The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

fDITIDWJ laJ 178-Help Wanted Female Opportunities 190-BusIness 195-Money, WZZ GSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSG GILBERT SULLIVAN MTG. AM 4-1833 FAST MORTAGE LOANS OLD OR NEW PROPERTIEI With ar Without Improvement! Anywhere In the Valley Terms Tailored to Your Need want7ction AM 4-1883 GILBERT SULLIVAN MTG. 2727 N. Central lutte 114 WHY DILLYDALLY PICK UP YOUR PHONE ft -Dial AL 8-6077- OfJ APPRAISER WILL BE THEIR 1MB IAMB DAY 1 1 Vojill find our long farms 4 tow Interest rate the answer to yew money problems, Security Mortaaae Co. ALWAYS frM timii $100A.

1st menaasesl Oulcklvl oresso investments) 504 Best Roose-volt. AL 4-424). 47 years Tn Phoenix I 5 30 Year Mortgage Loans Available With 90 Valuation. Everyone Eligible to Apply. muss its 1S1 Ill (SI $Mf $SJ1 tstsi lint tit is Local Claw ar Tutoring Become a eartlflad welder.

Gl ap proved. Free placement service. ABC WELDING SCHOOL W. e. Buckeye Rd, AL S-1521 Phoenix Beauty Acad.


DEV. CHARM Free Placement Free Review PHONE-WRITE-VISIT Lamson Business College "Arliona'i Oldest and Lamest" 134 N. Central AL 1-747 GROCERY CHECKERS EARN UP TO $2 24 PER MR. -Get COMPLETE training at MTI Schools Coast to Coast -Produce Training Visual aids -Both NCR 1 Swede Registers Day 1 Evening Classes -Approved Aril. Groc.

Assn. AL 4-2105 MARKET TRAINING INST. 1540 East McDowell LEARN BARBERlNO Immediate open'ngs available. Arizona Barber College AL S-42J5 2 E. Jefferson Transmission.


5213 N. Central 2a4-3774 taught-Amer BartenJ Tng 252-1191. I DC Cakaala Correspondence 1" WH WIS Out-of-state FINISH HIGH SCHOOL or grade school at home. Earn di ploma. Books furnished.

Low mo eav An Arlx. school. Write COLUMBIA SCHOOL, PO Box 1041 Phx 254-3234. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Diploma In spare time. Books (turnlshed.

Lo mo. pvt. Since 185-SchooIs tttst suss Republic And Gazette Monday, March IS, 19Q JS Parking Problems? Phone! Want Ad Number 271-871! 202-BusIness Personal PAINTING. Interior Exterior. Wallpapering, Repairs.

Dependable. Keasonaoie. free yVH6s5l tawu cleanup, naming. AUiSJS. IREPLACESrr-fMiuas.

alone. work. CR 7-373J. YARD work. AI.4-IOII1.

LANUSCAP NO. LANDSCAPING, Instrument em e. back filling. Licensed. Wl V4S1, rne, pack filling.

CLEANUP. Hauling. 25X127. BPAiNTlN(iinte7Ion exlerlo ANVTHINA In nwrafa LJrAnaaal CR 9-A334. W5 Wl J-719.

PAINTING. By lob or hour. (alia. faction guaranteed. Exterior average house, $95.

Also handyman. BR 4-9914. PAINTING Interior, exterior. LI- censod. Bonded.

Estimates. 944-7421. LAWN SERVICE. Mowing, trim ming, renovating, rototllllng, kevet. tng.

seeding. fertilizing. Cleanups, AM 4-5304. FREE estimates en delivered mor. tar sand, too soil, floor flll.

WQ7-24I4 pwiveway granrta. 274-7144. CEMENT work. Patios, carports floors. Reasonable, YE 74571, BLOCK laving.

Nlck-BR I40V HEMS. 264-7203. RUSSIAN tutor ire. 2444411 all around carpenter, dry wall applicator, ten veer's expert-ence each. Five veer's contracting, loremenshie.

S37-J151. NEW dav nursery, ReasonaBfe Ltorir naming, cleaning. al-mh 205-Frelgh iSSS. RENTAL CITY E. Van Buren at 20th St, AL t-747 "1idVTNG anywhere.

Clglifnfnj rAovIng 4 Warehouse Co, 312-7201 TRUCKS RENTALS U-HAUL 273-13J6 THE BEST a7KT91 206-Passenser Transperta. A-American Auto Delivery TO OR FROM ANY CITY Personalized door to door service Mfmhar Phx. Chamber of Commerce BONDED It INSURED Drtvefl PHONE 264)234 4309 N. 16th Street YOURllATDELrVERED" TO OR FROM ANY CITY-USA WE PICK UP 4 DELIVER BONDED 4 RELIABLE DRIVERS National Auto Driveaway Established 1 Yean 1411 7th St. AL e-4531 AAA Drive-A-Way Agency Door To Door Coast to Coest Let us deliver vour car AL 3-3331 J701 BUCKEYE RD.

Low Hates-Fast Dependable Service CARS" to" tWlsrssli Drive es your own. AL 4-4535. CARS to Sen Francisco, New Yort Drive as your ownAL 3-333). -ari ro new totx, rntsourgn, aan Francisco. Baltimore- Minneapolis.

Boston. Drive as your own. 264-QHt, or rlrter. Pltfv. Durg, Pennsylvania.

AP (-0670. WANTED two riders to Louisiana approximately March 20. Contact WANT panssengers. Driving Montana, 275-3011. mere onvine, 1 Time and Lead You to the the lr Fields.

I INCOME TAX" UP in's largest Tex Sei irvlco cem fndi, jth Cent Central an scnooi Ave. enirat 5143 Glanrtale 156 s. Morris-Mese ypra yy. van Burei 704j E. Thomas-S Tolleson ottsdale UJ34 pnone 232-.

4 1 Jul 0 0) 9 A M. Sat. and Sun. 9 A.M. to P.M.

of (ice or your home. $5 up. Stott-jhank Acctg. 265-6666. TlANDSCAPINft Agendo, Pamela IxBEDfTOl JOBS UNLIMITED 311 McDowell AL25808 Legal Secvi exp tx Fc etttectlve career Scy.R6 exp (W tp.7n Rtcepf Tvpltt attrtcMv iioo (win vi new ivr JUB3 DAVIS EMPIOYAAFNIT ffR.J1- 'W AM 4-34771 racgnciiianon cm as 5ECTY N.

Cen It bkoe 3ICTY car to 40 VpIst ami legal Cant West ur Stalls car pay Good tvolst )S Jr car tn in iECTYS (3) car to 40 BM Kav ounrh ear riav ma OfiJLiVFP Mesa 50-40 Re? $280 PROFESSIONAL Downtown 112 N. Central Chrla-Town 3100 N. 19th Ave. Bkkor contr. comp letters S6CY-I girl Olc 25-40 PHX tacv car 21-35 Recept-typ aceig elk yng TELLERS U3S NCR bkkpr 22-4S da STATE typ up CPA SW AREA typist tone to $375 $275 136J US225 to 1300 1400 1216 1325 fa 1240 trn Uji Ariz.

Employ. Counselors 2727 N. CENTRAL Billing 2 33 1307 Recept-Typa (255 up Reconcll. Clk, 25-37 1300 Tech. Librarian 44 Compiler (blueprints) 5342 Secty Hales) to $375 Statlstlcan (bus.

dev) to 1375 Nile Add Mach. Opr $250 Tech. Illus, 20-2 $403 Clk-Tvolst (car) $325 Steno to $20 FULLER AGENCY N. 3rd Ave. AL 2-1412 Hospital cook, car $10 shift Resort waitress 175 BtR Dining room waitress, car shift Motel maid $1 hr Key Employment Service 45a N.

Country Club Dr. Mesa 4-17f5 ALL TYPES Or LISTING! Secretaries $250-1300 Typists $2004250 Accounts payable clerk $2504300 AUTO DEALERS AGENCY 08 E. Ind. Sch. (Rear) CR 74037 PBX typlsf 21-35 Tempe area $250 tAttuiivs JOBS UNLIMITED 311 W.

McDowell AL 2-5808 Hotel, restaurant, resort dortv estic loos ooen. EXECUTIVE Guaranty Bank Blcjg. AM 4-3174 3550 Central Suite 808 Many top lobs open for Secvs, Sienos, Typists, bkprs, Recepls, Gen Oft ClKs many others. ATLAS No Hit Or Miss Referralsl PRESIDENT'S LADY S'H Prestige poa. Central 400 FRONT OFC Tyi OFC Type.

Meet a Plush N. Central olc S.H N. Central Meet Si cref. $300 VARIETY $250 S325 GIRL FRIDAY loads variety exec Secy lovely Park Central group SECY on way up S'H tremendous ooptv. dntn S3J0 to WOO $235 RECEPT type lucky lass wlend this oeml GLENDALE RECEPT type $275 ACCTO OPT Clk type Gorgeous N.

Central ofe EXEC RECEPT Type piped music. Plush GB Bldg ofc LEGAL TRAINEE fast $325 1300 $350 NEW LEDGER. Bks thru TB piusn oic. xmt firs LIKE FIGURES? add mach $350 lite type great Co, benefits $290 TD4IUCCI Kci ITCI oppty learn ofc procedure $225 DICTPH SECY Exec ability oeauTir. n.

central ofc I3W ASST BKPR pretty ofc $275 GUARANTY BANK BLJG 3550 Central Suite 1320 SNELLING and SNELLING 1001 N. CENTRAL 2J44771 NATION'S LARGEST RESUME WRITING SERVICE TALENTED SECTY-Hloh level Ic Demands Poised Gal-downtown. REAL PRO on IBM keypunch $2101 HP- tff snob juts hor career minded Now (271 telephone otentlal $250 CUSTOMER CONTACT 21-35 Tvoe reii-narp appearanc-camrai230 ice-Ci AM 4-4611 Guaranty Bank Bldg. Suit 1410 SECRETARIES TYPISTS BOOKKEEPERS RECEPTIONISTS 185-Schools, or Tutoring "BEAUTY SCHOOL- S. Central SSa-acnTi TO KNOW YOUR SUBJECT Study Vogl's Qulrrer Course VOGT'S SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE 4 IKKHOAfcirC 5012 E.

Van Buren, BR S-2035, 54944 WANTED 183-Employ. 179-HeloWanfprf Male Femele for vti.II frailer tourt Small salary. Call Wl 3-1749. 4.7J-"ifc:!,.u" Ar'iona Taachafi Attncy, 1540 W. jeffartnn Al iJITt, EXPESiENCEO coupleTor motel ZT living quarters.

Aptly In person. 2933 E. Van Buran. SEMI-Retlrod rnnli. nUt.u (enellty.

Hli f'p maintain frailer par, ralltr furnished. Salary. Mac Domes. cpIs-w VT "Vi oriva, car, 1 children comp. ref fop lei Car furnished.

Ml Experienced fitter men's, intwa. Permenent. Ser. mV3 na test waian for dwiwtle work fn California. Yfi f-3751.

COLORADO RESORT HELP MAY 15TH-OCT. 15TH Meneger, automotlyg service mala Chief mala Sales Clark, general store mala Sales, Clark, gift (hop female Above apply Arlrona State Employ, man; Sarvlca, E. McDowell Rd. 104 p.m. 2nd Cook Dinner Cook Dinner, fry Rellaf Cook Breakfast Cook I Pantry, mala or famala Lunch Counter Supervisor Sarvlca itatlon managar Machanlc Abovg apply at Aliong Stata Employment Sarvlca, 43 W.

Adams, 10-4. P.m, 182-Employ. Altnclat Mala CAREER OPPORTUNITIES INTERNATIONAL INC Exp Estimator Layout (Cabinet Shop Emparlance) 400-500 in friaay jjo-300 public Relation Business Contact 145 E. Thomas Rd. itHiil 7 AT LAS FXFCIITIVP SALF9.

ACCTOfc mgr U35 CQRPN Accf degree U3S fcoo $3J5; rt BRrK any aaa oienoaia un J3W SR. loan tsco A TAB, swing shift 1350 ante Trainees car exp $325 ler desk, mach shop up $306: Trainee, degree 1400; Consm engr aorx 110.OOO aaies, ina roois-ios snop xp a-i TECHNICAL stlmlT'layouT wood-wrk CIVIL ENGR $700, Ingrs: degree, relocate SW, Mine, Cnem, Indust'l ITOOi Design Drftsmn Struct, out $700 IfUAKANIT BANK BLDO. 3550 Central Suits 1320 EXECUTIVE JOBS UNLIMITED 311 McDowell AL25308 Aeets. degree totSW Internal Auditor degree S4S0-f Loan Mor. exp Design Engr.

mech $750 Mar. Dot. retail $450 Sales retail $350 Route Sales exp resident Collector eR tart IBM Tab shift $150 Finance Trainees Jl-je $1754- Auto Parts 3-5 yrs. xp Open Mechanic Sery. Mgr, $400 Electriclan im acol (bench) Open MANY OTHER TOP JOBS FOR THE BEST JOBS see ACME first 411 N.

Central AL 1-5371 Controller CPA Law $700 up Internal Auditor. ind. So 50 $700 Budget Analyst Ind. Costs Seml-Sr. Puh.

Acrt. Degree Perm, staff position $500 UP Mgmt. Tr. 21-24 College $440 ii lt ctflra Clk tvsc nwi Order Pnk rik Marh hna tivi nn Order Desk Clk. Mach.

shop 1350 up aeies to Macn. inoos sco Personnel Labor Ral. Dir. GOOO Trame Engr. Design Engr.

Pkg.Engr.lnd. $700 up ME Mgmt. exp. $1000 Designer Electro Mech. pttmn.

Acft. MndlllcaMon $350 no Macnanic-Know 15lbi St-ME-iE-ctiem E. Relocate to $1500 SERVING PHOENIX SINCE PROFESSIONAL Downtown 112 N. Central Chris-Town SSOO N. 19th Ave.

Open S600 ACCTS Industry SR-JR accts ACCT u35 trnso 90 $700 tO $700 Ml good pot en Ssl-t- GROC mgr tr SERVICE route xp MECH engr u40 1700 Sift MACHINISTS various CABINET estlm 4 L'O eed sis XP or agrl grad U1400 DAVIS EMPLOYMENT 3033 Central S207 AM4-3477 ac SUNDAY LISTINGS Ariz. Employ. Counselors 2727 Central Traffic Mgr. Engr. Aide, 19-30 (2 yr colg) Ooen $350 moi.

cmwi. Uiu exp.) Design Engr. Sales (advt). 2535 Jr. Tech.

Illust. (2 yrs) Acctg. Supvr (Ind) Parts catalog writer Sales (elec utll Suo) loioxli" ar $700 ar Sflool Jr. Elec. Test Tech $35 Jr.

Draftsman (yr. exp.) $403 AUTO DEALERS AGENCY 900 E. Ind. Sch. (Rear) CR74037I Service station attendant exp.

1325 Meny auto lobs available FAR WESTERN "40 YEARS IN ARI70NA" ENGR5 oeoree mecn xp PROJECT ENGR deg gxp, SALESMAN Ind'l eaulp Welding Supv hvy Ind'l xp ACCT OFC MGR deg. 25-35 ACCT degree Ind'l xp SALESMAN Ind'l equip TV CABLE Reoalrman reloe. REM. RAND Tab Opr ACCT CLK sm colg 4 xp TELLER Trainees sm colg Warehouseman hsehld xp CLERK Med semi-retired Ooen SMS $600 Onen $wo $A0 KSiLBW w) sm I $300l $225: 4 i Jr. Jr.

W7 JR JR A 35 sooouojYoung JViLaw r.y. 'l atnooi igi.yw"'' 202-Buslness Pananaks JANiTORIAC 93f-47077 ELFCTRICIAN. 443.179 7JCAStERTiiucco, patch work, BR 1-5415. ARronl baby. kl'liSS JIl7it1lno.

Chrfstlefl'TSma. yjTjaL wuai miiKa nw, 40C QUflfT, 120 cBsi nnaryreng. no. Ramovlna TrtJt. stumps.

939-! 1707. GardenTngT I ai nsJ ir a rv. Ine. 9394707 ir. NOV AT I MA.

clean no-ViiTv a-1 jjo. AffiVl NGTTtaulIng," appliances my Specialty. Anytime. Anyplare. Rea- SplbiejR J-4170J BR J-llSi LAWN service, Aj, 24440.

BABT Sitting, BRf-4tl. Meullng. Cooieriervrce. 93941 14. EXPERTlawn RENOVATlNOerflllilftgR4J724 WH 5-1444, GRANITElnr lawni.

Hrluawaut ALJ-215. LAWN service reasonable, Cj7-i279 hauling, cleanups. ar rfAVB ten wheeler truck, will haul child care. Former teacher. tTTvm Mm Nflrrnaao through weekly.

947-4423. IRONING. 253-1145. KOIOTILLING Leveling. Tractor ark.

Dirt. Granlta Claannna fiaa. sonaoie J-JJSS, IRONINn'ti LICENSED bonded conlractor. remodeling, repeinng. 10'x20' patio, tovergd, $150.

WIIQrede. BR 5J943. I LLEANUPS. yj-4707. CEMtNT flnlsfierr942n74r ARTHUR'S Lawn Service.

"Wedge trimming. Clean-ups. Monthlv lawn arfjJr'LtJnJjL LAWNS $2.50. 274-1374. I RON I NG.

Northwest, jUWi, nAULiwy.ja-ano. IRONING. Pickup and delivery. 2712453 in- DRAFTSMAN Ousllfled-Drawings '4 HA VA, J-515I. ADDITIONS, remrx architectural remodeling.

rinenctng, licensed, Pondi l. SPRING CLEANING Windows, walls washed. Floor Cleaned ft waxed, Exp. Ret. 7754434.

REDWOOD fences, oil italned, labor and materials IV cents per square foot. Hodges Fence and fJ'10' 96-1102 rn.4j.rn, TREES, 30 years experience. Pruning, feeding, removing. Citrus specieiisr. Tey-jwa.

CARPENTER, repairing. Power ind hand tools. 11.90 hourly. 9737-2494. GENERAL Home Maintenance.

Carpenter work, painting, waxing, (leaning. T374661, 1727 West. Pierson. child rare, wi im LEVELING, grading hauling 5R 7-0547. CUSTOM oalntlna Avaraaa "rnrun ttpino, eesonebte.

BR 5-9(41, looleps pumos, and motors et cost, service. Installation ice, installation end re- pairs anytime 2V-04S. PAINTING. Experience "Inferlor. cuerior, si so nr.

943-2204 PAINTrNG 30 veers. Frea'esfl. mates, referencevCR 9-0255. LAWN renovating, fer. tl'lTlng.

AL 24494. PAINTING" Interior, exterior. Reasonable rates. Free eatlmatei 4 block, flreplacet, addi tions. AM 6-CW.

CONCRETE, block work. Free'es- ttmaTes. at-Kit. ei46i MTT1Y laW serv Tee. T44-I6VJ lucero'I cooler service spe cially, Keasonsoie.

AL AP I Tf Peiniing, AP (4355. PAINTING, rooms, S'2j 1 exteriors. si, Keterences. Wl 4-21 143. HAULING, moving, cleanuos.

"Rt soneoie. jJ-jvviwiJUia. CARPENTRY, iheetroek, njg, AL (-1907. LAWN Service. Cleenuni TreM Hedges, Reasonable.

AP(-O330. Classified to Save Yen A AttbUNtlNO)' ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING" 2774954. ACCOUNTING BOUHNttPINIj CR 7-1529 AIRPLANES PtTtNE 1 Pilot. Econ. irhrTserv from or to anywhere.

942-2980. A QTc5 PA nfTWcT Complete aufo risouildfng, Johnny ITaTflTWilirSP VHErTOESE Bath, liJ.A-'eyScsj!ialf, mlfrtlM BATH and masaae. Cave Qreek Road.WI 4-3883 10 til lp.m. co*ck'S Message, JiriTRobsevelf, moved to 373 Ave. AL 4-7857.

M- Arxierson Massage Rock Steam'bafh 4 Colonics. 2620 N. 7th 27)4593 3144 Aoache Blvd." Open 7 days week. 10- p.m. WO 7-7)12.

sweat pern a iweoisn Massage. iwi ayec reex -WEDISH MiliAfiE SWEDISH MASSAGE ROOM carports, patios. Free estimates. Lie, CR 74971. Custom building, commercial 4 re modeling Raymond ConstCR 4-7304, aveTjTTnew on etobet small commercial, r7-iB4y, licensed contractor pha ap- roved, ualltv remodeling, add-a-room, etc, work, reasonable prices, ijLe i-net est.

ft etans, Room arid gtc. Universal lemodelers. 252-7379. we specialize in Home 4 Com merclal remodeling New room addk lions, carports email commercial Elmer scnier, cr eSUTKNTRY Addn's. eetlos.

carports, eorchm. t'eUW-RoniJ Jdtork 9WJ8Mi carpentry worn or ait CARPETS Instilled repaired. Acrrept- concr Eje wrtrosm AUUIIIONS, EIC. YE V-40'2. ALITTYPES "CEMENT ESTON SKINNER 939-3741 ANYTHING In concrete.

Fat serv. Ice. Oual. work, Reas. 275-8490.

Commercial work. Patios, "drlve- wavs, foundation. Cell anytime. Free estimates. Crowley.

AL 44059. ALL types cement work. Very Free estimates. CESSPOOL CESSPOOL Dumolna auarantred. 1 yr (Cell the Judge) WH5-8603.

dumping ii2i 1 yr. wnn cnernicai Treatment, 27y-u. COOLERS Complete cooler servlceReflhTshlng nslde out. Precision packed pads. Discount oumos, motors ale.

Before 1:30. a.m. after p.m. 939-2510. Cooler serv, 4 repair.

Prompt. All work guar. 265-3147. 265-4659. 6NE dav service on extractions gnd plates ir.

Edoar for out-oT-Town pat enti ar. B. Pease, Member Call fornla Society of Dental Surgeons. 2i Theater Bldg. AC 4-JV43 DIRT fiLL Delivered AL 2-1853 rr-T-BITT-rSTBT call Jones aMs-7991 Screened ToDSoi MANURE 4 MANURE MIX Fill Dirt-Crushed Rock 253-7575 253-7895 Tnn anil A fill rtiA A girr cneap oeiiverea.

CrJ TOP quality fill dirt, 4 top soil will deliver, 945-7041. BLje.Y.RlCAL Luiwrue i wiring service, corrm. Res. Lb. cf, sm, Lie.

Air 4 Service van-s Air cono sheet Metal AL24598 I IZMIoll TAX SERVicr hiTA, Sisson Responsible lax lav aarv. ice iy yrs exp witn I.R.5, Reas ti'M17 N. 38 St. Phoenix. $5 UP-OPEN 9-9 2494 N.

16th St. 258-1860 747 N. 27th Ave. 279 3186 Fast, dependable. Avg.rm;, $15.

Int, Ext. Fri est. Rgfer. 273986, KOTurns prepared vmir hnm ormlngReasonable AM M19J yean experience. Reasonable.

i Your or mine. AM 6-1010, In Opportunities TERRIFIC yr. oio Appliance Kepeir, total BOB HOWARD KEN PEARSALL REALTY W4-417J AM14 SHELL OIL CO. Hag modem bay service sutkm available on prima Phoenix corner. Minimum Investment required $4,500, For Information, please call AL Aer 1:30 a m.

or weekends, 947-I975. 43-1024. Eastslde 7 Tavern S1 1,900 WS1500 ON 6 Lie. $3,000 Dn. C.T.

Carllse Realty. 2449 E. Ind Sch RESTAURANT NR PHX Ores (49400 Vf Plus, rant entr! $100 mo, tame owner 4 yrs. racantiyi moved new build Ina. only 15500 IjN REALTY 25-4709 TOrTSwA iTORf op lemeioecx loc.

rtne tease ow inventory. rortecT Family lion. Best fixtures. Terms. DICK EVANS REALTY 4514 North lefts St.

CR9-93T1 DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Self service, man 4 wife op- oration terrific opportunity. Low Down! I Showi Shown by ap- Minfmant Conn Re eeltv Corp, 44 W. Cemeibeck, 244- S2S GIFT SHOP Motel area Est 17 yrs. Living orfr TtMPt BAR J2000 DN. BAKERY-SCTSDLE C.

SCOTT RLTY WH5I79 Tavern 906 N. 35th Ave. 13000 dn. Good grata. JACK STARR REALTY 244091 DRIVE IN BARGAIN Across from high ach.

Best leea. See this first before you buy. BrokefL br ROninwiY PDTri J'JL. T. am.

ame owner to yrs. oood trms, WSf Kt ALI 2S-414I MILK DEPOT 4 day operation, man, svffe can nanoie oear wme to go. raven iox. very gooa gross. NORGE COIN OPR LNDRY Xlnt equip, dry cleaning agency, good volume.

1 men operation. LADIES READY WEAR Prestige loc Xlent gross, lung tease, rerms. sea mis. BOB BRUCE REALTY SJ2E, McDowell REALJOR AL( (475 RtSTAURANT 44fxl PER WFtk Not distressed! I Call on this fine Northeast moneymaker now I I Seats 40. Cesh BR ooog money-mextpg.

eartn moving bus. Broker. 53a), AL2MI44J, TOY STORE GROCERY COIN LAUNDRY $7500 down Gross 140,000 vr Nets iitooo MEL SE BADE RLTY AM 4-4M1 4411 N. 14th St. Eve.

AMS-94 FOR SALE Medical Rubber Stamp Business, $35,000. 414 Original Outline Medical drawings, 43 whole page metal engravings for matrices. 500 cetaktes printed unassembled. 1 9x12 stamp press end equipment. Every clinic, hospital, and doctor's office a potential customer.

ART SOUTHWEST ASSOCIATES O. Box 4122 Dalles e. Texes FOREIGN Car MteH-ANie-he eve excellent 3 Stall $hoe for lease In ew automotive center, hsd per lonth rent Includes: 1 larae stalls. iblackt rlvatg office, washroom 4 large parking area. Excellent op- poriuniry tor roretgn car mKnente with fo lowlne.

Located 36M Wet Indian School. See Mr. Chedwkk et Auto Brokers Office. nfASTEtf Freez- franchise" stores evanaoie. pnoenix, lucson, Mesa, Flagstaff.

eM63 or write 731 West reoria venue, I. I 09.Dnfletsik Opportunities l94-UU4IIICa i Wented CASH paid tor Inventories. Fei lory Close out. 25-1312 Sell your buslnesi immediately for cesh Confldentlel, AM 5-54I1. CASH For any buskseei closing -out, lm mediete eppra W9 4-3942, cash any kind of Business lock Machinery.

Equipment anyyrnere in Anzone. AL49I1. PRIVATE party want tavern or drive-In with not more then $4,000 down, write run particulars to box eo-OAjeiepuoiic ano oazene. Lundquist Mfg. Co.

Complete Mtg. Banking Services 1133 E. Missouri 264-5551 Member Ariz, Mfg. Bankers Assoc, nBooTYtrrrTvSsTTfrioinir slness. deaf.

An address, please, Totally deaf. 1 94-Money for aounJ ventures. 2r7-i7v, Sea SPECIALIST "Person-to-Person" Loans Get $50 to $1,000 or more In 1 day neney all next payday or montniy over long term you choose. Satisfaction guaranteed or no cost. I LOCATIONS Pick thg place or person you prefer.

Downtown Phx: 24 W. Monroe St. "Red" Linn. Mor. AL 44151 uptown: aiiy n.

centrei Ave, picx Hunter, opp. Tower piate, Ron. (fromer. N'wesf vinaget Jack Lynch, 'in Mese 434 W. Main it.

John Fox. Mar. WO 44604 LITTLE LOANS CORP. "Tne money stores" "Where loans are made on PEOPLE MONEY EASY TO GET Sn your Furniture, Car, Livestock, lamonds, etc. Pay back monthly, HOME LOAN Mesa, WO WE PAWN OR BUY Diamonds, Jewelry, Guns, Furs, Etc.

VJ Vf AN YOU MORE IIS Call A 5H7 4 Ask for. Mr, jw BOX 41 south tst Ave WE PAWN BUY MAMONDS, JEWELRY. GUNS CAMERAS, RADIOS, etc. LL 134 Wesh. ALr4470 it PRIVATE perty wants second mtget for cesh.

WH f-e43t. $50 TO $3500 PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE AUTO PURCHASE 195-Money, WIZ' Don't "discount your 1st mtg. Will Real Estate Loans To 90 Of Value LOW INTEREST RATES LONG TERM FINANCING WILL CUT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HALF ON Homes Apartments Commercial Industrial Motels Trailer Parks Vacant Land Free Estimate Appraisal NEW CONSTRUCTION -REFINANCE -CONSOLIDATION OP DEBTS CALL 264-6471 FIDELITY MORTGAGE 100 WEST CAMELBACK prices paid FOR CONTRACTS 4 MORTGAGES Receive Our Formal Bid GOOD 10 DAYS AMERICAN BUYERS CREDIT CO. AL I-692J Sit. as Sun, 77-7U0 Exes Mgr.

am M47i 3714 B. Thomas Mgr. CR 4-7251 ALLAN JcrFRYcS SAYS OUR TIME IS YOUR TIME When vou want to talk about the possibility of buying a buslnese of your own whether you're ready to buy now or later we sincerely feel our time will be worth your time to visit us end let us talk with you about small, medium and large bust, ness firms we have available for your consideration, SUCH AS: A CAFETERIA one of the nicest and Dullest hi town for total price, farms art available money maker. A FORMAL SHOP-veerg establish ed, nets average $1000 monthly tor you only $3000 plus inventory. A SPORTING TING GOO OS STORE.

years In business, nets average $10,000 annually for only 15000 elus Inventory. A HARDWARE STORE-12 veers established. owner ready to retire. A PAINT STORE-in new shopping center, doing) nice Business stowo down win handle. You'll want this when you sea ft.

A ALUMINUM PRODUCTS MFG wants to remain with new owner Nationally franchise products for Arliona and New Mexico. A DRIVE IN Hamburgers end etc long established, money matter, farms available. A GREEN THUMB NURSERY located In Arliona town, years established, Hint Income, 117,500 total price with xlnt terms. A DANDY RESTAURANT DRIVE IN you will te surprised tnis one is avallable-coma in tor full details. A TRUCK STOP CAFE-meklno xlnt money, only $2500 down will handle.

Our listings are soma of the finest in Arliona. Small, Medium end Large. We will be gled to give vou our time, ft you'll give us yours to talk about the Possibilities avail able tor you. CLOSED 1UNDAT ALLAN S. JEFFRYES RLTY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DIV 7575 N.

Central AL 2-4H7 mssmtsmmMtosnnsmismtm DONUT SHOP. $3400. LOtf ot business and lobs for several peo-L lusiness end lobs for IS. WO 7-2243 Agent. A STEAL If vou wish bar 4 restaurant that rosset 1140.000 per vr Incl.

Ilouor i.gro icenses. restaurant, property, total price, $75,000 plus Inventory. Small mwn Will take some trade. William 5 porter. Realtor.

a. Macuonaid St. WO 44441, Mesa. nilQ NFU 1 I9.TINRSI Natl. Prod, (state fran) Nets $40,000 11 beautiful apts.

gross uj.soo rocktall lounge. Try I 15.000 down Super Market. $720,000 gross 1962 Strictly wholesale (county fri lty franchise) Site Club downtown $15,000 down No. 7 Tavern (Motel Dlsf.) 13000 dn. Motel.

beautiful units, low dn. WH 5-4621 Marco InvCorp, AM42574 NOW LEASING 1 acre shopping center In 27 acre aet developmen ti. Need efficiency merketi beauty, tar. bar 4 coffee shopi offices Other shops. We Invite your Inquiry A Inspection.

939-339. r.eorFov f.prmiNft snnrxyi This is absolutely a real buy as owner wants $7500 stock. A to retire, oner money maker you want to work. Call todayl ANTHONY REALTY CR 7-4431 SACRIFICE. CAFE trP CREAM PARLOR.

OOUQ LOCATION OR WILL SELL EQUIPMENT A FIX TURES. SCHATT AJAX IN AJAX INDUS- TRIES. 114 E. INDIAN ICrtUUL, tn wi. "HARDWARE stre-Kaveworm-ness forces sale one, excellent po- Owner' wlU sell dean stock and fixtures at cost.

Phone tl-3a or tentiet. orowtn area, bood lease, RSITEti mArRIAgE Forcei sale fine downtown restau-l rani, corner location. Tremendous gross, mechlnes netting $35 dally. Irteal man 4 wile ooeration Call 754 S295. Qualified buyers only.

$4500 total. WIGWAM WEINERS three Phoenix pilots coofl reoutaf nn a. credit necessary. W. D.

Ryan. ATTN. DIRECT SALES ORGANIZATIONS New home movie package, proven high volume plan No Inventory In- vestment ror quautied panies. 2720 W. Alameda, Denver 19," Cole.

WE J-35JS CONTRACT TRUCKMEN BE HAPPY-GO-LUCKY With Shamrock Van Lines, Inc. with your own profitable year 'round rucking operation. We need owner-operators to pull 3S' Hl-Cube vans. You need tractor or minimum down payment and the yen to make real money. We furnish van and loads.

FREE Initial uniforms, painting, letter. Ing and permits, and will pay you during any necessary training. CALL OR WRITE Joe Stoddard, Blackburn J-5147, Box 5447, Dallas. Texas "RTStauRANT; excellent Icoits- ale location. Doing nice Business, rice reasonable.

Closed Sunday. WH between 34 p.m. CAFE. Ideal for couple. Terms.

4J35 North 15th Avenue. I AM looking for an Intelligent, ambitious associate who has to $15,000 and Is willing to work hard to help build and develop a new cattle teed ina ooeration. Ex ceptional opportunity for someone who wants to build an unequaled future. 2754630. PIZZA AND RESTAURiNT-No-! Owner Leaving, Must Sell.

Broker, 25-' 732 FOR leese.Northeest" "drive-In. Walk In box, some equipment. business, need $6000, have ell equipment end supplies, money fully secured. For more Information call Jol. Reesefor LEASE: Cabinet shop, equipped nc uo ni acwir tools.

Northeast. V.5 MUST sacrifice NoT9 liquor drive- in.SWfjo iuness.BK e-T4iz, BEAUTY SALON Owner has ether Interests. Desires to leave Phoenix area, unusually tow overnead, Best equipment. stations. $6500 will handle.

North Cen tral aree. For additional Informa tion write box 77-nx Republic end VJIirte, Deluxe Beauty Salon Operators. Ideal Scottsdale loca tion, A reel buy. Tavern Building Best spot NW. 15000 down.

Restaurant Nice for couple. Equipment like new. Good location. (1566 down. RRokFR.

AL 4-7137 ar 254.4152 dcauit seion. atoiisaiv. rso- sonable. Must see to eppreciate. WH S-5944 COFFEE shop wlthbeer license.

Terrific set up. $2850 walkout price. Call Chamberlain Realty, 274-7410. ir-iaT smob repair on nignwav. Av.ei.wu.

ATTRACTIVE retell shoe (gift) unusual merchandise. Reasonable. part cipatino associate neea. Building materlels supplier. Write 42-OXiRepwblleend JJiiette.

LADIES' reedy to wear, excellent ocatbn. A-l rating, nventory plus fixture. Approximately (35,000,, Other interests. BOX 26-vh, kspuoiic eno toazene. RpAIITY Salon.

New building Four operator. Never operated. No competition. Sale or Lease. Owner.

4-73A0. AL 2.G747. PARTNER Local con-structlon company needs partner to participate in Arizona properties eno rnnttmrtlnn rail UM coppee shop, uease or sen, new 'quipment, good location, oomg 14000 weekly. $18000 to handle. Write box 73 ox Republic and Gazette, GROfERYwIth No.

10 License Established business, Building on lease, with vlna quarters. North east location. $5000 plus Inventory. Box 69-VK. Repuo ic and bezel FSTARI iLWFn vending routes full OUT OF TOWN RESTAUR'T 4 co*ckTAIL LOUNGE Finest Restaurant Irt the center of a lovely town, only only Living no mm.

from pnx. room type co*cktail lounge. a luncnes weekly. Priced ow at $110,000 or will sell business 4 lease bldg. 4 land.

Call Arthur Peterson. O'MALLEY INVESTMENT 4 REALTY An Affiliated O'Mellev Comnany 1102 N. CENTRAL ALS4411 "BSTABLISHE6 household repair service, shoo and 2 bedroom home. Crowing demand arid defective health forces sale. 2632 f-ooio, or.

SMALL restaurant. 17th Avenue. Adams. Operating 5 days week. Sac rifice (woo, al 2-ruu, tor appointment, mornings only.

ANCHOR INrT7' tavern." 1226 east rrtcooweii, oet art i B. 3 I BOARDMANS INC. COMPLETE MTG 4 INS SERVICE Igf "iH.I1!?"' IlIV MORTGAGE LOANS All Properties Action Today Call 253-2486. Nowl Valley Mortgage Co. 107 N.

Central tlAQKJPilT 197-Money Wanted PRIME 1st MTG. SECURITY Choice, downtown Phoenix com-merelel $5000 1st mtg. paying (33.31 par Interest only. Balance all due Nov. 1944 mortgage loan Is 37 of MAI epprelsaL For complete Information en thi exceptionally secure let Mtg Pleese call.

MARICOPA MTG. CO. INC. 910 N. Central 9444471 "i3T4m Ton.

tract. 1 Interest. Due C.ll rpr sirse. VI 94ue. WRITE Tdeslree flnencTeTTietpto complete call Mr.

ferry 27J-3 47. BUILDER wants short term 2nd money on neusea tax en in trade 3.rTer.9 Arc INvcSTMcNTl PHOENIX MORTGAGE CO. 74 INTEREST Title Insured 1st Mortgages Guaranteed monthlv sawmanhi services a. collected Serviced 4 Colieeti RIPTIVE ENT LIS N. 7th Ave.

earn irr ten ana Investors Mtge.Co,., 274-104Q1 CAtCLLENT contract NI trv discount 40. must sell oniy Totei. TOP HAT REALTY 3519 N. 14th If SVU4J)1 WOULD like fp borrow $3500 net on a property rocated In path of f.T"iyi Repayment tuarantead. e'Trr 1 t500 1st mfge payable $7,000 excel.

per yr. plus security. Owner equity 50 1 Kill disc, substantially. BERK. HIRE MORTGAGE CO.

3Cil N. antral. AM S-47J5. rmd Seasoned 1st mortgage with svt stantigl guarantee. AKCO, AnAi-Jlj) rsi 1 it NEED CAPITAL to convert mining comp to million dollar tourist attraction.

Have tavern, 100 buildings, mine tunnel, 4 other attractions. AL 1-4041. Harold Sammons. FREE BOOKLET for all actual or potential, we have tree booklet wnich outlines In levmen7s ten. uage complete explanation on the difference between contracts end mortgages, and forfeiture Rnd foreclosure eroceedtnes eg endled under Arizona statutes, es well as many other helpful nmts to mortaage investors.

laage invesnxs. ne today for your write or anoni mav ni Th SALES AND 1ST MORTGAGE LOANS MARICOPA MTG. CO. Inc. 1910 N.

Central Ave. 9444471 "si.000 et (VonleOeTreer' 24-VK, Republic end Gazette. I ox 120.000 TO $23,000 1st mortaaee en 260 acres with release. Well located. Big development.

Bonus Box 9Q.VK, end, oarette. Brien Investment Co, 1141 W. rAcDowell AL4-11M ALL TITLES INSURED 12000 pays 130 mo. 1 Int. (4000 1st peys 150 mo.

1 int. 11000 2nd $9 mo IS lot 25 dS $1900 2nd $20 mo 4 hit 20 die ljnoo 2nd 111 mo 4 Int 30 dls JJUIUtHLsJulpUPll- 200-Strictly Personal "FRENCH conversation anted. 202-BusIness Personals tlon. cleaning and reealr. Free estimate.

947-2447, LAYING blocksrTtrk. walks, drives. 2759179. McNamara. build rental units on your lot, wfmencing.

3'tWT-. W-m-TREE trlmm Ina and aanara Cleanup. 775-9061, hauling, moving, cleanups, any- fA.iRTlNO. A-'. Reasonaule.

iui. OUICK fVTeolrsrj.tni neP'fhTlfER, painting. General reoelr. AL MI57. TRASH miscellaneous hauled Cheap.

BR 5-6003. BR 5-3425. "PATiOS, driveways, sidewalks. smeii loos. A -i4.

IR0NING.2654J2I. Reesoneble. AJOJkJ. cuaiOM sewing, Zi44ii. LTSTERTStue0.

Llcenaad. AM 6-7632. PAINTING. ReasonableAP M150, carpenter. CBBinets.

remodel- tng. AM 4-4717. AL 3-1907. A1 PATCHING plasterer; elvcS eu a-uv. TYPINGTBRI-790.

HAUL Nu, general Cleanup. Rea sonable. 276-9329. PAINTING. Roofing.

Frail atlL non-union ceramic tile contractor. Free estimates. BR 56063. Low cost cement work "454 COOLERSat serviced, re- paired. Installation, pumps, motors.

fairvu. iniiaueiion, Anv time. BR 5.1577. lots Cleaned. Mowing, priming, flower gardens.

Graveled driveways. BR 5-1065. CUSTo, ST oM lawn service. Tree, hedge trimming. Clean ups.

7-0494. COLD loot cooling lervice. 353-8480. AL 1-0481. mechanical and elec- ttlcal.

942-4311, MOVING encfhaullng service. RiT laan service, ail kinds. 9J6-J64Q, JCARPET CleenlngvJ7M4191 CEMENtcarports, drives, walks, patios. Guaranteed. 2784707.

SEWfNO machines cleaned, oiled, aai $2.00. Wl STATIST ICALtyplng, IBM electric, Ijpokkeeplng, my pome, YE Ml 70. LAwrs service, ye y-iwv. YR Djork7 5l906ir 3lGNS PAINfED. AP 1-370T; MOVING and llaht hauline.

Call anytime. CR 7-4619. -TRE i We buy diamonds, old gld. BELL 134 W. Wash.

AL4670 TIL fled: PJrfsof, rLUMPttn, carpenter, bw. 4-1742, LAWN lervice, jenerarcleanupi, 424577. TYPING, AM 4-4096. ELECTRJCALnbuse wiring. Com-merclof, Free estimates.

Licensed- ponoea. vU osy or nigriT. BRj-4321 LAWN SERVICE. Renovating, mowing, trees end shrubs trimmed. teveiing ana Cleanup AffiMS7.

uphoisieRy. expert worE prompt service. Pekan, wi 4447 LEVELING, rgd I Bl, Cleanup, nauiing. cu Z3U, HANDYMAN. 6R1-7374: SH ROC Kriejjurlng Jl2-45927 ALTERATIONS.

Hems. CAR SeltsMsS4 signing, some tailoring. For oppolnt- tttent TroHing. a'L Marry In 1 Hr-WI 4-3453 Phoenix, or SU 3-4301. Yuma, ftlnnrf tests, License day or nlte No publicity.

No waiting after Ariz, dlv-orce. Lutes Gretna Green Wedding Chapel, Box 454, Yuma. paperhanglng 'paTnf- ing, coolers, cerpentry, mesonrv, 24 hour service. AP 1-0373 or on -io daywor ARTHim'S Lawn Service. Com- 9ekly or monthly, vv I i -7n.

Living room sets, $30.30. Labor only. 20 CAWN servee.VE 9-2344. pAlNTlNtfrAverage CaHHenk or Al, 39-79o7. AAX painting ah3 decorating.

Aver- eee room, $10. Exteriors. Cell Ben care mv home. CErAMTc tIIe Ihsfall sjowm a ns IBJOXISU. CLEANUP.

Hauling. Moving. Lawn rnojving. wo4-573, br 6-2337 PAINTING, average oom 1 272-3740. BLOCK work: small lobs a spe cialty, iree estimate, am s-eioe.

SERVICING vaooratlve coolers. Reasonable rates. Non-union. AM 5-3206 before 7 i.rn.i or after p.m. CARPENTRY, cabinets.

Additions. Remodel no. Guaranteed satlsfact on. 4Vi-IB62. OIKT-TOP 5QIL-PIU.

CHEAP DRIVEWAY GRAVEL AL 2.11.11. WORIC wanted. Lawn servlrs. Mowing and trimming. Cooler re- pair, can 272-4331 tateliW9 'r TAlNTnN07 carpentry, general re- par, al -iui.

"STOMPS removed by machine, no yard Call for appt. BR 30300 GRADING, leveling. Lawns 4 s. Reesoneble. Licensed.

Men To Train AM 6-3067, LAWrt5blJVItB RENOVATING iyjexp3Mi74 cu STOM lawn service. By lob. landscaping 4 cleanups. WH 5-9411 -9411. 111 liS Alpine 4-5659 1.


TRAILER. PARKS ft MOTELS J. INCOME TAX MONEY 500 Dollars to a Million Waiting for You at. Allstate Mortgage Loan 71 1 East McDowell Rd. Hrs.


THE HOUSE OF GOOD DEEDS 471 N. Central ALWOT) DATBbm(l5f mnrSaaoaal lmmaHUiiwl in irosso investments" 47 eari In jP hoin lx 504 East Roosevelt. frM, evill 1 st Mortgage Loans AND CASH FOR YOUR CONTRACT Edwards Mtg. Inv. Co.

401 Del Webb Bide AM (-2290 PROPERTY OWNERS Cut Present Monthly Payments MORTGAGE, nr.cwiV.KL, iu, eiw PAYMENTS TOO SI $siut it tisiss 1SS5S1 ss ss ssssss ss tt (iU is If VOU own DrODertv anvwharal tn Arliona mortgaged or not, we can refinance your present loen. pay off ell your debts, get extre cesh loo. Long terms Low rates Call ua ahnil our new swimming pool financing. Call 279-3504 Now 279-1246 BUILDER'S LOANS If you have building problems, stop at vour money nearest O'Maliey Lumber Yard or call GEORGE STERBA THE O'MAiiFY iiimrico en 4747 N. 16th St.

CR 7-470J An Affiliated O'Maliey Co. FOR Mortaaaet. Con- frects, Notes, and Commissions. INTER-AMERICAN 277-3320 NO TURN DOWNS 1st mortgage money for substandard or unusual properties. 24 hr, commitment service.

We also purchase 2nd mtgs. 4 contracts, T0P REALTY If! J4th St. 264-6401 LOOK ra.h fnr vmir cnn. Tracis.ena mortgages 1 41 year In pnoenpti "Grot rossq. Investment!" 104 lUII0OHvel SIT, 4-4441.

INDIVIDUAL will purchase or loan 1st or 2nd mortgages 4 contracts, will loen against tnem or uy your nt eau tties. CR 7-9444 Al Friedman 9JTB. Mltsoun A ENTIONI Loans on a ornDar. ties Free Pasf Appraisal. Calf rJed plett." 25493? IMMEDIATE CASH We pay top prices for 1st and 2nd contract! and mtgs.

Special purpose money aiso ayaiiaDie, CONTRACT INV, CORP. l.wv Guaranfv Hank Atria AM 4-4855 Eve. CR 7-1334 PHOENIX MORTGAGE CO. REFINANCE REMODEL NEW CONSTRUCTION STATEWIDE MORTGAGE SERVICE 2941 N. 7th Ave.

279-3549 FN JTANTf ASHTor B'rnoerfv ar eaoar AKCO 3033 N. Central AM 4-3141 1 ROKER MISS, SELLING YOUR 1ST MTG? Have VOU rand airland hnrrawlnai nn Iff 2727 N. Central AM GILBERT SULLIVAN MTG lNDIVIDOAirwlirbuvcantrartor INDIVIDUAL WILL PURCHASE 1st or 2nd mortaasaa A. enntraWa Will loan against them or buy your home equltfei. Eve.

9454957. Money for E. mtges, contracts. Rusi Shedd, broker aL 4-2611 ANYBODY CAN LEND YOU MONEY IF YOU AND YOUR ROPERTY WILL QUALIFY SO, IT'S THE SERVICE THAT COUNTS AND OUR SORP.MATION HAS BEE tN KNOWN FOR ITS SERVICE SINCE 1957 WE Appraise your property Immedl-. etely and In escrow 24 hours.

Make mtg loans on all types of real estate throughout the Valley Impoundments for taxes, Insurance 4 assessment! have no extra No charge tor payoff after 12 months. Buy end lend against existing mortgages 4 eontracta For fastest service available pleese phone Wl 4-4471 MARICOPA MTG. CO. INC. 8910 N.

Central WI44471 nNoWrtTOrwlir-buTTcwife'ti c*ntrasis, k.H -mi. In ELECTRONICS FREE PLACEMENT LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Call, Write, or Visit MIDDLETON INSTITUTE 2937 E. McDowell Rd. 275-4466 winter rye, cleanups 9T7-2761. -R4S Lawn Service, comolete care.

mo. YE 7-3873, YE 7-1J TATNTIRcr PAINTING. CLFANlNf1VOII PRICEt Need work. A-l. ret.

yE 9-254 Enforcement 4 Investigation Schoo. Interlews all types painting and rooting. 10 yrs. exp. Reasonable.

l-)27. Painting-Interior, gxterlor. Reason- aoie. weed work. AM s-4027.

Bob Ba'lr. AM 4-T4V4. ornfa AM 6-1406. ornfaaalonal worn. SPEC Inttrlor, xtrlor, also rm $12, fre cfl, 374-1662, Iprny roofs.

Wl J-6366. a A 1 all TtTA ft ftisrii i 11 i iiivjf, rHrcrsnfAriviriu REAS. BcRcN5CMOT. AM Palntlne 4 decorating, also house "5. Mesa.

AM 4-00B4. POLICE TRAINING Start now. FREE Info. Write National Academy. I EBusiness Opportunities RETAIL BAKERY Established It years In downtown Tempo.

Ideal setup for man 4 wife operation. Rent only $100 month. For details phone 947-4241, STA 1 1 A NT n.rfm.M in rear, ne -JM, co*ckTAIL end restaurant for lease. Good opportunity for rlaht lrrr. 1 1 i-yBo-yyss, barber shoo Four chain.

Rea sonable. CR 4-83(0. RICHFIELD OIL CORP. SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE. Above average oooortunltv In he.

coming Independent businessman. For man who enlovi out of door work. Excellent location. Financing avsnaoio 10 qualified applicant. Paid Itralning.

For Intormetlon cell 358-1MI. Fun A tuaakanita rail 947-587J or YE "rJATlONAL finance luxurious recreation center In Phoenix end Mesa. Want partner- managers at sxj month salary us equal share of profits. Must have business background and $14,000 to invest, write box h-vk. Republic eno baterte.

PROMOTER needs oromotlon mind ed partner tn Invest $20,000 for 50 interest in business netting (5,000 PER MONTH In other areas. Investment teeured. Principals only. Box 71-MA. Raoub.

He and Gazette. GIFT ahoa nn hutv hlahuiavt AA. 70. East Mesa. 964-2691.

964-9553, oner 0 p.m. WANT oartner with Ivmd Working or silent for Bar and Grill. AL 4-2441. NORTHEAST Dr va- n. eood eauTo- ment and location.

Accept desert ieno, or smati down payment with terms. 354-1366. $50Day-PluS 50Mo On.Bal. Top Loc. Broker 254-1232 Tow trucxTT; RT If I AfE Des- tab SheAl hllS neta Ktnrana (Jltfli Lv.t Pnl nutnber.

Box 7JMJX, Republic and Gaiette. ice, eno repair ro neavy industry. For sale by owner. 272-t93). PERSONALITY? Lady or Man background In co*cktail entertainment or related work.

Invest-menase new venture. Reply Box ll-NX, Republic and Gazette. Wholesale RetaiFBakerv The best of Its kind In Phoenlxl Grossed excess of $104,000 last yr. Showing excellent net Hotel Coffee Shop 4 separata snack counter. Grossed over $100,000 last vr.

Real good setup for right party. No phonal riW-Realtors 2010 NWth st. RESTAURANfT counter and ta. t.t- 1 0 1 i. -ti.

u.i fie. Shop, 16 Westjfoosifveltj, iWcuSTSm made" lunch wtgon, l4x.A-!ecfld!tonJj?44-601S, HUMBLE OIL REF. CO. America's leading ENergv COmpany has service stations for Ice stat ons for sate In the pnoenix area. i'a, slve organization, Phoenix area.

eld training. Aggres- Minimum Invest- miPIt. L437I, SHOWLOW, ARIZ. Ill's Bar 4i license. La dance all.

Doing terrific business. Lovely 3 bdrm. 2 ba living quar ters. Reasonably priced. Terms to please.

Exclusive. Broker, 1529 w. Kelm Dr. Phx. AM 6-3622 or 2774917.

FOREIGN CAR STORE FOR LEASE BEST LOCATION. $450 Per month. Pnono 272-6776. COIN oDeraterT" kiddle' rid con cession located In shopping centers nd discount stores, part or lull time. Some financing.

Box rl-NA, Republic and Gazette. PHOENIX-TUCSON area, well es- blisned I CPA firm, desires to Pur chase or merge prectlce grossing up to $80,000. Box 40-NX, Republic nd Gazette. PARTNER wanted: One nf the fastest growing businesses In Ari zona, well established. 7 veari al same locatlon.WO 4-0846.

COIN operated laundry, call eve. njhB9jAM 5-0120. NO. 7 Tavern, good ocation. aver.

age 40 kegs monthly, total price $oo cash. No terms, AP t-9847, y-s p.m. TAVERN. St hi due tn nets Business O.K. $2000 dn.

Call Ram. ondl 254-6381 or AL 4-0190. Broker. FURNITURE CARPETS GOING BUSINESS NO BORAX OPERATION Established 15 working capital required. No need apply.

Carpets 4 furnishings for Universal buyers. Universal Hemes will finance up to $50,000 stock for reliable party. Furniture experience unnecessary. 4033 N. 24th St, MINE-CR SMALL GROCERY-wlth meat dept.

beer 4 wine. Gross nr. (200 day. Onlv twin 4- Inventory. lyiUSGRAJH REALTY AM 6-9715 cafe, earner, snop, 402 tsst western Avenue, Avonaaie.

maintenance, Free est. Reas. 942-2ilS 25 OFF Cm painting this week onlyl Signs, Murals. EXPERTS! 234-IWJ PATIOS PATin onnc! raDOftBTflnl. versal Remodelen.

252-7379. 279-76(4. pAvrnd Trailer Courts A So Ott Schrimsher AL 4-7613, AP (-4477 "PLUMBlKlO ttUMBlNG NOn CITY LICENSE, 25 Yrs. AM 5-3343, rxiBi Mcfirew PRInTFRV Slnre TMS. 601 E.

Adams St, Phone AL4-47iit now roots, repa rs. Remode line I bonded. 353-1271 Ravno ds letlme Aluminum giei now In decorator colon. Reroof tor the last time, written Reynold! uorantee. uorantee.

Free est. No obi g. 74838. P.O. Box 929, Phoenlxl -v.

't't i.r'lypr" tou can save money. Mathui root sales, Free est. 275-72H BR63fi ivin Ave SfcWINO MAC Free service Tall AITmakes. Clear) Pi a eon rJlust $2. AL 2-6178.



Certified Instructor. Free placement serv re. Flnanrlnd available. 191 W. Elwood 370-4274 222 N.

Central, AL 4-5311. 183-Employ. ST KBULVGIRC SERVICE INC. Iemporeryj22N, 252-0501. FOR THE BEST JOBS see ACME first 411 N.

Central At 1-5371 ITENOS 4 SECYS. Legal exp $3504400 Legal $300 Secy, to one man Lt. Bkpg. $368 Engnr. exp.

22-45-car $330 Adv. Office top appearance $300 (r. Stenos-some work exp. $300 emp. to Sept.

1, 5 da, 1350 Bkpg. Mach. $350 Ass't $300 Ass't. to Comptroller, type to $400 Hvy. Pavroll-eostlng-ear $350 Ass't.

Bkpr. Hvy. Detail, dntn $275 Statistical typist NW to $330 Dictaphone-Typist, clerical $260 33-37, dntn $275 Mall Glrl-Type car $275 Recept. Girl Friday, Mesa to $350 Report Typlst-Type 65 WPM $250 Billing Clk-tvpe-cashler $295 Gen'l Off. Clk.

5 or i mo. SE $260 Clk. Typist, Phones, 21-28 N. $250 IBM keypunch Oprs. $7804330 RN or top LPN 4 or 5 da.

wk. $300 SERVING PHOENIX SINCE 1948 SOUTHWEST Del Webb Bldg. 3800 N. Central Suite 712' 2644H1 SECRETARIAL Top Skills 4 Personality to $350 Attrac. sm.

Recept. Mesa, 30 Good One Girl Ofc. Lt. Diet. 30's $300 Wk.

for 3 Yng. Men. dntn. to $325 RecepfSten.U30 $303 A-l Lass, Good Skills, 35 $346 Publ. Steno.

25-35 W. car to $375 Good Organizer 35, poise Good utlNcKAL Tech. Llbrar an. exo. car Pts.

Catalog. Writer Knowl. BPS $362 Records Cll Tun HAtasIt to $350 Enor. k. Tvoi fvpe 2 yrs.

exp S.I I Stat Typist VvCer Clerkfypisti E. car to $307 Bank Recon. Clk. 25-35, pe $300 ReceptTvplst U-30, oolse to $2B5 One Girl Ofc. Type dntn $250 TECHNICAL Tech.

Illui. 2 yrs. exp, car $400 FAR WESTERN "49 YEARS IN ARIZONA" ECRETARIES-STENOS SE Lt bkoo day $360 Scottsdale detail 5 day $325 NW IBM Exec U45 $325 DNTN U35 recept $300 100 SH NW U35 $300 BKPRS-TYPISTS-GEN. ofc. Girl Frl billing Lt bkpg E.

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The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)


How do I put my Arizona Republic on hold? ›

Delivery can be temporarily stopped for as long as necessary. Simply visit manage my account or call 602-444-1000, or 800-332-6733 if you live outside the Phoenix area. Please note that on for Sunday/Monday and holidays you must call by 11 a.m. in order to keep a paper from being delivered the next day.

What is the most read newspaper in Arizona? ›

The Arizona Republic is an American daily newspaper published in Phoenix. Circulated throughout Arizona, it is the state's largest newspaper.

How to read the Az Republic newspaper online? ›

As part of your subscription, you can view your newspaper online at

What is the cost for a digital subscription to Arizona Republic? ›

Get unlimited digital access. $9.99 for 1 year. Your subscription includes: Award-winning investigations and consumer reporting that helps Arizonans recover hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

How much do you get paid at Arizona Republic? ›

The average Arizona Republic hourly pay ranges from approximately $16 per hour (estimate) for a Crew Member to $60 per hour (estimate) for a Pulliam Fellow. Arizona Republic employees rate the overall compensation and benefits package 2.9/5 stars.

How do I contact The Arizona Republic? ›

The Arizona Republic. To start, stop or suspend newspaper delivery, call 602-444-1000 or 800-332-6733 from outside the Phoenix area.

What is the #1 newspaper in the US? ›

1. The Wall Street Journal. Based on circulation numbers, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is among the largest daily U.S. newspapers, with more than 3.9 million subscribers. This includes more than 3 million digital subscribers as well as 649,000 print subscriptions.

What is the most popular magazine in Arizona? ›

PHOENIX magazine is THE leading city magazine in the state of Arizona, with a total monthly average paid and verified circulation reaching 75,000 and over 350,000 total monthly readers.

Is there a way to read newspapers online for free? ›

With databases like EBSCOHost and Pro-Quest, library users have free access to top newspaper publications like The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and more. In Pro-Quest, U.S. Major Dailies, you'll find U.S. national and regional newspapers.

Is Azcentral the same as Arizona Republic? › includes the online edition of The Arizona Republic.

What is the circulation of The Arizona Republic newspaper? ›

The daily circulation of the Arizona Republic newspaper in the United States in 2021 amounted to 109.03 thousand, down by more than seven thousand from the previous year. The newspaper also had a Sunday circulation of just over 320 thousand in 2021, which marked a small decrease from the 2019 figure.

Who owns AZ Republic? ›

The Arizona Republic is a daily newspaper published in Phoenix, Ariz. The publication has had the highest newspaper circulation in Arizona since 1915. Gannett Company Inc., the largest newspaper publishing company in the nation, purchased the Republic in 2000.

How does a digital subscription work? ›

Content subscriptions: This model is prevalent among digital media platforms, where users pay for ongoing access to content such as news, videos, or music. Services such as streaming platforms fall under this model, providing a library of content in exchange for a subscription fee.

How much does AZ Central cost? › will cost $10 a month to access after September 10, the Arizona Republic reports. Home deliveries of the print edition will no longer be possible without signing up for a digital-access package, either.

How do I hold my property in Arizona? ›

In Arizona, you can take title as Community Property, Community Property with Right of Survivorship, Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship, Tenants in Common, Sole and Separate, Single, Unmarried, Trust, and Corporations/Partnerships/Limited Liability Company.

How do I close my Arizona withholding account? ›

Through for the fastest results by logging in to the account, select the business by clicking the “View” link in the “Actions” column. Then click “Account Update” and choose the “close account” tab.

How do I cancel the Arizona Daily Star? ›


How do I stop receiving buyers' Edge? ›

You may choose to stop receiving our newsletter or marketing emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in these emails or you can contact us at .

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.