your kids to college or take a really good vacation or buy that dream house? You can make your dreams come true and be your own boss too. Write: George Stocker, Tools Corporation, P.

0. Box Lemoyne, Snap On to see if you qualify for a franchise in the Centre County area. Right now, ambitious dealers are making over $10,000 per year. It can be you. Write today or call Harrisburg 717- 238-5219.

26 29-WANTED FREE TO good home, half Siamese kittens, box trained. Call 238-1835. 29 HEIFERS FOR good pasture, completely fenced, running water. Desire only Heifers from accredited herds, Clair N. Knecht, RD 2, Howard.

Phone 625-2358. 29 FRIDAY LEGAL HR NOTICE OF OF RE ENACTMENT Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Directors of Penns Valley Area School District, Centre County, Pennsylvania, has re-enacted, without substantial change, a Resolution levying a per capita tax of $5.00 on each resident of the School District under the Act of June 25th, 1947, P. 1145, as amended, school and that said 1965-66. tax This is tax effective shall for be the year addition to the regular $5.00 per capita tax under the Act of March 10, 1959, P. L.

30. Mary B. Barger, Secretary Penns Valley Area School District NOTICE OF RE-ENACTMENT of School Directors of Penns Valley Area Notice is hereby given that the Board OF TAXES School District, Centre County, Pennsylvania, has re-enacted, without substantial change a Resolution levying a wage tax of for general revenue purpose on salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation earned or received by residents of the Penns Valley Area School District, after and on the net profits earned on or July 1, 1965, of ness, professions and other activities conducted by such residents under the Act of June 25th, 1947, P. L. 1145, as amended, and that said tax is effective for the school year 1965-66.

Mary B. Barger, Secretary Penns Valley Area School District NOTICE OF ENACTMENT OF TAXES Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Directors of Penns Valley Area School District, Centre County, Pennsylvania, has re-enacted without substantial change, a Resolution levying a Real Estate ileges of Transfer transfer Tax of of lands, upon the tenements, privhereditaments or any interest therein by deed other conveyance, under the Act of June 25th, 1947, P. L. 1145, as amended, and that said tax is effective for the school year 1965-66. Mary B.

Barger, Secretary Penns Valley Area School District NOTICE TO VENDOR COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Department of Property and Supplies, Room 171, Main Capitol, Harrisburg. Sealed Proposals will be received until nine (9) o'clock A.M. E.S.T., May 25, 1965 and then publicly opened on Class 118-Paints and Varnishes and Related items (Supplement) for the contract perod beginning July 1, 1965 and ending December 31, 1965. Blanks and information may be obtained upon application to the above office. The Commonwealth reserves the right to reject any or all or parts of bids.

R. M. HORNBECK, Secretary LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF RE-ENACTMENT TAXES Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Directors of Bald Eagle Area School District, Centre County, has re-enacted, without substantial change, a Resolution levying a real estate transfer tax of upon the privileges of transfer of lands, tenements, hereditaments or any interest therein by deed and or other conveyance, under the Act of June 25th, 1947, P. L. 1145 as amended, and that said tax is effective for the school year, 1965-66.

JEAN HAYNES, SECRETARY LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF RE-ENACTMENT OF TAXES Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Directors of the Bald Eagle Area School District, Centre County, has re-enacted, without substantial change, Resolution levying a per capita tax of $5.00 on each resident of the School District, under the Act of June 25th, 1947, P. L. 1145, as amended, and that said tax is effective for the school year 1965-66. This tax shall be in addition to the regular $5.00 per capita tax under the Act of March 10, 1949, P. L.

30. JEAN HAYNES, SECRETARY A SUMMER TREAT For your beauty, professional styling. For your comfort, air-conditioning. LaBelle Femme 127 So. Allen Street 238-0546 Appointments not always necessary.

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Centre Daily Times from State College, Pennsylvania (2025)


What is the phone number for Centre Daily Times State College PA? ›

General office hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. To manage your account/subscription online or for delivery issues, please visit Subscription Service Center. You can also call 1-888-237-3801.

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You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-888-237-3801. Your subscription is subject to the Terms of Service at http://www.centredaily.com/terms-of-service.

Who is the editor of the Centre Daily Times? ›

Jessica McAllister

How is living in State College PA? ›

Routinely ranked among the best places to live in the country, State College and the surrounding areas provide a safe environment and public school system for your family, outdoor recreation in a breathtaking landscape, collegiate athletics and world-class entertainment venues, and a vibrant social scene for all ages.

How do I contact the local newspaper? ›

Writing a letter to the letters page is one of the quickest and easiest ways to contact your local media. The letters page is one of the most read parts of a local newspaper. To enhance your chances of getting a letter printed it's helpful to read previous letters to get a sense of the style they like to publish.

What is the phone code for State College PA? ›

There are two area codes in Northwest Pennsylvania: 814 and 582. The area codes stretch from Erie to Johnstown to Breezewood, State College and Potter County. Outlines the counties and rate centers in the 814/582 region. The 582 area code overlays the 814 region.

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How can I cancel my subscription? i) If you wish to cancel, please call our Customer Services team on 0800 068 4965. ii) You can cancel within 14 days of the start of your subscription without giving any reason and we will refund all payments received from you.

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10.1 You may terminate your account at any time by sending an e-mail to online@TimesDaily.com.

Who is the female editor of The Times? ›

The Sunday Times has appointed Emma Tucker as its first female editor in more than a century. Tucker, currently deputy editor of the Times, replaces Martin Ivens, who is stepping down after seven years.

Who is the current editor of The Times? ›

Tony Gallagher (born 2 November 1963) is a British newspaper journalist, and is currently editor of The Times. He was editor of The Daily Telegraph, joint deputy editor of the Daily Mail, and editor of The Sun in 2015, before being appointed editor of The Times in 2022.

Who is the chief sub editor of The Times? ›

Verity Stockdale - Chief sub-editor - The Times | LinkedIn.

What is State College, PA known for? ›

Also known as Happy Valley, State College is the home of the Pennsylvania State University. The quaint and quirky main street hosts a collection of shops, bakeries, coffeehouses, galleries, and restaurants.

What is the largest State College in PA? ›

Total Student Enrollment: 50,028

Known for its college athletics, Penn State is also the largest university in the Keystone State. Including its 24 regional campuses and the online World Campus, the public university enrolls nearly 100,000 students.

What is the poverty rate in State College PA? ›

The average household income in State College is $73,256 with a poverty rate of 42.12%. The median age in State College is 21.4 years: 21.5 years for males, and 21.2 years for females.

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You can view your purchases, manage the credit cards used and cancel recurring subscriptions by logging in on the web at client.everfit.io/login. After you log in, you will see the list of purchases made, and for recurring purchases, you will be able to update your credit card on file.

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The best way to stop these payments is to first cancel your subscription with the company directly by requesting a cancellation via email or phone. If this doesn't work, you should contact your bank or card company online or by phone to cancel the payment.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.