The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2025)

J-1 8 The Orlando Sentinel, Sunday, August 31 1 986 702 MOBILE HOMES FOR SAH 678 COMMERDALIHCuM PBOP. 666 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 676 COiHtBCIALINCOFtt MOP. 67S Ml SEMINOU COUNTY 664 OUT-OF-AREA 702 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 648 SEMINOLE COUHTY WOODCREST OPEN 2PM-5PM 7424 Antietam Court East. 3 bedroom 7Vi bath split plan, lovely family room, fireploce, approx lSOOsqft 428-1790. WP20I ROCKWOOO 73, 12x65, 2bdrmlbath, central heo-toir, washerdryer, screen patio, large attached workshop.

Fine cond. baraln. Sandlake mobile home pk. Coll 351-2709 RON LEE srmu. tmoEREo Deal fell thru.

DM wide Peachlree. many extras. Must sell Immediately! Call 273-4010. Eves: 471-9703 SKYLINE new 3 bdrm 7 bath, fomllv rm, 24x44, delivered to your lot. $19,900.

L.S.I. 7754337 889-4469. SORRENTO AREA 1984 14x54 Nobility, 2 bdrm, I bath on 1.10 acre land-scoped, fenced lot with go-rage. 3 mi north of Sorrento off SR 44. Central heat A air, shingle roof, drywall walls, appliances.

$35,900. 25 down, approx. $390 mo. 454-4397, 656-6769 eves. STARLIGHT RANCH 2bdrm 2both split, heatair, screened patio, appliances.

Adult park, move In for $11,000. Coll 277-0133 STARLIGHT Several pre-owned dbi wides priced to sell. Easy down, easy payments. All odult. Agent.

273-4010 or 471-9703 eves-. SWISS VILLAGE 4 Palm Harbor. 1532saft living area. Furn. Lakefront lot.

Priced below replacement. Winter Haven (13-299-9841 TRAILER 24', older model. Mechanic's Special! $500 or best offer. 273-3874 ZELLWOOD STATION AND COUNTRY CLUB Manufactured homes, resole ovailable. Call 884-0000.

ZELLWOOD STATION SEVERAL below market-offer! Must sell! (86-3963 ADRIATICOS Save '87s 365-5709 LISTING SERVICES INC. oil new 1986 models at dealer cost, must sell this mo. Call Bucky 275-8332 889-4669 GULFSTREAM HARBOR Central Florida's LARGEST SELECTION of TO-OWNED HOMES Super low financing ot 8V3I 1 YEAR FREE WARRANTY on any used home! 1 1 4505 Goldenrod Rd 282-6340 (Adults Only) BARNETT BANK REPOS Vdrious makos models. Very flexible terms to qualified buyers. 444-3095.

7nQ MOBILE HOMES I uwi WITH LOTS AIRPORT SOUTH Land mobile home packages. Low Interest rate, 30 yr financing ovailable. -SPIRAL ENTERPRISE 5 ml S. of the Bee Line on Hwy 15, Orlando. 2734490.

APOPKA AREA New bdrm dbi wide on 7 acres, paved rd. $49,900. 331-3437, BITHLO dblwlde, 1824 sq ft. 4bdrm rm Vt acre. $34,500.

The Wams-lev Co Realtor (94-4751 CHRISTMAS 3 homes, ea with 1 acre land- from after 5pm, 548-4423 LYNNWOOD ESTATES OPEN HOUSE 4439 POMPEII RD. 6REAT FINANCING Large Dutch Manor dbi wide, 2 bdrm 2 bath, plus family rm, dining rm island kitchen with counter service. Great location. $51,000. Off of S.

Semoran turn east on Pershing, 1 mile A follow the signs. MT. DORA Beautiful subdivision, new $34,995 Plus lot. Dora Pines Mobile Home Estates, Wolf Bronch New 441. 904-3(3-1170 ORLANDO '82, 24x52, 3 bdrm 2 bath, family park, extra nice.

$22,500. 277-1737 ORLANDO NW New park model home with deeded lot. $21,900. Terms. (86-5444 ORLANDO SE Handyman speciol on ocre.

$30,000. Owner financing. 425-449S ORLANDO W. Charlln Park, handyman speciol. $24,700.

Coll (344707 704 MOBILE HOME LOTS FOR SALERENT DAVENPORT 4 ml S. of 192. Family, used home welcome. Sioomo. Call Do-rls Mohu 305-396-1800 DELAND NEAR wooded 5 acres.

No down. Owner, fl-nancing. Cdll 331-3437 DELAND WEST Cleared lots. 100x195. Quiet area, no park rules.

$7500, $500 down $100 mo. 904-343-4467 KISSIMMEE mobile lots, 70x125', lake privileges. $100 down, $199mo. 1-400-521-4996. A.H.

Bloch. LONGWOOD 100x140 LOT ON CANAL, $21,500. CALL 8344707 ORANGE VILLAGE Slngiedbl wide lots, New Club house-pool. Home packages also available. Good flnocing.

Call 556-4543 Mon-Frl, 9-5 ORLANDO SE (Taftl Lots, city water, low down, owner financing. Southpac Properties. 894-1001425 -4498 706 MOBILE HOMES WANTED A MOBILE HOMES CONSIGNMENT Homes Wantedl We Buy Used. Days 277-5331. Eves (77-413) Florida's Finest Adult Manufactured Home Community 1986 MODELS CLOSEOUT HUGE DISCOUNTS! MM.4att-5.SM.

1-5 (OHL) 422-21 53 HI JjJ CARIBBEAN COVE 4717 S. Goldenrod Rd. 273-0(44 FAMILY A ADULT Nightly security patrol Clubhouse Pool Tennis Stwffleboard Lawn mowirirj Sarbaoe colieetjon All for only 2, 3, 4 bdrm homes on display FEATURING flEETWOOOS! Shingle roof plywood floors ARE STANDARD! (Vs simple Interest loans 20-Year Financing FINANCE PAYMENT IS 4717 S. Goldenrod Rd, 273-0(44 CASTLE top cond. 2 bdrm, furn, washerdryer, air.

shed. In park $5,400 478-1509 CLAREMONT 13. 44x14, juurm 4Dom, air. Skirting $185mo. Mobile World (89 4051.

OPEN LATE. CONWAY 18908 Slngl wide with xpando, Mt up in nice park, raised patio with awning, odults only. Agent. Coll 273-4010; Eves o71-9703. DOUBLE WIDE Carport It shed, odult park In Kfsslm-mee area.

Financing avail-obit, must sell I 904-609-4114 DUTCH MANOR 24x59, Clean, 2 bdrm 2bath, fla rm, Island kitchen. Must sell. L.S.I. 275-8332, 262-4484. FLEETWOOD '87 SPECIAL EDITION 3bdrm2bam, shingle roof, hardboard siding, fireploce, garden tub, 30-gal.

water heater, 18' frost-free refrigerator, stucco skirting, central oir, 6x14 utility bidg, slde-by-slde carport. All set up, on display. Only $28,718. As little os 10 and 20-year financing) CARIBBEAN COVE Orlando's Newest Family Community 4717 S. Goldenrod Rd.

2734(44 FLEETWOOD 14x70, 3 bdrm.2 bath, air, like new, not on lot, 434-3122. FLEETWOODS Our park. or on your own land. WE WILL BEAT ANYONE'S i PRICE ON A All floor plans available. CARIBBEAN COVE 4717 S.

Goldenrod 2734846 6REENHILL '(5, 44x24, 3bdrm 2bath, family pk, S275mo. OPEN LATE. MOBILE WORLD (89-4051 GREEN HILL BY FLEETWOOD, 1 MODEL 56x52, 3bdrm2bath, plywood floors, cathedral ceilings standard, shingle roof, formol living rm, HUGE den, stucco skirt, central air, full-length carport, 9x12 utility 18' frost-free refrigerator. This air-conditioned model Is on display now: Only $34,0971 As low as 10 down 20-vr financing CARRIBEAN COVE Orlando's BEAUTIFUL NEW Family Community 4717 S. Goldenrod Rd, 273-0846 GUERDON 24x48.

3 bdrm 2 bath, like new, family park. L.S.I. 275-8332 282-4486. CULF STREAM 2 bdrm. I bath, In pork, Longwood, good $4500, 889-7436.

KIRKWOOD Sturdy 12x60, 2bdrm Ibath, expando, central airheat, shed. $11,000. Will move. 351-3898eves. LAKE KATHERYN ESTATES Brigadier 3.

7 bdrm 2 bath, 24x48. Adult park. Like new. Must sell $35,000. Owner 699-0735 LIBERTY '(1, 3 bdrm 2 bath, all odult, very clean, no down, dssumoble $13,900 273-5342 Or 273-8579 eves LIBERTY '82, 2bdrm, 2bath spilt.

audi-living. 281-0047 eveswkends LISTING SERVICES INC USED HOMES MUST BE MOVED 8x35 Andre $700 10x50 New Moon $750 10x55 Buddy $900 10x50 Schultl $1300 12x50 Coventry $3700 MAKE OFFER 275-8332 899-4449 More to Choose From LUV HOMES It CLOSEOUT SALE ALL PRICES Seven Execptlonal Specials FREE GIFT with any home purchased delivered in the month of September! Family spaces ovailable. Call 275-3993 MAI TAI VILLAGE 74 Estate, 24x40, 3 bdrm 2 bath, screened porch, family rm, living rm, kitchen, dining rm, shed, carport, like a real home Inside. $25,900. Coll 282-1855 or 273-7701 MANUFACTURED HOME '82.

24 x54', upgraded, dir. carpet, insulation, treated wood, surrounded with front back porches. All for $13,500. Call Terl or Donna (92-1200. 9-5 wkdavs.

MOBILE WORLD BUDDY Reno, 2bdrm 2bath, 74, 40x20, air, awning 8, skirting. OPEN LATE. (89-4051 NEW MOON 12x48 2bdrm 1-bath, screened porch, $3,000. 352-9179, 351-4138. NOBILITY 79, 72x14, 3 bdrm 2bath, family, $173mo Mobile World (89-4051 PALM VALLEY ADULT COMMUNITY New Palm Harbor "EnerGmlxer" homes ready for Immediate occupancy, phone 345-4941.

3751 Alafava Troll, 1 ml north of U.C.F. PINE HILLS 12'x60 neor Disney, Adult Pk 2bdrm, screen rm, utility shed, 904-789-1088 REDMAN POSSESSED 1984 dbi wide Sbdrm 2bath. $19,500. 5 or $975 down, $234mo. On privateoption to buyland.

Wont last. Agent (92-14(1 nTiTlnil New Models. Spaces lor more Good Resales. Beautiful adult park tn S.E. Orlando.

Security 273-3136 or 282-44M 85CA02022 ORLANDO Mini farm 25 miles from Disney World entrance. Prices start $100G per ocre. Brokers invited. GES Realty 305-825-4999 S. HILLSBOROUGH COUN TV 100 acres cleared farmland, recently built 3 bdrm 2 bath ranch house; $360,000.

COM B19-634-45W VALDOSTA GA 57 acres across from airport, 3 mi from Interstate, 3ml from town, near the perimeter! rood, V12-Z44-UU1. VERO BEACH Excellent 600 plus acre citrus grove. Priced to sell, excellent terms. Call Florida Citrus Properties, registered broker, 1-8O0-34GROVE con OFFICES uuu FOR SALE CASSELBERRY 6700 satt, can expand to 50,000 sqft. Hwy 436, easy access A high visibility.

629-9082. LONGWOOD 4500 sq.ft. fully leased office bidg. $44,000 gross rent Income. $350,000.

Principals only. Contact H.D. Holsombach OwnerBroker (34-8V55 ORLANDO Foirvllla Rd lust off Colonial. 1390 sa.ft. concrete block office bidg.

on 132x50 lot with 750 sq.ft. paved parking In front 2850 sq.ft. fenced rear yard for bidg expansion or overflow parking. $96,500 or lease for $725 mo. Call Fln-lovson Realty (96-6099 CQ0 STORES FOR SALE LONOWOOD Owner financing if desired.

Prestigious Harbor Bend. 2 units-796 sa ft each. E.G. Hill A Assoc. 788-1717, ext 123 or 135 WINTER SPGS Hwy 434 frontage.

975 sq.ft. Lease below market rate or purchase. Owner wants action. Judge Realty Inc 788-9429 nn WAREHOUSES R83 INDUSTRIAL FOR SALE LONGWOOD 2400 Sq. ft.

condo, office warehouse, rent to own, (34-3554. LONGWOOD Zoned t-1. (.000 plus officewarehouse. $275,000. Additional land available at Call Forum Realty, Inc.

331-1990 ORLANDO CENTRAL PK Officewarehouse, sqft, air conditioned, dock high, sole or lease, terms. Southpac (94-1001 ORLANDO New 7,000 or warehouse. Suitable for officeshowroom, light manu-facuturina or ancillary retail. Ground level loading. N.W.

locotlon. CALL M3-3030 DSJ REALTY CO OwnerDeveloper ORLANDO NW off 441. New masonry office warehouse, 6250sq ft, C-3, ground level, 2 truck doors, 14ft eaves, paved lot, immediate occupancy, exceptional property. 644-0668. WINTER PK 10,000 sqft, warehouse, owner financing super terms.

Ready now. Call 100 Real Estate Inc. CQyl WANTED TO BUY COMMERCIAL APARTMENT BLDGS WANTED up to $300,000 down. 20 unitsmore, positive cash flow a must. Alan Adomski 260-2424, HelP-U-Sell Broker CENTRAL FLA Active buyers of commerlcal property office bldgs, shopping centers, warehouses developable land.

Call Mr. Von, Compass I nvestment Properties Inc 647-5111 CENTRAL FLORIDA National retailer seeking locations, automotive related. sqft. Will purchase existing buildings or purchase land suitable for building. Prime locations only.

Reply Orlando Sentinel Ad 447M. CENTRAL FLORIDA Buyers looking for commercial property, shopping centers, warehouses commercial lond. Call Bell Investment Inc, 831-3448 RETAIL BLDO WANTED 1,000 to 10,000 sq.ft. David Marks Compass investment Properties Inc. 647-5111 MISCELLANEOUS fifth COMMERCIAL UUU FOR SALE DOWNTOWN ORLANDO Office building for sale, owner 425-8055 GOLDENROD Seminole Dr.

Off Aloma. 2 houses converted to office opts. Zoned C-3. Many features. Lots of extras.

Coll Ed Young, Parker Assoc REALTOR 671-5101 Homes 702 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE APOPKA Mt. Plymouth 84 Homes of Merit. 28x48 See to beleive. Family adult pk $500 down ossume. For details 904-383-4211.

APOPKA RONLEE SfSraiAU 14x70 Sbdrm delivered set up with air conditioning. Low down payment. Payments (167.62. 886-8480. APOPKA -RONLEE 1 only 14x70 Sbdrm, dellv-ered set up In new family odult park.

Includes 12x50 carport, (x( shed, skirting, concrete steps, sod, concrete drive. Low down payment, lot rent mtg payment, $350.75. 886-8480. AUDUBON REPOSSESSED Only $500 down. Pay S1S4 mo for '83 14x60, 2 bdrm 2 bath with Island kitchen, fireplace, central oir, carport, shed, skirting, etc in new family park with pool.

Agent (92-16(1 AYSPRINO (4. 14'x56'. 2bdrmlbath. Adult. College Pk, $18,500.

422-2429 BUSHNELL, FL Nice 2- bdrm, 2-bath dbi wide for sale bv owner. Carport, shed, screened porch, in beautiful odult park. Dbi si lot only $80 rent. With (Over 50 clean used Mobile! Homes ready lor occupancy 1 Located in different parks throughout Orlando area, Financing available Agent I 1 27S-8332 or 889-4669 Ewt. I HIDDEN VALLEY I 1 MOBILE HOWE PARK I 2 "An Adult Community" I HOKE OF THE WEEK I I 1981 HARRINGTON A 28 40 2 bdrm.

1 bath I off-set, dishwasher, I disposal, ice maker, win- dow awnings. Central air, I carport, shed, large I screen room. S3 1,900 I CALL 239-4755 I Located 3 ml. south of I I Bay Hill on Apopka- I Vineland Rd. till umxm county SUNBKC new, fenced (74,900.

365-4095 Hslp-U-5ell Broker, 260-2424 oarmn 2T.r. 365-2325 "'--voil Of 0r, 260-2424 lUTtcm i h. "rrwr lot S78.900. 495-7203 proKST, 260-2424 SWEETWATER OAKS no 7, "ill1 ror execu-''Jbdrm 2bath with only uwner tinonc hiw, vsumo. 6-2020 IWECTUIiTCB both, screened pool, privott wooded lot, assum- worm 2Cabath, golf course, locum, 2396 sq.ft., fireplace.

many extras. REduced to lK)mo. A A CANNES 5eTWATER Executive home with 2 lots, 4 bdrm 2 carpt completely many extras owner S164.900. S42-M13 (34-4386 MTWATER OAK1 down, executive po01' S144.000, SWCETWATSR OAKS JUswt! 4. fgrctoy 11AM-4PM and -'r-m on svnoov in or-J" prtmltr country Collection of qualify crafted wnicn noi moo Swtwater Oak tht orea wuui D3j, wit to xecunv nomes isu.uuu re Resale homes from SI 20,000 DIRECTIONS: Prom Or- lanrin C.t i i 4341 434 springs no, ngnt on Weklva Springs Rd two Huskey OVW 40 VtARS AU tWHUBiCfc SWCE WATER COVC Cor PROMT! Cedar (, Hone, 4 oam comemporary, screened pool 8.

porch. Must tee I Lucken-" w-n weaiTV inc. el-euuu THE SPRINQ Ms nvn down I Executive town nome 1132,000. call (62-0175 THE SPRINOI cluster home, 36drm2bam, great fireuiace, aoi garage, all Springs amenities. (128,500.

849-7111. THB SPRINGS immaculate, 3Ddrm, 7 bath cluster home. Obi sided fireplace, bar, screened area. All springs amenities. SI TV, 900 Call 774-6965 or 774-7729.

TRAILWOOD ESTATES win jtxjrm zoatn, oarage. Werthelm Realty 196-4033 TUSCAWILLA ESTATES Looking tor aoraeous proo- irty ft a lighted tennis court? Over 7 acres, 4 bdrm contemporary with pool ft heated spa. Very ongnt open plan. (299,000. 628-1790.

2126. TUSCAWILLA J-yr-new 4bdrm split with pool on cul-de-sac. Approx. 2000 soft living area. Brick fireplace, vacant- owner anxlousl $114,900.

(CB-227). SAN FORD HELPI DISTRESS SALEI 4.7 acres with stocked pond. 2story 3bdrm home. Must sell! Reduced to (119,900. (CB-101) REALTOR 331-M03 TUSCAWILLA 4bdrm 2bath large fenced yard, good financing, 671-2049677-5724 TUSCAWILLA 4 bdrm 7 both mint estate, 2 acres ready for horses.

A bargain Just $103,900. Call John C. Real Estate One 767-8000. TUSCAWILLA a steal) $6000 down, no qualify, quick move-In I 699-4759 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 TUSCAWILLAALOMA NEW FLA. FARMHOUSE 2-story family home on acres! 3400 soft of living plus a wonderful "wraparound" porch I FANNIE HILLMAN REALTOR 644-1234 TUSCAWILLA AREA 4bdrm 2bath, transferred.

$115,000. Call 699-1474 TUSCAWILLA AREA LABOR DAY SPECIAL! WUS91901 IE00CEB TB tSZ.908 THIS WEEK ONLYI bdrm 1 1852 sa ft, 1 car garage, screened porch ft much, much morel RE MAX 200 north realty tnc 629-4330 After Hrs 699-0784 TUSCAWILLA AREA OPEN TOOAY 1-4 1434 PALOMINO WAY 3 bdrm 7 bath, split on over 2 acres, screened pool, spa, large family rm, horses welcome. $167,500. 425-7030 TUSCAWILLA Dare to camopre with new homes-1 Vaulted ceilings, bay window, large brick fireplace, bum-In book-coses, skylights, oversize patio, 100x150 fenced lot. $111900.

Coll 444-0135 SAND LAKE AT 441 855-9220 TUSCAWILLA Exclusive area 4bdrm $84,900. 695-7940 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 TUSCAWILLA Fireplace, tennis Try $75,900. 35-8968 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 TUSCAWILLA MODEL Irench doors $86,900 365-8194 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 TUSCAWILLA MUST Sell 4 bdrm- 365-7525 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 TUSCAWILLA NEW LISTINGS Large 4 bdrm 1 bath home, great rm with fireplace ft wet bar, approx 2300 sqft, 52x12 screened enclosure. Asking $134,000. Large 9 bdrm 2 bath home, formal living ft dining plus large great rm with fireplace.

Asking $129,000. Lease optlonpurhcose. Owners highly motivated. REALTOR 896-0977 Flo Living Investments TUSCAWILLA New Listing. Gorgeous 4 bdrm 2 both, 1 yr young.

Solar heated pool, lavish landscaping. All the extras. $174,900. Coll Joanne Prince REMAX 200 north realty Inc. 67V-64JU, ATTer nrs era-jpij TUSCAWILLA Oak Forest.

4-bdrm 2-botn, living ft dining rms, pool, or $97,000. Coll 699-159V. TUSCAWILLA opq most- i-sn 778 BEAR CREEK CIRCLE "DREAMS COME TRUE Jusl Inside the gates of exclusive Bear Creek Estates you will find the home with EVERYTHING you've ever wanted. Come see for your- ANN CROSS, INC. REALTORS 429-1221 TUSCAWILLA SPANISHI HelP-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 OCF AREA New woclous jnarm 4 wn i dick.

Hi acre tot. $66 500. jovmark Builders 365-8740 UCF AREA Shade. 3bdrm. Location.

$81,5001 365-4785 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 SABLE POINT Desire ex change In Sweetwater Morknom area. 869-1390 SHADY OAK COVE Owner will trade nw du plex for vacant land. Great Investment. 2 blocks for 436 bus tine. All opplionces, washerdryer.

Call Jan aincKiana, eves: 695-2635, Office: 628-1790. WP34 TRADE I want your real estate raw tana, apt. ouua ing or home. Will trade 1985 r-ora wirn American wneet Lm Package oaraae equipment. Call Gary 290- mv, leave message.

WEKIVA CLUB ESTATES On golf course. Pool, spo, 5 barms 3 botns witn office. Over 3000 sq.ft. under air, $80,000 equity for trade. $249,900.

Call 869-9463 WEKIVA Spacious custom but It 4 bdrm 2 bath. Anx lous owner wants smaller nome. will acceot trade- n. Appraised ot $165,000. After 7pm call 889-3738 WILL TRADE UP to $150,000 equity In Winter Pk.

luxury condo, Deitona office condo, other personal property tor luxury cars, lond clearing equipment, real estate, etc. 788-3219. CCQ WANTED TO BUY RESIDENTIAL ALL AREAS I'll buy your home today. Quick close. Rick Marsh S69-0526 CASH FOR YOUR HOME Don't let your credit get ruined.

COII 365-4240. KIMBER REALTY CASH tor your equity. Buyers are waiting! call 647-0457 nowl ORLANDO I WANT YOUR HOUSES) Quick closings. 281-0789. WANTED 3bdrm2both with low 1st mtg or free 6.

clear, will pay full market price with modest down payment e. terms. Mr. Welch. 647-1118 C70 MISCELLANEOUS 07 REAL ESTATE ALL AREAS 3 bdrm.

rent own, $495 plus, lltlleno down. 662-4611-BOb. SELL YOUR OWN HOME Complete assistance from contract drafting to closing. One low fee Includes title insurance. Attorneys Rea Estate Services Inc 767-S202 COMMERCIAL FOR SALE ACREAGELOTS FOR SALE COMMERCIAL 1 674 ALTAMONTB 434 FRONTAGE Mall area- 2.2 acres in CBD et Montaomerv Road area 1.6 acres, ZONED C-1.

Forrest Greene Realtor Call 830-6833; eves 339-4711 CENTRAL FLA 97 acres; zoned mobile home park subdivision. The Rogers Group, 8V4-II6B CHULUOTA mills access trees- lake- $11,900. 273-8195 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 EDGEWATER Volusia County. Aptscondos, 54 un ts. $5000un land cost.

Sewer, water. Nan-Sea Re alty, 904-423-5Z34. FLORIDA CENTER 7 office bidg sites. 1 acre each. Klrkman Rd North of Sand Lake Rd.

$275,000 per acre. Super locationl Call for details! (62-3203 ext 222 HARBOUR EAST Harrell Rd 4.5 acres presently nursery. Good income, plants Included. $160,000. Brldger Irion i.

Associates 423-7000 HOWEY IN THE HILLS AREA 195 acres with vt mile lake-front. Excellent citrus land on Dewey Robbins Rd. $1,535 per acre. Call Wooda Elliott, Realtor. TUCKER i BRANHAM INC REALTORS (49-6350 LAKE FAIRVIEW AREA Wooded duplex lot.

$16,900. CF441. Bowles Realty Better Homes Gardens, Realtor 273-9680 LONGWOOD Industrial lots. 1 acre up, paved, utilities Broker (94-4345298-1(43 MAITLAND RESTAURANT SITE 4 acres, C-2, lakefront 17-92 frontage. Ownerterms 100 REAL ESTATE INC (76-2434 299-0100 NE ORLANDO adlacent to 436, 2.66 prime acres.

Ideal for offices A warehouses. Call 678-21 12 or 282-2853. NEW SMYRNA BEACH I- 1, 3.5 acres, $350,000. Nan-sea Realty, 904-423-5234. 3 multl family lots with 385ft paved frontage.

Gov ton Foster and Lake Un-derhlll vdclnity. some sewage cap already reserved. $215,000. Will sell Individually. DON ASHER Si ASSOC INC REALTOR 425-1225 ORLANDO AREA GoldenrodHoffner area 4.6 acres zoned A-2.

$65,000 Bert Dv-Liacco, 644-5755 Clermont- 20 acres lake-front suitable for residential $160,000. Call Kerry Bludworth, 629-1466. ComReal Orlando, Inc. 629-1466 444-5755 ORLANDO Beautiful tree shaded lot, S. Orange Ave, 62V3X250, C-l.

Ideal for professional use. Call (59-2980. Principals Only. ORLANDO C-3, 2 parcels, on Old Winter Garden Rd. Terms, eitherail.

(86-2021 ORLANDO Curry Ford Rd. Vacant Lot. 55x174. $45,000. DON ASHER It ASSOC INC REALTOR 425-1225 ORLANDO CURRY FORD Commercial frontoge on busy street.

owner finance. For info: 855-3800, Don Gallagher Realtor ORLANDO 50 436 area 2vs acres C-3C-2. Coll J. P. Reld Realtor 423-5151.

OVIEDO 1 ocre commer cial site for 10,000 salt strip. 214' frontage Alafava Tr. Additional land available. Seller motivated. Hold Hooker, Realtor 282-5221 OVIEDO 1 plus acre zoned L-2, ideal office or shopping ctr site, city water.

671-3131 Maior League Realty, Inc. SANFORD COMMERCE park industrial lots, 17,000 sa ft up, dll city utilities, 3 ml 1-4. financing. Bob McKee, 365-2675 SOUTHEAST ORLANDO 42 acres zoned mobile home. Permits guaranteed.

SOUTHPAC 894-1001 ST. JOHNS'S RIVER GREAT VIEW Park like setting of this 10 acre tract Is outstanding. Large live oaks, hickory, palm. Close to Sontord. $57,000.

Terms or cash discount. Call 322-7045. SUWANNEE RIVER By owner. Good Investment. 3- ocres, 130' U.S.

19 Hwy frontope, zoned commercial with view ot Suwannee River. $19,995. $995 down, $250 per mo. 10 discount far cash. Ph 904-542-7835 TAFT Approx 5ocres zoned 1-5.

Hard rood frontage city water, terms. Southpac Properties 894-1001 Z425-4498 COMMERCIAL C7C INCOME 00 PROPERTY FOR SALE ALTAMONTB Hwv 436 frontage near 17-V2. i oidgs. 2400 sa.ft. Retailoffice.

Beautiful lokefront. $450,000 Judge Realty Inc 788-9429 APOPKA AREA green- nouses, nurseries-all sizes my specialty. Jerry Smith, Phil Orr Realtor, M9-3390 GEORGIA, N. Mountain land. 1 acre, stnrt at 13000.

Owner finance (305)298-0367 HIAWASSECOA country homes, lbdrm with fireplace, corpeted through out- deeded occess to Lake Chatuoe, gentle laving lots. a i unoerarouna un lines eluding cltv water. Ready to move Into, only 2 left at $34,500. Call no ton Realty. 410196-4848 or write P.O.

Bom 30546 MAGGIE VALLEY, NC witn income, cnoice location. Waterfront lots, acreage. Will trade. 365-2708 OCA LA Lakefront, lovely larae 3 oarm oam, cen tral heat oir, kitchen furn, breakfast rm, carpets drapes, 2 car oarage tn electric door, sprinkler sys tem, large screen porch on lake, club pool privllioes, handy to Martin SKY VALLEY-HIGHLANDS, NC Cool, larae moun tain-top home on 3.4 acres Best offer. Attractive own er financing, xyi-mn WESTERN, NC Jackson County.

Restricted adult homes on river, mld-30's- 40 s. River-bend, Box 95 Sil vo, NC, 28779. 704-586-6587. YOUNGSTOWN, FL I 2 bdrm, 2bath, 1-yr old, on I 2Vi acres, $40,500. Good re tirement home.

305-295-5528 COLONIAL BON I FAY 7500'. 805-642-6811. aap WATERFRONT hh5 PROPERTY FOR SALE ASBURV PARK 5412 Satel Dr. Ibdrm, boat port. 3201 Sherry Dr Jbdrm 2bath, pool $69,900.

3523 Devonswood. 4hdrm 2bath, pool. Reduced! Don Brewer kcal ior 886-6860 CASSELBERRV OPEN HOUSE 2-5PM Plaza Oval Lakefront cottage, new, 3 bdrm 2 Darn, cneery eat-in screened porch fenced yard. Great terms, low 70's. Take Golden Day Dr.

to Piaza oval. EGQARS i REYNOLDS bitty, he 6824441 CHEROKEE LAKE 4bOTm, svzDomgaraae opt. See od In class 650.8431475 CLERMONT AREA South Loke Countv. XOOOsqft country home with privacy on 24 acre lake. Like new, complete, (no pool).

Attractive grounds, big trees. $124,000. Ask for wooaa tiiion. Realtor. TUCKER BRAN HAM INC RE ALTO RS 849-6350 CLERMONT CHAIN 20m in tennis, dock.

8, much morel Reduced to $269,000. Owner 2W-7H7. will tradeoffer. DEER ISLAND 1 acre lots on 2500 acre lake, 12 miles west of Orlando. From terms.

Coll 656-6397 days or 656-6769 eves. DOWNTOWN ORLANDO New on market. 3 bdrm flVa bath home on nearly Vi acre lot. Complete with family rm, fireplace, fruit trees Plus extras, call Yvonne Roberts Realtor Real Estate One inc. 644-eio.

INVERNESS Lakefront estate on I 'A acres. 5500' home, boat house out bulldlnas. Owner. 1734.500. Collect 813-870-0793 or 904- 344-4956.

LAKE CANE OPEN HOUSE SAT- SUN 1-6PM REDUCEDl Sbdrm Split, zoom, eat-in, formal din no. family 8. living rms. Boat oock on ski lane, owner ti nancing. Bill Cook Realty or owner, 351-2602 LAKE COUNTY 2 bdrm 2 bath, urban, near mall, low taxes, city convtences.

owner, W4-M3-Z247 LAKE HOLDEN Area of executive homes In Orlando SE. Larae 4bdrm2bnth. fireplace, laundry, Doat ramp, uock, swim, fish, ski, 321 Mac Arthur Dr Open. $187,500. Call 851-2714 LAKE LONO ACRES WOODED, ONLY $36,000.

Help-U-Sell Broker, 740-5050 LAKE MARY 3bdrm 2bath wooded acre, skifishswim dock. Lk Mary schools. R8.E Realty 339-4700 LAKE MONROE Stone Island, St. John's River. Transferred, must sell, lvr old waterfront executive home.

3bdrm Sboth, lacuzzl. pool, satellite dish. boat dock. $10,000 down, no points, owner win quality carry balance. Lease or lease purchase considered, Call 321-8562 LAKE PRICE UCF area.

Heavy wooded lakefront A AAA ruin inn I Ul. WlVvV, tO3fT LAKE WESTON Canol spacious 3 bdrm 2 bath, replace, arae va mtg. Owner motivated. 873,900. Judge Realty inc 788-9429 LITTLE BEAR LK larae lot, nice, lorge, older smow.

owner, uz-vtra OCALA Stunnlna 3 storv cedarwood home on skiing smim Lane 4Darm 9 corn, 3600 so ft 1500 sa.ft balco nies 2(1 replaces recessed: lighting, celling fans, sandy, beach, dock, much morei Reduced to $165,000 bv own 904-687-4475 904-351-4455 ORLANDO-DOWNTOWN 3bdrm2bath, 29' family rm overlooking risn no lake. Eat-In kitchen, large rooms, central air-neat. new roof. $3000 below ap praisal; S74.TOU. B5S-3B00, Don Gallagher Realtor ORLANDO-WINTER PK 0Vffl100Um0nTSo Big 3bdrm split, family rm weroar, ear-in Kuerten, mw living area, dbi garage.

OOCK. LOW STOS. 644-5383 APOPKA- 330' on taken Tbdrm retire ment nome, bed-and-break-fast or Room to add on I $225,000. 644-5385 or 834-2727 big lake conway- Re tirement haven) 119 lake frontoge with oaks, boat oock, sanav oeacn, prick- front 3bdrm2bath. Re duced TO $729,000.

S55-3BW. LAKE JESSAMINE- Coro Salel 5bdrm-3both, 20x40 pool, ove-- 3300' space galore! Beautiful 165x432 treed-sh rubbed yard. Make Often 855-3800 Or 644-5385 Don Gallagher. ST. JOHNS'S RIVER GREAT VIEW Pork like setting of this 10 acre tract is outstanding.

Large live oaks, hickory, palm. Close to Sontord. $57,000. Terms or cash discount. Coll 322-7065.

WINDERMERE AREA Jbdrm 2bath, private lake. Asking $114,900. 656-4013. WINDERMERE SW Lake Butler 1 acre, larae home. vaulted wood ceilings, tiled great huge fireplace, private canal plus sandv beach on Lake Butler $234,000.

Call 656-8V07 WINTER PARK CHAIN Spacious 1979 Waterfront Lake Motflana, Pool, dock, 4 bdrm 3 baths. 4.756 so ft (3.557 air) $720,000. By own er 62V-IMS CCC REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ALTAMONTB Duplex. As-sumabie $70,000. $15,000 equity.

For carlot. 862-7375. CASSELBERRYALTA- MONTE Trade 100 of your equity for Hwv 436 commercial property with 2 OldOS, 2400 SQft. $450,000. Judge Realty Inc 788-9429 LONGWOOD Office condo trade for auto, property or mortgage.

Luckenbach Realty inc 671-8000 MARKHAM WOODS AREA beautiful, 4 bdrm 3 baths. with pool everything else on 1 acre. $240,000 cost, will trade for ony value home In center Ft 321-1960 ORLANDO 1800' office, 1000' warehouse, C-l Dork ing, good orea. eoxchonge rar tana or recreational property. Call 898-0075 APOPKAWEKIVA New duplexes.

Positive cash flow. (89-3925, (62-73(7 BREVARD COUNTY WBOE KKFIK 70 spaces, 13 acres, good mgmt, records, city sewer, water. Owner financed $85,000 down: 1495,000. mm-m Income property-3750 sqft, zoning BU, poo) room, 2 bdrm apt. Annual gross Income $105,000.

Cash flow $65,000 with $35,000 down. Mary L. Bowman Realty 305-639-1500 305-631-1544 BUENA VISTA Motivated. 5 ocres, odlocent to Grand Cypress golf course. Call 448-5310 or 299-3565 BUNNELL Business property, 1600 so ft with brand new equipment tor automotive repair.

Plus house with 2bdrm on over 5 acres with fish ponds. Everything for $250,000. Call 904-437-3957. BUSINESS ADVERTISING BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS CCHERC1AL REAL ESTATE Are featured tn the IttMttt SettMS Frequency and position odd up to results when you target a commercial audience. For More Information Call 420-5015 Monday Friday 8:00 AM 4:30 PM CASSELBERRY units, 7 bdrm lboth 100 full.

All appliances Includes washer-dryer. Average rent $455mo Aspen Associates 788-7200 CASSELBERRY Distress sale. Reduced $13,000. 3 bdrm 2 bath 7 bdrm 1 bath luxury duplex with gg-rages. Make offer.

$99,500. Judge Realty Inc 7(8-9429 CENTRAL FLA 7 mobile home parks, positive casn flows. Owner financing. Call tor details. The Rogers Group, 894-1 168 COLLEGE PARK Duplex.

$77,500. Downtown Tri-piex, near Eola, $75,000. Terms. Call Paul HoHman. Adair Real Estate Inc 425-1026 COLONIALTOWN 3 4 unit opts, owner finance, low down, cash flow.

(94-8281 COLONIALTOWN Duplex. Super location. $49,000. Possible trades. 277-8403 FLORIDA 180,000 sa ft well anchored shopping center.

9 CAP. Income growth expected. Must go 1984! Rogers Group (94-1168 GOLDENROD Reduced! $39,900 C-l property 100 ft. front, close to Highway SO. Call 495-0961 LAKE COUNTY US 27 near 192 Intersection Ideal location for gas stationrestaurant or convenience store.

Zoned C-l. $100,000. Coll 456-1445 WINTER GARDEN W. Hwy 50 frontage. Super for fast food, or car sales.

Submit offer! Possible owner finance. $250,000. 456-5800 Roane Realty Services Inc. LONGWOOD Hwv 17-92 frontage. Small bidg.

High visibility. Only $200,000. Judge Realty Inc 788-9429 MELROSE, FLA KSPSlATEOVVie Will SACRIFICE 1880 Handsomely restored 2 story nouse located on State Rd. 26. Formerly used as restaurant and residence.

$140,000. For more info, call collect 305-747-7085 eves. 904-376-1934 anytime. MOBILE HOME PK Orlando area. 1st phase const, nearly complete, ready for sales soon.

Owner has other Interests selling for best Offer. 904673-0616 NEW SMYRNA 12 unit with baths, 600 sq. ft. each, Inl warehouse $1 25,000. Owner finance.

305-841-3323. ORLANDO C-3 lot, 200x150, fenced, 3 buildings. Call 291-2277. ORLANDO CENTRAL PARK corporate headquarter bids. Established company will lease bock for 5 yrs or will move If buyer needs to occupy space.

Smart Investment with good return. $475,000. 3 outnto) Management Company ORLANDO Developers t. Investors! 200 unit opt complex ready to go, less than 3 miles from Fashion Sauare Mall. Complete package.

Will build or sell package to a qualified party. Call 277-4140 or (57-3191 ORLANDO N. Mills area. C-2. Home office 4 units.

$18,000 gross. $85,000. Call J.P. Reld Realtor 423-5151 ORLANDO NE GREAT TERMS! Over $21,000 annual grow. A opts, I -4 Princeton.

423-8463 VALUABLE DOWNTOWN One of a kind property -business opportunity! Great future potential 3 streets frontage is a terrific advantage for this DOWNTOWN repairservice center. Motivated owner will consider leasepurchase. ANN CROSS, INC. REALTORS 305429-2221 ORLANDO West Church St. $12,900 down, 10 finance negotiable, 3400 sq.ft building.

3 suites. $139,900. Call 495-0941 PINE CASTLE units. 2 bdrms, positive cash flow. $77,750 equity.

Will trade equities for house or $47,000 cash; ossume. Must qualify. $250,000 mtg. (57-1344 SANFORD 44. 4 acres.

C-2 for development. Realtor Jarman Day 445-2400. SANFORD 44. Three C-2 lots Idea) for liquor store or auto parts $65,000. Realtor Jarman Day 645-2400 SEMINOLE CTY, SANFORD Hlah-trafflc location with 200' frontage on 17-92 at SR 46.

2800 sq.ft, concrete block building with pre-stressed hollow core roof system. NO INTERIOR BEARING WALLS. Approx 39.000 sq.ft lot with occess from 3 sides. Priced to sell: $435,000. Call (63-996.

(SPRINGS) SOUTH ORLANDO 2bdrm duplex, new roof (. air. assumoble mtg. Bennett Realty 646 5915 TUSCAWILLA Professional office bidg, fully rented. Great Investment.

Excellent location. $149,900. Greenbrlar Realty 365-1557. UCF AREA QUADRAPLEXES 100 OCCUPIED Outstanding appreciation (. investment potential! Asking Model Open.

ComReal Inc Broker: 629-1466 Agent: 740-5140 (Evenings! UCF AREA $AVE! JAVE! Duplex 2bdrm each $79,900 Help-U-Sell Broker 240-2424 WINTER PARK 120 144.5 pro office, Lee Dowd, Inc Realtor. 629-1037 WINTER PK Prime Park Ave location. 2772 sq ft. xoned C-l. Creative financing.

Submit oil offers. Coll for details. Fonnie Hlilman REALTOR 444-1234 WINTER PK Duolex old house, on cor- ner lot- 15.471 sq.ft. Zoned R-2. Off Fairbanks.

$139,500 Nicki Keranen. 644-5755 Your own OFFICE without all those rent Increases! 4 offices PLUS reception area PLUS extra bidgs for storage PLUS i-4 exposure! Nicki Keranen, 644-5755 DUPLEX INCOME will pay for loonl Close to 1-4 Fairbanks) good rental area. Large garoge. $58,900 Bert UV-L OCCO, 444-555 8-UNIT APARTMENT near Laxe uavis. threat poten-.

tial for income increases) Cement block construction. Nicki Keranen, 644-5755. OFFICE BLDG. All new- beautiful! 614 N. Wymore Rd.

1650 Sq.ft. $165,000. Chuck- Grimm, 629-1444. MAITLAND Off 17-92. 900 sq.ft.

building on 7500 lot. Newly re-modeled, perfect for professional office use. $99,900. Call Bert Dv-Liacco, 444- 5755 LONGWOOD 2500 sa.ft. blda on Hwv 17.

92. C-2 zoning. Good retail warehouse use. Barry Frank, 629-1444. ORLANDO 17,200 sq.ft.

officeshow, roomwarehouse. 3750 sq.ft. ottlce. Fully leased. N.

US 441 frontoge. 10 cop rate. Bert Ov-Liacco. 444-5755 629-1466 644-5753 rvn FARMSGROVES h8 RANCHES FOR SALE FLORIDA CITRUS PROPERTIES INC. To buy or sell groves 1-800-34GROVE GAINESVILLE AREA 80 acres, V2 wooded, Vi clear.

siouo per acre, ju5-26v-4sii. GEORGIA Emonuel Coun ty. 28 acres. 3bdrm2bath house, workshop, fish pond $42,000. 912-648-3696.

LAKE COUNTY LAKE JEM, 91 acres In prime development orea, iakefrontpaved road frontage-Reduced to $345,000 GROVE LAND, (5 acres. lakefront paved road frontaoe. has off cebarn- foreman's house. Can be divided. $6,000 per ocre.

GROVELAND REALTY CALL 904429-3(76 LAKE COUNTY between Eustls i Deland, 73 acre) sec uded farm, fish Donas. pastures, fenced cross) fenced. Owner findncingl 904-357-9779 Otter 6pm. LONGWOOD Horse farm for sole or rent. 16 acres, 21 stalls, 3 oarm nome, pool (31-1441; 904-3(3-3581 eves MARION COUNTY Priced reauceai 650 dcre rancn, 4iml on hwv, live oak ham- mocks pasture.

Several Didas, near ocaio sorest $847 per acre. Jim Ryan, Realtor 904787-4506 PROPERTY FOR SALE UNITED NATIONAL REAL ESTATE GOOD LITTLE TRUCK FARM with 10 Fla. acres, fish pond, fruit trees, sprinkler Irrigation system (needs some work). Good 3 bdrm home. 14 ml.

to fishing river. $33,900. $8,000 dwn owner financing. BEST OF LAKE COUN-TRY-Lovelv 3 bdrm, 2 bath double brick home on 5 Fla. acres fronting serene 100-acre lake.

Fireplace, screened glassed-in porch, garage plus carport. New roof. $69,500. "FISH ft. FARM COUNTRY GEM-35 Ala.

ocres, 30 In Improved pasture, stream, 3-acre fish-stocked pond. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, brick home, old barn. Pecan plum trees, blueberries, grapes, $58,500 owner financing. ABANDONED TN. FARM In secluded hollow of Cumberland foothills) 2 old-time houses, 2 useable barns.

Bubbling creek branch, springs, timbered bluffs. 188 acres, all fenced, tobacco base. $49,500, only $10,000 down, owner financing. "JET SET" SHOWPLACE, Extraordinary 450-acre NC estate with 5 acre LAKE magnificent 3 year old 5,000 sq ft. home.

Brick floors, 4 bdrms-1400 sa ft. master suite bath, Jacuzzi, steam and weight rooms, 3 fireplaces, much morel 40x90 horse barn, other bldgs. AIRPLANE HANGAR, runway. On U.S. Hwv.

One of a kind with potential for golf course. Excellent owner financing. Call or write for FREE CATALOG UNITED NATIONAL REAL ESTATE 4700-SO Bel lev lew, Kansas City, MO 64112. Ph: TOLL FREE: 1-' 800-821-2599. Mon thru Frl 9 to 7.

700 -Mobile 700 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT APOPKA 2bdrm 2bdth, no pets. Near school shopping. Call 4pm, 884-4145. APOPKA furn 2bdrm lVi bath linen dishes $300 Sav On Rentals Fee $75 422-5300 CASSELBERRY Private lot, Jbdrm, kids, pet, appliances, fenced. $339.

Sav On Rentals Fee $75 422-5300 JELLYSTONE PARK, APOPKA 35" RV with FL room, corner lot. $400mo, option to buy. 813-598-9210. MOBILE HOMES 1214 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando.

Call 422-4377. ORLANDO Aptsmobiles, clean, furn, someair from $9Swk, 1409 Grand, (41-4332 ORLANDO E. Bithlo, furn. 2 3 bdrm No pets, kids ok. 568-5229 ORLANDO E.

Very nice, large 3bdrm, furn'd, air In quiet area, $375mo or 2 bdrm, $350mo. Contort Resident Mgr at 548-4345, 4-7pm ORLANDO SW Trailer, no dogs, wkly rates, small deposit, 1328 30th St, 295-D947. PINE HILLS 2bdrm lboth, $325mo, $200, plus deposit. All odults. Cdll 299-7774.

WINTER PK Dodd Rd. Adults only, seniors preferred. $300mo. 321-3844 7n0 MOBILE HOMES I ML FOR SALE AARON V. 1 bdrm, delivered set, $595 down, $154.24.

Dealer, 275-5125 AARON -W 2 bdrm. Delivered set. $495 down, Dealer, 275-5125 AARON REPO. Klssinv mee-family. 14 wide 2 bdrm air.

Low down. $150mo MOBILE HOMES 277-5331 eves 45(-040( ACADEMY 73, 12x60', adult park, unfurn 2 bdrm 1 both, 441 of Apooka, $6500 Coll 299-2260 wkdavs ACTION 7. Fleetwood dbi wide. Delivered A set. $15,995.

$795 down, Dealer, 275-5125 ACTION By Fleetwood. Pre-credlt approval bv phone. Know what you can buy before vou shop. Mobile Home City, 275-5125. ALL AMERICAN 11, 14x40, stovefrig, gas heat excellent cond SO down take over payments must be moved 331-4240 $9800 owed APOPKA 14x60, 2 bdrm, 7 bath, adult park, $8500.

Must Sell. 889-3681. APOPKA Adult pork, tO Liberty. 14x70. 3 bdrm 2 bath, owner financing, $1200 down.

Coll 884 5458 or 298-3800. ext 220 ask for Keitni 4bdrm3both Screened Porch Swimming Pool LeasePurchase $129,900 774-8558 or 788-8644 WEKIVA 2660 Ct. nHuiTniuivnm quailTVing. Custom built, 3bdrm2bath, poolspa, extras I Owner. eov-joiy otter 5 WEKIVA Anxlousl 3bdrm 2both, fireplace "sm.von" Help-U-Sell Broker, 682-2626 WEKIVA Best 3 bdrm 2 bath, large treed ft fenced lot.

$82,900. Call juoge Keairy inc 768-9429 WEKIVA CLUB ESTATES On golf course. Pool, spa, oorrrn pains wnn ottlce. Over 3000 sq.ft. under air.

Assumoble mtg. Trades welcome. 869-9463 WEKIVA COVE Price reduced I Unique plan for entertaining easel Own er monvateo! MARKHAM WOODS RD. Brlerwood- California contemporary 4bdrm-3bath home with 3-ear garoge on wooaea acre, sov.yoo. REALTOR 331-6824 FOR SALE BY OWNERBROKER 4 bdrm 2 bath, screened pool.

Below appraisal $124,900. Call DOVS 774-9130, eves ft Sunday 788-0820 WEKIVA HILLS Open house, 4bdrm 2both, priced below appraisal, $124,900. 119 Lvndhurst Dr. 788-3798 WEKIVA HILLS OPEN HOUSE! SUNDAY 2-5 219 Stevenage Dr. Turn west off Hunt Club.

right on Duncan, Stevenage is it a lett. Koomy 4 barm, zv? oam kuul nomel Price $128,900 Judith Hall Realty-ERA REALTOR 429-2520 WEKIVA HILLS POOL. Large possible 4 bdrm. mother-in-law suite, 2800 sq.ft. Assumoble mtg.

As little as $5000 down. Owner financing. Lease option available. $159,900. 862-3941 WEKIVA LEAVING areal 3bdrm pool extras $119,900 Help-U-Sell Broker, 482-2626 WEKIVALONGWOOO AREA 3 bdrm 7 bath, Assumoble 9.5 mtg 788-8706 WEKIVA MUST sell now! I 3bdrm pool big lot $112,900 Help-U-Sell Broker, 482-2626 WEKIVA Pool home Laroe 3 bdrm 2 bath.

As sumoble mtg. $103,000. As little at $3500 down $114,900. Lease option availODIO. WELLINGTON- $189,908 Maitland's secluded lakeside village.

Gorgeous 4bdrm, 2 bath with fireplace. Better-than-new condition) Coll today: 628-3199, REALTOR WINGFIELO RESERVE mm WINGFIELD'S BEST BUY REDUCED $20,000 Step back Into th colonial years of hand ruDDea cnerrv cao nets. water si Ik wallpapers, ortis- i crass norce a tlx as modern as tomorrow. 4 bdrm plus sTuay. vs Dam, pool, heavily wooded acre.

Of fered at cost. Mo tivated) open House today 1PM-5PM. Take Markham Woods Rd to Wfnafleld Or to 1743 Al-varado Ct, Call 862-3013. Realty, Inc WINTER PARK MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! Huge 4bdrm 2Viboth, famllvllv-Ingdlning, many extras. Motivated.

$87,900. 321-2495. WINTER PARK BELOW market! spacious 3bdrm 2fboth home offers so much for your family. Must See III $109,900. 499-1450, Don Gallagher Realtor WINTER PARK Open 2pm-4pm.

what a ouvi Drastically reduced 3-4 bdrm, large family rm, screened porch, pool. Low $B0's. Owner wants offer. Howell Branch to Grant, follow signs to 5318 Wood-crest. Universal Properties of Orlando, Realtor 647-0200 WINTER PARK Owner fi nancing.

3 bdrm 2 bath, split plan. Super location $67,000, $600 mo. 205 St. Andrews Blvd 447-2651 260-9714 WINTER PARK PELICAN BAY OPEN HOUSE Sat, 11-5; Sun 12-5 New lbdrm contemporary has larae kitcnen family rm. E.

on Howell Branch, left on Grand, left onto Fisherman's Cove to 330l WINTER PARK Pool home, centrally located, 4 bdrm 2 bath 1848 Lochberrv Rd. $83,000 low down, owner financing. Call 447-3651 or 260-9714 WINTER PKI $3000 down New! 2-story 4bdrm $96,000 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 WINTER PKI Sbdrm lake ft tennis $106,900. 678-5950 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 WINTER PK Sbdrm split, on corner lot. rep ace.

TRY 677-4234 Help-U-Sell Broker 260-2424 WINTER PK $4500 down! I VA 3idrm S.M.500. 671-6530 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 WINTER PK Country Lane. Bv owner. 3bdrm 2both, family rm, many upgrades, 2vrs old, good schools, tennis ft Ikfront community. Available now.

$1500 down, $3600 plus Interest In 18mos, $84,000 at V'3 tixea va, no quality-Ing, payments, $795. Principals only. Coll 479-0653 WINTER PK EXTRAOR dinaky joarm nome wnn EXTRAS! $97,600. 678-3267 Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 WINTER PK Low down. 3 Ddrm, ramiiv, am garoge.

cul do sac. Low $70 s. Jerry Lowe Realtor 677-5577 WINTER PK Modern 2sto- rv-must eo-euj Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 WINTER SPGS 4 bdrm 216 bath brand new 2 story. Builder buying down Inter-est. Over $89,990.

ft Realty Inc REALTOR Century 21 830-4700 WINTER SPGS lakepool Assume ovy-zwj Help-U-Sell Broker, 260-2424 WINTER SPRINGS Spa- clous 3bdrm2txtn spiit plan home. Enjoy Florldo living In this unique house in formal living aining, den or office. Treed lot on cul-de-sac. $47,500. im-iji.

Homellnders Ot America, Realtors, ERA, 830-4992 WINTER SPRINGS Own r. Take ios tor ou sate Assume FHA 11.5. 3vrs Moranda.3drm.dDI oarage. central vacuum, A1 cond ft location. 1350sqtt.

$73,000 Coll collect, 919-481-2264 WINTER SPRINGS Coll tornio coniemporary 4 bdrm 7 bath, screened patio with heated spa, lots of decorator touches, extrosl $67,900. Luckenbach Realty Inc. Call 67I-8O0O WINTER SPRINGS Ranchlanas, 4 both, mid $B0s. Make offer, 327-3439. Owner assoc.

DEVEX fj OtV fH etAltv IWC WOODLANDS Tropical paradise! 4 bdrm, 2 bath home with new car-' pet ft point throughout. Family rm, breath-taking view or pool area. $122. voo. Judith Hall Realty-ERA REALTOR 429-2521 650 OPENHOUSES LAKE CHEROKEE 4 Ddrm.

2V2Dothoaraoo apt. Sun 15 $265,000 450 Chero kee, Orlando, 843-1475 SEMINOLE COUNTY OPEN HOUSE SUN 2-4 991 Autumn Glenn Lone Huntieloh Woods In Cassel- berry. Take 436 N. to Red Bug Rd, Vi ml to Huntleigh Woods on left. A gorgeous executive home.

Dianne Pohl Realtor Assoc. 277- 6124. Century 21Hometown Realty, 448-9040 SE ORLANDO 120ft lake-front, 4580 Loke Hoiden Hills Dr. 1 acre plus lot. Reduced to $199,500.

Open sun 1-4. 8S564 Realtor. SW ORANGE 4) 9792 WILD OAK DR. fM) OO OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 4MM REDUCED to $229,000 Owner open to olfersll 3bdrm-3'ibath 2-story ee home with pool, spa, 0-0 sH2 fireplaces, 3200 saftOM nUANt Kb ALT 656-5WJ0 WINDERMERE OPEN 1-5 $172,500 326 BUTLER ST Exciting 3 bdrm 2 bath, custom contemporary with pool. Large wooded lot.

oversized garoge, occess to Butler Chain nearby. Owners will consider lease pur- cnase. miiiio Everm, Broker Salesman 351-4144. EVEHITT ft ROGNER INC REALTOR 422-1000 rn HOMES 652 OSCEOLA COUNTY FOR SALE AIRPORT 9ml S. Lk Alav VHlcre DISTRESSI $129,500 Help-U-Sell Broker, 898-0008 KISSIMMEE VACANT- CORP.

SALEI 3bdrm2bafh. cul-de-sac lo cation. 23 family rm, dbi garage. s-3buo. ST.

CLOUD- HORSES OK. 5 acres. New carpet ft paint in mis 2-story 4bdrm with screened porch, pond, fenced. $89,900. 855-3800.

Don Gallagher Realtor NARCOOSSEE 3-bdrm. 2 both pool home on 4W acres. larae oak trees, huae barn, horse 20 mm. from (305) V5-IBV7 OT 444-9619 OP HOMES 654 VOLUSIA COUNTY Uv7 FOR SALE DELANO CHOICE 7 acre estote-fcovered with large oaks). Just outside city lim its.

Spacious 4 bdrm (3800 sq rtl nome, dbi garoge, large storage barn, loin MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE! $169,000 Owner. (904)734-8299 DELTONA 3 bdrm 2 bath, country style, porches, bldr model. $55,900. 629-1102 DELTONA ASSUMABLE 7 bdrm 7 both garage, large lot, ceiling fans. $5,000 down, payments $514.82 interest 12'j FHA non qualifying $46,900 904-789-6349 DELTONA Clean 3 bdrm 2 bath, screen rm, 2Vs yrs Old.

$45,500. 574-7507 DELTONA New 3 bdrm 2 both with family room. $2650 down, $442 principal Interest. International Builders Inc. 1-574-4030 DELTONA NON QUALIFYING MORTGAGE.

3 bdrm 2 bath, $1900 down. Immediate occupancy. Lease option. International Builders Inc. 1-574-4030 EDGEWATEROAK HILL 3bdrmlbath, 3 car garage, 5.95 acres, fenced pasture, $45,000.

(9041428-1765. STONE ISLAND 3bdrm 2both. DISTRESS, $15,000 under apprasial ot $75,000. Auction Associates 445-4644 656 LAKE COUNTY FOR SALE CLERMONT Why pay lakefront prices? Have your own boatdock with electric lift and a lofty view of Lake Louisa. Immaculate 3 bdrm 2 bath home plus auest apt.

Solar heated pool. One acre lot. $132,000. Clermont Realty Inc. REALTOR 904-394-2140 or 305-656-8136 FRUITLAND PARK In county on Crystal Lk, cement block, 2 bdrm 1 bath, central heat air.

carpeted, connected den has large fireplace and vi bath. Separate large workshop. Lots of trees, swl mm Ing fishing, 160,000. 904-787-2102 MT. DORA 2023 Donnelly, Viml new shopping center, Hwy 441, 2bdrm corner lot, owner finance, $12,000 down, $454 mo.

Mrs. CC Wot kins. Realtor, (305l89e-2626. or (904)383-7645 MT PLYMOUTH bv owner. 1 year old, 3 bdrm 2 bath, near golf, screened patio, fireplace, large great rm.

$76,900. 904-383-7463, Open House Sat Sun HOMES 658 BREVARD COUNTY FOR SALE COCOA(PORT ST. JOHN) Bank foreclosure. Price $40,500. appralssed 1983 at $43,500.

2 bdrm lVi bath home at 4725 Miramar Seller financing 5 down. Elmer Bakalla Inc 834-7867 MELBOURNE Palm Bay Unit 48, 2 new homes, sale-lease option. Sbdrm, 2both, living 8i dining rm, central alrheot, garage. $65,000. Take over payments.

No reasonable offer refused. Owner, 718-434-8342. PORT ST JOHN 2bdrm IVabath, garoge. screen porch. $49,900.

$9900 dow-n, assume FHA 10 439-3316 0 HOMES 662 RESORTBEACH FOR SALE FRANKLIN.N.C. 360 degree view of mountoln on Little Tennessee River, 4-ocres. 3bdrm, 3bath, full drive- In basement with fomily rm, fireplace In living rm, electric baseboard heat. $99,900. Owner will finance.

704-369-8415. P.O. Bo 37X Otto, 28743 NEW SMYRNA oceonfront. N. beach, 4bdrm 2both, $239,000.

Owner 904-437-4239 HOMES 664 OUT OF AREA uvrr FOR SALE FAIRFIELD MOUNTAINS, NC Builders Model 3bdrm3bath, deck, fire place witn stone lace, se lect your carpet' 8. paint colors. At Lake Lure. $150,000 Collect 704425-9867 HERNANDO BEACH on the Gulf of Mexico, 80 mi from Orlondo. Immoculate 7 bdrm 2 bath on Oeep Wafer Canal.

Vt ml from Gulf. Sea wall, boat davits, guif-vlew, only $79,000 with good assumoble mtg. This 8, other waterfront homes ft lots ovailable. CAM Hernando Beach Realty 04-594-2004 or eves. 56-5292 Adult Living From The Low $30's 1986 Model Close-out Save 51.000 right course at Zellwood Station Country Club! Complete recreational facilities" include a championship-length golf course and pro-shop.

Over 800 acres of parks, beautiful lakes and custom-built mobile homes in village settings. Call or visit Zellwood Station today and get on the right course! 2 Swimming Pools Tennis Shuffleboard Courts 2 Clubhouses P.O. Box 292, Hwy. 441 Zellwood, FL 32798 (17 mi. N.W.

of Orlando) (305)886-0000 1.

The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2025)


Is the Orlando Sentinel liberal or conservative? ›

Editorially, the Sentinel tilted conservative.

Does the Orlando Sentinel still exist? ›

The Orlando Sentinel, founded in 1876, is the primary daily newspaper in Orlando, Florida. Our mission is to deliver the truth every day. We bring you the stories that matter most, written without bias, so you can make informed decisions.

How much does Orlando Sentinel cost? ›

After the $1 for 6 months introductory rate, you will be automatically charged $19.96 every 4 weeks.

Where is the Orlando Sentinel office? ›

Orlando Sentinel, 633 N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801, US - MapQuest. Learn more about our mobile apps. Learn more about our mobile apps.

Is Florida more Republican or Democrat? ›

The state is dominated by Republicans on the state level, as Democrats have not held the governorship or either house of the legislature since 1999.

Does Orlando have a Democrat mayor? ›

The Orlando mayor is officially a nonpartisan election. The current mayor is Buddy Dyer, who was first elected in a special election in February 2003.

How many people read the Orlando Sentinel? ›

For over a century the Orlando Sentinel has been the leading credible news, information and advertising source for our communities. We remain the area's #1 news source and media website, connecting our advertisers with nearly 878,000 Central Floridians weekly.

How do I complain about the Orlando Sentinel? ›

Customer service, subscription/delivery issues, or problems with the site/app/eNewspaper: Call 407-420-5353.

Who is the editor in chief of the Orlando Sentinel? ›

Julie Anderson is Editor-in-Chief for the Orlando Sentinel Media Group and Sun Sentinel Media Group. She has worked for Tribune Publishing for more than 25 years in a variety of senior management roles, primarily in digital media.

Is Orlando Sentinel $1 for 6 months? ›

Only $1 for 6 months

By accepting this offer you are agreeing to a continuous subscription, which will automatically renew until you cancel. You can cancel your subscription anytime online at or by calling 407-420-5353.

Does the Orlando Sentinel deliver? ›

Subscribe to the Orlando Sentinel to get Thursday and Sunday home delivery and Unlimited Digital Access which includes the daily digital edition of our newspaper.

How do I cancel my Orlando Sentinel membership? ›

You may cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 407-420-5353, or if you purchased your subscription online you can cancel online at any time here.

Where is the Florida Sentinel located? ›

FLORIDA SENTINEL BULLETIN - Updated September 2024 - 2207 E 21st Ave, Tampa, Florida - Print Media - Phone Number - Yelp.

Where is the Orlando Sentinel published? ›

A: The Sentinel's address is 633 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32801.

Who is the circulation manager for Orlando Sentinel? ›

John Allen - Circulation Manager - Orlando Sentinel | LinkedIn.

Who owns the Orlando Sentinel newspaper? ›

On Tuesday it was announced that the Tribune Company, parent of the Orlando Sentinel daily newspaper, will be bought by Alden Global Capital.

Where is the Conservative Party on the political spectrum? ›

The party sits at the centre-right to the right of the Canadian political spectrum, with their federal rival, the centre-left Liberal Party of Canada, positioned to their left.

What political party is Fox associated with? ›

Fox News has been characterized by many as a propaganda organization. Its coverage has included biased and false reporting in favor of the Republican Party, its politicians, and conservative causes, while portraying the Democratic Party in a negative light.

What political party is DeSantis from Florida? ›

A member of the Republican Party, he served as the U.S. Representative from Florida's 6th congressional district from 2013 to 2018. DeSantis was a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, withdrawing his candidacy in January 2024.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.