The Berrien County Record from Buchanan, Michigan (2024)

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The Berrien County Recordi

Buchanan, Michigan

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PAGE IVE THE BEiiRlEN UOl iO RECORD Andrews VIL SHYING OR SELLING GET RESULTS bate Court for the 'TIONS RATES OR RENT drain in 111 If payment out st urnished rooms Council Murrefield light 9 'Si Village Clerk retch on streets snail all 7i tneiiern he st ri cation or Ottu mm OHM in uni ROM apartment i ooms 09 Main ol of il nambi gram WANTED mem her: Tha IM mother are rot thereon held imon Council and Minister liearin OLD i till oted MISCELLANEOUS md tier sTATE MICH! t'Oi: and or thu 19: nortect countv men XOTIC petition Cvnu joining together it menis oi clock OR WILL inent parcels in phone 314I The fc llov members voted mar following the OBJEOTiO following estate of meat Kell arinn' a rd luiion $3500 2 la ncl on arm mo' ah ou tline 01 aim liner Adv ent Chrilian hurch con It i or lands ue tne gn gister of Pro' on ir Subject The Soul's Anchors Ill: 11 OE PALI this Oil: VSf go Oil iiok 1 reulat sound wor co ui in the Buchanan HO Sgw Makes Home in Caves OBJECTIONS a raise OR SALE is Ordered That the William An rite Otlice in 1 hereof and for de ist insertion Harry A Post Village Clerk resolution by trustee lie lor tioi non oi three si or to en the Com of Special review the objections th wn in the i I tor ne a ssessment rolls and the Ward and Son runner hair OR in vhici paid up I any and upon the AT! SPECIAL MEETING BUCHAN VILLAGE COUNCIL MAY 8 COMMUNITY CHURCHES Bradley following Bradley said petition: icr ordered IT vill i o'clock I Upon roll members esolution wm trustee Bind 'OR SALE I Dan Merson Epworth League Mother's Day pro port iver street South to Phone UMp tlie 1 1 nun el At a session the ol Rent signs ord offre lOe 1 1 lei 1 public ection tne S3 doors mahegan jpyi 1811c or to some COMMON COUNCIL BOARD SPELT A ORS WILL MEET THE ASSESSME? HEAR ANY OI THERETO ORS WILL MEET TO IIEVIEVT A 8 1 A HEAR ANY OBJECTIONS THERETO portion ct described as shown Post 1 st insertion Apr 26 last Mav 10 I STATE MICHIGAN The Pro ed for abuttini age and Th i of the out iai be paid fn the village The Conimor of Special As of Buchanan Miel in the Council Ch village ill meet said I to 4 9 o'clock on riday county William Andrews Ormiston "The Good Anthem "Praise Sermon "That woman Maxwei: iv Sawed to von need 18t3p next Day suit Holla pipe in abutting THE It is urther Ordered public notice thereof be give publication of a copy of thi Her for three successive SEAL: A true Lillia district nown by OR RENT Sleepii Men preferred Phone The following nay: none The following read and offered lev library chairs REVIEW SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OR STORM WATER DRAIN ON A PORTION PORTAGE Meeting was President Glover were: Bradley I REAL ESTATE 1st insertion Mav 10 last May 24 i STATE MICHIGAN the Pro I bate Court for the County of Berrien At a session of said Court held Buena an our from OR SALE Singer Sewing machine flat top desk physic 00 per bushel IStlp Present Him drews Judge of In the Matter Myile rench O1 Dav Seed potatoes IGtfc assess of nd in ense of street lions of of the ded for i according to i I the map ami I made by the i 1 on file in the I clerk tlie i i pense for tne sewers which sections of ail str and Third streets timbers sheet etc Here' tha Pls enoon nt The bassariseus a long ailed ani mal of our invest called tin? ring tailed cal or ciiet cat is an interesting tliougli rather rare fur bearer It is partial to rocky coun try and bus its den in caves and clefts essury as a time for ex rose Re pose of the body heirs io keep you hi good physical condition Ex change Tulins for Mother Boardman 0 i copv CHICK PRICES DOWN Healthy stock pure bred and heavy pro ducing typesf Heavy varieties Kennedy Buchanan Hatchery Main St Phone 175 18tfc OR SALE No 1 Seed Corn rench phone iurz Couii ofiice ot DAY greeting cards A new line of birthday cards and tally cards' at Magnet Store 18tlc loom modern OR RENT room house in good condition: also 25 acres pasture Call 71133 1 7t2p OR SALE Late Seed potatoes SI 00 per bushel Phone 71033 i nd gutt by iiie special resolution of tlie eto trustee rail the ITTED I Jls pi eviou5 to said day in the JSertien County newspaper printed anc in said Hills Corners report of tlie ini WANTED Reliable married man with ear to act as our dealer in the South half of this county Our field manager teaches you the business and shows you how to make to weekly profits retailing Whitmer Pro ducts If you mean business and really want work call 196W after 6 18tlp lished in the Berrien County Rec ord for two weeks two successive insertions on 17th 1928 filing of the is as nei know Im mg vour Smith St on Tuesday evening May 8 1928 for the purpose of consideration of the special hear report of committee Signed mon oim ontammg i tile the for SALE Walnut dresser and two beds Mrs Siragan ian 309 Main St phone 201 IStle hold Mav at the church Mr Wynn Arm strong of Niles Michigan will be the special speaker of the occasion Mr A rh strong has been in the Hard Working Preacher Bishop Asbury Prophet 4 the Long preached over 70 500 sermons Plans for the Mother and iter banquet are rapidly ck Brmlier court theii Special meeting of the common council of the village of Buchanan held in the council chambers on Tuesday evening May 8 1928 at 7:30 on the following call: To ail Trustees You are hereby notified that tbeie will a special meeting of tlie common council of the village of Buchanan Mich held in council numbered and of the village examination and and that the date for objections thereto lie Glover Pres A Post Clerk called to order bv 1 rustces present rcad iy the committee oirycv 1 iva i mil tee ING A TIME WHERE THE AND THE A 192S has Leer I'eported to the Common Council and that tlie' rolls containing said assessment are now on file in the ofliee of the in said court hi that the adminis i id Tin the report of on the im provement on a portion of Portage i stieet from the Michigan Central: Railroad to River street and on a portion of Third street from Chip pewa street to Portage stnAet and i the out fall hunk sewer from Port i age street at Third street to the It appearing to the Court teat the lime for presentation ot claims tlie report of sors on the im provcmeni en Portage stieet com mencing at River street and ex tending South to Third street for Bainton Brothers for the construc tion of sanitary sewers thereon be numbered and filed in the office of the village clerk for public ex amination and inspection and that the date for hearing anv obiec held on May 18 that the clerk of cause to be pub Berrien County weeks two suc by the map am: to be macle bv the cil and now on in tile village' (Terri It Never Comes One sure" way1 not to get along is to say: show a little more life three successive to said day of Berrien County Record a newspaper printed and circulated in said county WILLIAM ANDREWS Judge of Probate SEAL A True Copy Lillia OSprague Register of Probate Resolved That special assessors rugs S25oi Mr: 124 Roc St 1st insertion Mav 3: last May 17 STATE MICHIGAN the Pro bate Court for the County of Be i rien At a session of said Court held original veil an 1 tn ed tor the In the matter of the estate of Lucy Haroff deceased Loveja A i Haroff having filed in said court his petition praying that the ad ministration of said estate be i granted to Cora Haroff or toj some other suitable person It is ordered that the 28th claV of May A 1928 at ten o'clock in the forenoon 'at said probate! office be and is hereby appointed I for hearing said petition: It is further ordered that public notice thereof be given by publica I lion of a copy of this order once pnrn tvppk tor I weeks previous i hearing in the Judge ct i robate cAL A true copy Lillia Sprague Register of Probate beneuts diagram Commo office i up and Hint the clerk of the village shall cause to be published in the rrmn Comity Record for two vgeks two sue ssive insertions on May Iffiii and May 17th 1928 a notice of tlie filmg of the special assessment with the clerk and des cxtcndlng South to Third street directed and ordered to be made by Hie special assessors by a res olution of the common council at qieiiil meeting held April 11 1929 has been reported to Com non Council and that the is containing said assessment row on file in the btfice of the lage clerk 123 Day's avenue public' examination and inspc cr ihe entire cost of the storm im except the intersections Of I' ets shall be paid by special essmeni by the property in the arict as shown by the map ander mi to be made' by the non Council and now On file the office of tlie vjllag clerk ording to benefits the cost anti pence of street' shall i 'from tlie general 1 tax of i village I i He Common Council and Board Special Assessors of tire village Buchanan M'ohtg'an avUI meet th Council Chaai'berj 'insaid I State of Michigan (Signed) Marble 2 New Carlisle Indiana OR SALE OR TRADE ull grown imported German Police clog Inquire of Hubert Huebner 113 Chippewa Ave in the lorenoon office be and is for hearing said petition 't Is urther Ordere STREET COMMENCING ALEXANDER STREET EXTENDING NORTH RONT STREET TN THE LAGE BUCHANAN MICH AND THE ILING THE ASSESSMENT ROLLS IN' THE OICE THE VILLAGE CLERK OR EXAMINATION AND APPOINTING A TIME! AND PLACE WHENLl THE read and offered Resolved riven that the for the ccn sewi ra on a American Magazine 1 1 probate appointed publication of a copv Her once strict mtcrscciior from tile gener Tlie Common es o'clock and from :3 to 9 clock the 18th day of May A 1928 to review And hear any objections to said assessment and correct the same if necessary Harry A Post Village Clerk AN OUTALL TRUNK SEWER ROM PORTAGi TH1RD STR MILL DAM ED BY BAI THE VILLA Board of Special meet and hear anv 1st A 1928 has I reported to the Common! nd and tiiat the rolls contain said assessment are now on office of the village i Dav's avenue for public in and inspection the of tlie pavement curbs 'is except tie inter in said ot Mav A LUMBER OR SALE order tor 2x8 2xb order and Hopkins At a session of said at the Probate Office of Si Joseph in the 23rd dav of in hereby given that the assessment for the' con 1st insertion Mav 10: last Mav 17 PUBLIC NOTICE REVIEW SPECIAL ASSESSMENT I OR STORM WATER DRAIN: ON A PORTION PORTAGE I STREET COMMENCING AT! RIVER STREET AND EX TENDING SOUTH TO THIRD STREET IN THE VILLAGE BUCHANAN MICHIGAN THE tl and Board ti village will meet sam to 1 i clock on riday 1928 eetions eel th 1 28th day of ApriL A 192 Present: Hon William is not made the undersigned will drews Judge of Probate institute proceedings for possession of the lanci Described as follows: South part of tlie acres of tl Northeast qua thirteen Town Range Twenty May 10th and May a notice of tlie special assessment and designating the time and place where the Common Council and Assessors will objections the: Health in Repose We are living In a diiv of rapid movement ami mirest Most of us are on the i ciistaiitly Wo get too liiilo rest and relaxation Rest THE THE OICE THE VILLAGE CLERK OR EXAMINATION AND APPOINTING A TIME 0 poll pcrsoi Wynn following I Bradlev i Boyce Pierce Wynn Kelling The following merqbers voted I nay: none The following resolution was read and offered by trustee Wynn: Resolved That the report of the special assessors on the ini provement of Portage street from River street south to Chicago for the construction of curbs and A 1928 and the village shall lished Record for two cessive insertions May 10th and May 17th 1928 a notice of the filing of the special assessment with the clerk and designating the time anct place wnere mon Council and Board Assessors will meet andassessment and hear thereto Supported by trustee Upon roll call themembers voted aye: of tlie North thirty he South half of the Lt I U1 OUC11UI1 Six i6 South! West containing I five acres Section 13 Town 6 Range 20 amount paid thereon and that the undersigned lias title thereto under tax deed or deeds issued theiet'or and that you' ate entitled to a te conveyance' thereof at a time within six dedicated to honor of tlie hood of our land Bring any mothers who able' to come only by car Pastor will be glad to for any one wishing Plume 39i tne villagest iiivl ex 1 ion of said tie inter exra size mat need on Port 1 the cost wcr snail Amount necessary to redeem 35070 plus the fees for service Lot 96 Colfax Ave Addition City of Benton Harbor according to plat theieof amount paid 8605 taxes for year 1920 Amount necessary to redeem plus the fees for service Lots 204 and Belmont Ad dition City of Benton Harbor ac cording to plat thereof amount paid taxes for the year 1920 Amount necessary to redeem S1452 nlus the fees for service chair dresser phone 210 1 AU in the County of Berrien or call at 312 front bi 18tlp on a portion of Portage commencing al Aiexand ami extending North to I of hearing Record a newspaper pri tr ss two built in booka''js to Imild with leaded class finish Phone ssessors bv a resolution of the Common council at the regular public examination and inspec tion: the entire cost of storm 2nd day of May A 1928 Pres ent Hon William Andrews Judge of Probate In the mattei i of the estate of Margaret Dodd in tlie forenoon Office be and is hereby appointed hereinbefore cording' to frontage the plat and diagram caused to be made by the Common Council and now on file in the office of the village clerk unless on account of tne shape and size of any lol parcel of lanci and premises an assessment for a diff erent number of feet would be more equitable the cost and ex pense of all street intersections shall be paid from the general tax of the village The Common Council and Board of Special Assessors of the village of Buchanan Michigan will meet in the Council Chambers in said village from 2 to 4 arid from 7:30 o'clock 1 to 9 on riday i AND PLACE WHERE THE the 18th day of May A 1928 COMMON COUNCIL AND THE to review and hear any objections BOARD SPECIAL ASSESS l0 said assessment and correct the ORS WILL MEEl IO REVIEW same if necessary THE ASSt SoMEA 1 HEAR ANY THERETO Notice is hereby special assessment im Classified Ads 'JiLfc 1 st ruction of a storm water drain 'w a portion of Third street from 4' AVERS ON PORTAGE MICHI 1AILROAD RET AND ON A PORTION THIRD ST ROM CHIPPEWA STREET TO PORTAGE STREET AND of the sheriff i of pubiica to be computed ervice of a de encement of nd the turrhersum of five! at the Probate Court in the city of tor eaen desc i wth Rhcr additional cost or If payment as aforesaid Methociist Coimimnity Cliurcll 10 A Church school Mr Glenn Haslett Supt Mrs Rosier Junior Supt 11 A Morning Worship Solo Mrs Shepherd" Jehovah" of Syrophocnici street pavement curbs and gutters tkAV aAn Vkza i Pxzx n1 onrl ilz 5 ti I i WANTED TO RENT Strictly the office of the village clerk for modern 6 or 7 room house in public examination and inspection good location McClure and that the date for hearing any of Eeitien County Record objections thereto he held on May' IStlCjlS 1928 and that the clerk of the' flven that the 1st insertion May 10: last May 17 for the con PUBLIC NOTICE truction of a storm water drain I at the Probate Office in the citv of! on a portion of Poitage street St Joseph in said county on the i commencing at River street and Dau being com mittee will soon have announce ments to make in regard to that part of the evening Only sixty tickets are ai aii ible so al! moth ers and daughters should get their reservations in early by buying tickets in order to be sure of a place at the banquet table The banquet is going to be held on riday May '25 at the church the banquet starting at 6:30 o'clock Hubert Barnett Pastor Morning Service 1 A clock and from 7 :30 to 9 on riday i isth day of May A i92 to vn and hear 'any objections (o assessment and correct the ime it necessary Hairy A Post Village CfcrV he will have a fine lii speech for the men of community all of whom are invited The Men's Club has steadily in creased in efficiency and import ance in Hills Corners anil bids fair to become consistently stronger Special invitation to all who honor Motherhood Anthem of Home Solo Mr Arthur Johnson Only One Mother" Reading Mr King Knight's Toast to His Mother" Duet Mrs and Miss Helen Lid dicoat "In the Garden with Jesus'! Sermon "Progessive Mothers" REXiEW THE VILLAGE CLERK APPOINTING A TIME WHERE THE tions ot ion May 19 last Mav 17 NOTICE REVIEW I AL ASSESSMENT VER DRAIN THIRD CHIPPEWA TO McCOY'S VILLAGE village shall cause to be publishel in the Berrien County Record lol two weeks two successive inser tions on the 10th and 17th day ol May A 1928 a notice of Hit filing of the special assessment with the clerk and designating thi time and place where the Common Council and Board of Special Assessors will meet and review the assessment and bear any ob jections thereto Supported by trustee Pierce Upon roll call the following members voted aye: Bradley Boyce Pieice 'Wynn Kelling The following members voted I nay: none i Petitions signed by 198 electors i of the village asking that the council do what they can to re tain the Ward and Son Co were The com Boyce Pierc i was given more time to Trustees absent see what they could do I Moved by Pierce supported by resolution was i Bradlev that the council adjourn by Trustee Boyc e1 until 2' AL riday Mav 18 1928 That the report of Motion carried (Loot riSUI OU tliu 1111 I Third street from i Chippewa si net to creek for the' onstruction of a storm I water drain thereon be numbered and tiled in tlie office' of the village clerk lor public examination and inspection aim that the date for hearing arv ooiections thereto be held on Mav lx A 1928 and mat the' clerk oi the village shall cause to be published in the Ber ten oiiniv Record tor two weeks two successive insertions on May Kull ind Mav 1 i tn 1928 a notice nn a port ion of Chippewa street am1 an out fall Port street iu1 old Mill Dam Bros It 1 made ot tlie filing ol the special assess ment wit a the clerk and designat ing the time and place where the Common Council and Board of i Special Assessors will meet and I hear anv objections thereto upporteci bv trustee Kelling roll cull the following voted aye: Bradley ee Wynn Kelling memoers voted 1 sat ne 11 be bv tne lot memiscs abul will get a white ure of Mother's j' a custom it young people greatly enjoy the portunity of publicly honoring motners The Men Galien 22 Comipcei Council nd Hoard of teciiil Assessors will meet and ar any objections thereto Supported by trustee Wynn lollowing Bradlev Boyce Pierce Wynn Kelling i ne louowing members nay: none Tlie following resolution rend and offereci ry trustee roe: ivesolved That the vommtticin: at Alexander street and extending north to ront st tor the construction ot a storm ivui dram thereon be numbered aici tiled the office of the vil lage clerk for public examinationmd inspection and that the date tor hearing any objections thereto 10 A 21 Eii'Ie' Sc ncc i Jesse Boyle Supt Classes for all 11 A Morning Worship Ser vices The pastor will preach on "Our Mothers" 7:30 Evening Vespers and Discussion Tlie discussion will be based on a Mudy of the social duties of church The 1939 Club young people's class of Hills Corners Church "ate puiebasing four dozen roses to be distributed to the mothers at Simd'iy School Sunday morning Each mealier piesenl will receive grandmother This feat nas long been che op the I lri i Uc i 1 1 I 'I li 11 Ir 'V 1U X' i I i I a 1 1 against san1 vstaiu uaotta ue e4 and that a time and place be appointed to receive uvuniiiie iiid vi adjust ad claims am! tieiminds I 1 1 i I ht' i ore said Cuiiri It 1S ordered that realtors ol al vu diceu ed are re pll re I io rr aunty of sent their claims to said Court al di 1 said Probate Glbee on ar a iore held ec lib day el Septa ubc A 1 he city I V2S at ten cin tore hiuntv on 1 poon said lira' nd being ic April A 1928 hei eb appointed mr the examina ex William An tion and adjustment of ail claims Probate Imd demands again 4 aaid de eased th vt' fV ii' i 1 1 '11 Iil'ill 't 15 hi (( i 1 1 1 i i i i i i i deeeased netie tffi ri: be given i of inch having lileci tion of a copy of this order lor of j'edtion praying till slice' ssive wee! prec ious to in rat ion of said es day of hearing in ihe i rien ri to Charles Ceuntv' Re ord a mvspaptr o' A ard hvulated said county ti 21st dav vii i i Avni a Ili 8 at ten I Judge i iodate 1 at said oba a a i i i si: I' i iatd a lereby appointed Sprague Rr gister of 18 Ms' UWE A 8 i That jlst insertion May 10: i ist May 21 given Iiy STA TE 1 1 A the Pro insert this or bate Court of the Courtv of PUBLIC t( the ke ecu ach week for three sac Berrien st 'ks previous to said day a su sion of said court held I'i S' in the Berrien (bounty I at the piol'at ofhee iu the of A i i 4 lltcd and IdcaiI: vt'iil nil dli'R slE is! da of Mac A S'liEET EAST i i 1 drews 1 wnimm 11 Anlr'w: CHEEK IN TH! 1 I1 HKige Ol I oouie luue ot In tiK imiiUr t' 1 rooms slAl: of the estate of William ox Of mt 116 I A copy ASSESSMENT 1 nee A I iV Av (fp 1MJC piague Register of Probate sud b'irst insertion Anr 26: hist Mav in111 i OR ii a TITI i'll? MICHIGAN the Tro 1 1 IX or? JU lie ii i is I I bate' Court for the County of to SPECIAL ASSESS 1X11 0 aV Aia 1 a TAT It 1 1 XX Itxtl a Pr 1 I A U' I I aVAXThh arm listings: es Berrien made eas i uas uhS hlU KMua to said assessment and ebrr U7'k A nxiilv small Crnm 'cordon A a session ot smd on rt 1111 A i i i 3 at tlie Proh cit' i i Aua ut is iu a AA OEJhCUOAb 9 a I tin to i 1M ci wmaer or Aiara a cuoni I i i O' Hl to I I I i nt I 1 I I I B'ifil i 1 i Joseph IU SUld (ourlv Uli Ix' '11 1 IL'b L'u ish day of April' A tffi loeb ii saiu pLLeoffij Xmin is given that the i p0 WtNTED House cleaning by ex Present: Hon William I i1 ls dv mm ior 1 spe ial assessment for the con ls( instrtion Mav b': last in 1 i iidcp nt 'rn i ri I I 1 1 i Ol 1 I 1 11 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I (XT I I 1 II xb "n''i MX bk for ilr Mav matter of the estate of f'woline SPECIAL ASS i i ia1 'i 1 1 1 i i iu 1 1 1 2n Si? 'o tie eased VP1 hipp1? a sa vvl ra to Mt( i SAN1TA11Y Hwr te' JmWis Bo 764 Hattie Sutphen having filed ill uf as directed and ordered to I A PORTION b'i'i To rent one or two said court her craving ep su' 'u uwiiu niade bv the special assessors STREET EROM "''H rooms molern for license to sell thu miciest of r(V C1 hu'ivine iT? 'i'n ''v a resolution of th' Conmivn GAN LE Pure bred ncuse smtaiue tor iigni House saiu esuiie cvriaia ieai csy ue al a sredai muvtmg TO RIVER ST I'ljPxtd cs for sttms oi ny th kc oping Po NT therein described Loh Jeu mm uxuiatud said A urii 11 A T2N has bu 'VIM AV ts'ln 7: Uxvol That too 'Mgl lev' I'lltirl re UN'iLe ohone 711912 L7 1 2p of Mav A 192' at wilLI AM ANDREW mid I 'WANil A good tmai torse in hi fotcIooni obmc Piobate a ssessment are nmv or li JhiCKs bre 'us JW imm Long nes neb o1ce is a ppoint cd I 1 ii? of the village clerk ''1 itile c't ew Smiiav mmm 1 none tmmnan ImU 1m mmtiorn and thit: mom o'm mr public examine Wf Idv as l'3a 4c i i i 1 persons interest ed in said us ion md i risy 11 he ent 1 1 st :1" 1 (l' Mbh pyi ne tate appear before said court a st insertion May hist May (f the storm water dram exu 't" LiU a (toy time and nlace to show TVIY Or' A it'L the bro the inters ctions ot Jl stro' rn iiklil hiMh'JlbyAhhijLubuibbinuise why a license to sell the ill bate Umirt for the County Tdll pmd bv ANM1CHIGA L' 1 i' T1 tvijm teiest oi said estate said re aiin'i ml by piopeit ILING OI MX J'" v' 'i 'or estate' should not be gran'ed: a ses mi of smd 'em Imid i ct re slicwn bx a MENT ROLLS '(! xx 1 i 1 1 i 1 x'x'x'Tx i It i i i 1 i tx i i i i 1 I 1 1 is III UIVI I'KR'H''! I J'dl 'R UibHi '1 II ill li 1 i 1 i i ii i i a 1 hi'j oir 1 uu fx iu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 In notice thereot oe giv bv pub st Icm'nb in cuntv cu emm 11 1 co'' 1 Ikation of a copy of this order 1th of Muy A 192' office 'I dlmm AND PLACE 'i mid iv 't? for three smeesswe weeks pe sent Hen Willmm Ii A lev C( ocdng to i the i COMMON COUN a ommjie ibtaum at WANTED Ladv asent lor work vious to said day of hearing Judge In it rimim vp me of street i em I BOARD SUE I I ntc Pben 711c12 Hue hmian Good pm' steady the Bei ien Comity Record the estate Hugh Lowen Ci mm' SAh pvi? I work Chappel 5o2 Svl newspaper piinted and circulated eased of the village a avemio I't'lp in iffiici county I high Wiguit having filed in 'U" An estate 'Will sell William I Andr said couit ins I'uial adinmstration Special As In fl 4 i 1 xi 1 1 ex '51 it I i i 1 i i i i 1 i i 1 III i 1 I a 1 tS I 11 1' I' 1 I I i I un mmc 4 i 1 4l i 1 I I li I i Ip I I i ir tht' i ib mi sl'itt it Jiu 't'r ad ui? bpy ess "'v i a icn Jliyy 1 i Mau St i ia i am nay May enugate Lidia umm tne resume ot said estate ('tub tiiuk License itcuiiu 1 unixU' thul Uh xiuv nu i hwe No I 2i Michigan 7 of A bv at a oh cu mmr i 'j i am' 1 n'ease A i (lc fi'cn at 'id art (TAX ThP a 1 terne ix etU'1)' (Au xii i Jimnstm 1 a 1 a tea 1 I 1 DTi amn i 1 1 1 nd wi'evp bxl 1 1 ubl 1' (L' jnly inunin ard iv ai' 1 i 1 I L'b' tvik dresser 'inward IStle bntiiv iauiit and mm a i i 1 Third st 1 A 1 I 1 1 1 1 rm? 1' i Ic lam! uicr 'l is Jiiiie oruuiua 'ii 'J cmaa' jorraeriv Phone 322 CARD THANKS We wish to at tne robtffi Oi! tne io mm 1 eoi' irn gm umd 'asuii 1 1 4 I'll' hank cm many vends mm ot mpli oil u) 1s i by lbe 2 nemid'om for tli bought fol the 2d: of Ami! '28 vk mevlmis io N' 'r sGi t'cn CR SiLf Oil and oats by the of kindness dm i nig our la te Present Am ill am OI Ri Rm rmn a load I hoie crnEd Sic mn so in tile loss of oir be dimes lodge Piolme c'ountv' Recmd a newsom rVE i Heliuii Sm mid Mrs George in tne Matter the i st ate id in4 C1vulawl in slid XXI' 'i' i i i PniniT i 'pi i i Th i 1 i i i i i i rs 1 1 i 1 i I i vg1 it ix 1 Wil AXPi'J hT rraMira uurtitied see: XL it hi a i in itl ('11117 his uravinv hT i i 1 1 i I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 nm bushel delivered I''rv turv lot ov ncr Al! those wish that sam court adjud mid de zb yn kb Ii I 1 rMl 6 Slocum Hotel Gahen hid iave their lots cal cd toi termine who weie at the time of i PL Mh'HTG Pl iMlp tns season ease make ar her ocath the ena tetrs Ox sum 1 IXG ny th i i I u2 at once A aeueaseu aim eatiiiuo io imiuru 1T inrtinn io mt at i HOT i '1 iu SAI i i rr i lx nt I i ITT 7 1 1 i'll I'lll'llt 1 el Ills IX' xi i II A 1 I I II I 4 1 A 8 II I i Mi ue' sc 1 died seized 1 1 I 1 '8 Uxl Ux 1 lit 1 1 1 i I 1 it is (jum'ua ilia uie Berrien PCM TING i May 1: mst May 1 oc Mav A 1928 at ten X('b' I 'i 'I'lll I t'R tub at said Pi unv 'C 1 I I 1 I I' tor good 1:1 close in li: 1 i np siT 1 i lilt ix i i countv the 1 191s WILL MEETT THE Viliiam II An ASSESSMENT 1T H4E Itffi 87509 tanle sec mcT i VHEHET ei'vn fo th 1 hr ion nr pojt i Cress wviuun pm" OT SALE 2 eiiairs office II cards 7 i 1 i 1 up' Vi p'i Hl I I I il ml ox Tw ii lim ing iced in' '1 J' her coin her pe i i pray 'ULTR that tlie executrix' said AND te 'oe lUtiiorized directed cc lain real estate in of a rt: BOAR.

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The Berrien County Record from Buchanan, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.