Easy Strawberry Shortcake Recipe (2025)

Easy Strawberry Shortcake Recipe (1)

Make sure to REPIN this recipe 🙂

This Easy Strawberry Shortcake Recipe is from my childhood – I remember being around 10 years old and coming up with recipe. Well I should not say came up with it

Basically what happened was this – I was at the grocery store with my dad and saw the shortcake next to the fresh strawberries

So I got him to buy the strawberries and the cake – we also got cool whip ( am I the only one who used cool whip growing up ?) – When I got home I cut up the strawberries and tossed them into a skillet with some sugar and vanilla ( my obsession with adding vanilla to everything started when I was very young). I cannot believe how often I would just throw things together and hoped they work.

I cooked the strawberries for a few minutes and let it cool then I put the shortcake together

This dessert really reminds me of cooking in my childhood home in the Hollywood Hills


15 years later I was at the grocery store with my dad and I saw the shortcake next to the fresh strawberries — and I knew I had to make it

The only difference is that I paid for everything this time 🙂

I know strawberries are not in season but I found them reasonably priced at Walmart and Winco – under $2 for a pint

This Easy Strawberry Shortcake Recipe is a perfect recipe for kids to help make – I know from experience 😉

The sauce is from the strawberries themselves – seriously addicting – yum yum yum – I do think it goes well with the vintage plate ( which I picked up at an Estate Sale for $2 – it is my new love)

I really hope you try my Easy Strawberry Shortcake Recipe – it is simple perfection from my childhood


Easy Strawberry Shortcake Recipe


: Sara


  • ¼ Cup of White Sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon of Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Pint of Strawberries - cut into ¼ths
  • Whipped Cream
  • Shortcake ( found near the fresh strawberries)


  1. In a medium skillet over medium heat - combine sugar, vanilla, and sugar - stir so the strawberries are well covered with sugar
  2. Leave to heat for 5 minutes - stir - if the sugar all dissolved and there is a syrup you are done
  3. Pour strawberries into a bowl with the juice and allow to cool - the juice will thicken when it cools
  4. Take each shortcake and fill with whipped cream
  5. Cover with your strawberry mixture
  6. Enjoy


  • Dessert
  • Kid Friendly
  • Recipes
  • snack
  • Vegetarian

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Add a Comment


  • Leesa J

    Looks yummy! Kroger has strawberries on sale this week too. 2 lbs for $1.99 (with card).

  • Ashley H

    Strawberry shortcake is my favorite dessert, can’t wait to make this!

  • Katie

    looks yummy i always made yellow cake instead of buying the shortcake

  • Senia Fuentes

    THIS LOOKS ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! So easy to make ! With 3 kids, the easier and quicker, the better! Hungry hungry hippo!

  • Tracie Gonzalez

    Yum! Had this today!

  • Liz

    strawberries are my favorite! i always see those little shortcakes when i’m shopping too and think how yummy it would be to make shortcakes. I’m doing it next time i see them!

  • Dana

    My favorite dessert!! I’ll def. be making this receipe this weekend! 🙂

  • theresa

    oh wow! i never thought about adding vanilla, i usually just warm the strawberry and thats it!

  • Traci

    This looks delicious! I’ve always loved this but have never made it myself. I don’t have an excuse now!

  • Jennifer

    Looks so yummy! And not too heavy.

  • Rhonda Stoner

    Tis the season! This looks delicious…

  • Heather Miller

    I always made these when I was little! They were my favorite summer food for sure!

  • Ann Satler

    My favorite!

  • robin

    can’t wait till fresh strawberries come in, this will be a must try

  • Loretta

    Sooo yummy, being so easy makes me love it more!!! 🙂

  • Patty

    Just bought strawberries, this sounds like a good plan for them. Thanks!


    beautiful pictures! this looks great!

  • Patricia

    After seeing these strawberries, I’m off to the store to buy and enjoy!

  • Tara

    love this!

  • Lori

    never thought of vanilla will have to try

  • dee mautz

    PERFECT for 4th of july treat….I will add blueberries so it will be red..white and blue

  • klynn


  • Jenny Madison

    Where was this recipe when strawberries were 99 cents? Saving it for the next time!!!

  • Alisa Medina

    This (and apple pie) are the only desserts my family eats! Dad always made me strawberry shortcake for my birthday because it’s my ultimate favorite.

  • Kristine Blake

    my absolute summer-time favorite!

  • Sophia

    Looks delish!


    I have never heated up my strawberries or added vanilla. A must try next time I get strawberries. I must admit, I am a strawberry addict.

  • Lisa

    What is the difference in warming up the strawberris?

  • Aleta

    This is so yummy!! Made this with fresh strawberries from my garden.

  • SusanRaffaelli

    I think you meant to say to combine sugar, vanilla and strawberries. 🙂

  • Rhianon Mills

    What did you mean on instruction number 1 it says sugar vanilla and sugar?? Was it supposed to be something else instead of sugar twice?

  • Sara

    Thank you for this recipe! My son and I went strawberry picking this weekend and have so many berries. I told my husband (who is in the military) that I’d make him something like this. He mentioned it to some coworkers.

    Somehow now I’m making 30+ for a bunch of hungry Army Rangers tomorrow. I feel a lot less intimidated now that I found your recipe!!

Easy Strawberry Shortcake Recipe (2025)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Job: Sales Producer

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.