The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2025)

Writers' sources protected LOS ANGELES (AP) Two Los Angeles Herald Examiner writers cannot be compelled surrender their notes or reveal their sources for stories about alleged sale of Super Bowl tickets above face value by Los Angeles Rams owner Georgia Frontiere, a federal judge has ruled. The decision by U.S. District Judge Harry Pregerson rejected subpoenas served on reporter Scott Paltrow and columnist Melvin Durslag by the National Football League as part of the court battle to prevent the Oakland Raiders from moving to Los Angeles. The NFL sought the subpoenas to support a claim that media coverage in Los Angeles had been biased, and therefore the trial scheduled to begin Feb. 9 in the NFL-Raider suit should be moved out of Los Angeles.

In a 16-page opinion released Pregerson called such subpoenas "unrealistic and oppressive." To question the newspaper writers "as to their confidential conversations would subvert the guarantee of freedom of the press embodied in the First Amendment and the protections for and work product provided dournarsederal common law." However, NFL attorney Clark Waddoups said the ruling would have no effect on the league request to move the trial elsewhere on grounds it would be "impossible to select a jury in this jury district" because of extensive pretrial media coverage of the case. The Herald Examiner articles said court documents filed in the case included a allegations of the ticket sales above face value by the Rams last January and that NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle may have known of it. Al Davis, managing a general related partner of the Raiders, said in deposition to the NFL-Raiders suit that he believed Rozelle knew all about Super Bowl ticket scalping yet did nothing about it. Rozelle has denied Davis' allegation. Another deposition by Mrs.

Frontiere said Rozelle urged her to sell 1,000 tickets to last January's Super Bowl to Harold Guiver, former Rams' vice president, and that Rozelle told her Guiver needed the tickets to fulfill public relations commitments and promises to club officials, the Los Angeles Times has reported. Rozelle has denied Mrs. Frontiere's deposition testimony that he told her he would "appreciate" her giving the tickets to Guiver. Rozelle said, "'That coloration is totally inaccurate." Guiver, now assistant general manager of the New Orleans Saints, testified in his deposition that two men sent by someone connected with the Rams threatened his life and he so informed Rozelle who promised to look into the matter. Rozelle said in an interview that "Guiver, to the best of my knowledge, received no more of the death threats.

He went to New Orleans, and I just assumed it was all over." Atlanta Bitter Pardee says signs up 'big mistake' made vet ATLANTA Perry (AP) WASHINGTON (AP) A bitter, "I can't say that going another Veteran Gaylord Perry, disappointed Jack Pardee said Tues- route would have made a major the 42-year-old who needs freeday that owner Jack Kent Cooke change in our record," Pardee said. agent 11 pitcher basemade a "big mistake" when he fired "Of course, I second-guessed myself, only big league him as coach of the Washington Red- but you do that every Sunday as soon reach ball victories to the game is over. There is no mag- the 300 mark, has skins. as "I am bitter and think they made a ic to coaching football." agreed to a one-year Pardee said, adding, contract with the his (Cooke's) ball and he do he had not ta Braves, his big mistake," can Pardee said yet agent what he wants with it." received any coaching offers, but said Tuesday. Pardee said that while he was not with two years guaranteed on his Alan Hendricks said a "totally unaware" that something current Redskins' contract, he said 1981 salary of $300,000 was going to happen, he still was he was in no hurry to accept the first for right-hander Perry, "disappointed" with the decision to offer.

who was 10-13 overall terminate his contract. Mentioned earlier as a possible last season with the Pardee, who was named National candidate for a coaching job at Tex- Texas Rangers and Football League Coach of the Year as his alma mater, Pardee New York Yankees, in 1977 with the Chicago Bears and said he would be open to a college "was good speculation." again in 1979 with the Redskins, was offer if it were the right job. fired Monday following a 6-10 sea- A replacement for Pardee has not Perry, a 19-year son. been named, although a number of jor league veteran, Hired three years ago by Redskins possible candidates have been men- opened last season with President Edward Bennett Williams, tioned. Beathard left for California Texas and had a 6-9 Pardee said he ws "caught in the on Tuesday to watch the East-West record with a 3.43 transition" when Cooke assumed All-Star Game Saturday and is ex- earned run average becontrol of the team.

pected to contact a number of candi- fore he was traded to Cooke sided with Redskins Gener- dates. the New York Yankees. al Manager Bobby Beathard in a Among the names that have sur- He had a 4-4 record and clash that developed this year con- faced are Hugh Campbell, coach of 4.41 ERA with the cerning player development and the the Canadian Football League's Ed- Yankees. immediate future of the team. Beat- monton team, San Diego Chargers' The Braves and Pittshard, who engineered a number of offensive coach Joe Gibbs and for- burgh Pirates were the deals to add young players to the mer coaches Hank Stram of Kansas only clubs to select PerRedskins' roster aging players, City and John of Oakland.

in the free republicly chided Pardee for continu- "We want a winning coach and we entry draft in Novemry agent ing to play his veterans in an at- won't rule out anybody, college or ber. The Pirates made tempt to win this season. pro, at this time," Beathard said. no attempt to sign him. WHIP IT UP AND WIN $500 CASH! In the Dorothy Recipe Contest All your hours in the kitchen haven't been in vain! They could win you some fabulous money in the Dorothy Dean Recipe Contest.

Take a look at this year's prizes: 1st 2nd Prize 3rd Top 3 winners and 12 Honorable Mention 5. All entries will be judged on taste, appearance and winners receive Dorothy Dean Cookbooks. practicality. Plus all 15 featured in The 6. All entries become the property of The Spokesmanwinners will be Review which reserves the right to edit, adjust, and Spokesman Review, Sunday, May 3.

publish any recipes submitted. It's easy to enter! Just write down your most 7. Decisions of the judges will be final. No entry will be exciting, delicious, raved-about food creation returned. and send it to us.

Maybe it's your family's 8. The first place winner will receive $500 in cash; the second place winner, $250; and the third place winner, favorite dessert. Or a casserole dish you $100. The top three winners and twelve Honorable dreamed up yesterday. It doesn't matter which Mention Winners will receive copies of the Dorothy Dean recipe you enter because there are no Cookbook.

categories! 9. All cash prize and Honorable Mention winners will be So get your creative juices flowing. Your announced in The Sock Sunday, May 3. cooking skills rolling. And send us your best food idea on appetizers, breads, beverages, OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK main courses, salads, desserts, or anything Dorothy Dean Recipe Contest, else you can think of! The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA 99210 Please fill out this entry form completely and attach Follow These Simple Rules: to the single recipe you are submitting.

1. Submit your original or recipe. It must be NAME your own creation or a recipe sufficientty altered to be considered your own. 2. Only one entry per person accepted.

3. Fill out official entry form and attach to your recipe. 4. Your entry must be postmarked no later than Friday, STATE February 13. Remember, only ONE ENTRY per person.

RECORDS Tuesday GIRTHS Births recorded in Spokane hospitas during the 24 hours ending at 3 p.m. Jan. 6, 1980: Deaconess Hep9e-To Mr. and Mrs. Law.

rence Hegge, W3723 Heroy, boy. -To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Porter, W1310 Knox, girl. Eicherst- -To Mr.

and Mrs. Ronald Elchorst, Airway Heights, boy. Moses -To Mr. and Mrs. Calbert Moses.

14000 Sixteenth, girl. Carrier -To Mr. and Mrs. Russell Carrier, Rathorum, Idaho, boy. Schneider To Dr.

and Mrs. G.G, Schneider Jr. E3520 Seventeenth, twins, girt and boy. Macy To Mr. and Mrs.

Wittier Macy, E2908 Hoffman, girl. McCormick -To Mr. and Mrs. John McCormick, N1168 Bates, girt. Jehasen- -To Mr.

and Mrs. James Johnson, W7203 Holyoke, girl. Lang -To Mr. and Mrs. Jim Long, S1321 Evergreen, girt.

Trim -To Mr. and Mrs. Brian Trim, N1209 Cook, girl. Sacred Heart -To Mr. and Mrs.

Jessie Coordes, N1314 Elton, boy. Fusare- To Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Fusare, N5527 Cannon, boy, Wide--To Mr.

and Mrs. Mario G. Nido, E4519 Seventh, girl. Bergman -To Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Bergman, Cheney, boy (born Jen. 4). Retteeller- To Mr. and Mrs. Glen P.

Rottweiler, Route 6, boy (born Dec. 31, previously reported incorrectly). MARRIAGE LICENSES Kerry M. Kimmel and Bonnie L. Boardman, Spokane.

Gayle R. Miller, Spokane, and Susan K. Hanenburg. Veradele Wash. John A.

McLeod. and Elitebeth A. Kelly, Ellensburg, Wash. Jeffrey C. Swanson, and Alicia J.

Cox, Spokane. Brian J. Clifford and Pamela I Apodaca, Spokane. Eugene A. Butler, Sutlivan, and Pauline A.

Brokaw, Spokane. Harold Lundquist and Kimberly S. Crane, Spokane. Dennis M. Wellace and Deborah R.

Di Bernardo, Spokane. Dennis E. Oglesbee and Jill A Burrit, Spokane. IN THE COURTS New suit Hied Loren Earl Hoover vs. Doug Bonnett and others; seeking $645 claimed owed.

Spokane County Federal Credit Union vs. Gall Quarders and Blanche Quarders; seeking 194 claimed owed. Associated Credit Service, Inc. VS. James Johnson and others; seeking $4,874 claimed owed.

Associated Credit Service, Inc. vs. Alta M. Clark and others; ing $562 claimed owed. Associated Credit Service Inc.

vs. George Hurst and others; seeking $428 claimed owed. Robert Capehart and Zandra Copehart vs. Larry A. Smith and Wenda Smith; seeking $790 cleimed owed.

Cornellus Sherwood and M. Elaine Sherwood vs. Corwin Mathews and others; seeking $2,354 claimed owed. Frank L. Terhaar and Gary L.

Christensen vs. Martha's Inc. and others; seeking demages for failure to pay rental obligations. National Music Service inc. vs.

Sheldon Madden and others; ing $1,800 claimed owed. John C. Wantulok vs. Robert Franklin and others; seeking damages fro alleged breech of tract. The Partnership of Dougies Patterson and Daren Nelson and others vs.

Daren Nelson and others: seeking dissolution and accounting of partnership. Donald M. Shepter vs. Edward D. Vinson and the Old National Bank; seeking revocation of will.

Suits settled James W. Summers and Harriet M. Summers vs. R. ScoM Covington; dismissed.

Custom Furniture and Cabinets Inc. vs. Dale E. Williams: dismissed. Winston Davis and Jane Davis vs.

Charles J. White and others; award of $300. Gohiman Realty and Investment Co. vs. Gary M.

Callihan; missed. Marriage disselutien petitions Hell, John R. and Carotyn L. Grubb. Cathren Merrie end Doran Danial.

Mack, Mary Jo Ann and Carl vid. Wilson, Joe Ceaters and Jessie Mae. Stacy, John W. and Myrna V. Kubas.

David J. and Tina M. D'Hooge, Philip M. and Betty J. Cline, Arthur L.

and Shirley R. Reed, Duane Lee and Debra Rodell. Cox, David C. and Kathleen E. Hutton, Tammi Leann and Robert Allen.

Baker, Esther Elizabeth and Robert D. Beasley, David J. and Bonita M. Dissolutiens granted Crisp, Mary E. and Warren P.

Glass, Sally L. and Michael Dorsey, Reyna Lynn and Rich. ard Albert. Badicke, Richard P. and Cynthia Grant, Rebecca A.

and Terrance G. Butter, TerriL. and Brian G. Clark, Jillene R. and Charles D.

Wetting, Deborah Ann and Clyde Edward. Denton, David K. and Arline M. Orsi, Judy and Joseph C. Johnsen, Sharon M.

and Michael Vorhies, Michael J. and Anna M. Mertwick, Douglas and Linda. Heide, Ronald H. and Dawn O.

Sentencings Catherine 1, Burrow, 24, E17220 Buckeye, to one year probation, 444 costs and $150 tees after pleading guitty to first -degree rendering of criminal asssistence. (Judge George T. Sheilds) Norman E. McBein, 24, Yakima, to five yeers in jail on ond escape conviction. (Shields) Jerry W.

Mangum, transient, to one year probation, 45 deys tell with credit for time served, costs, $2,500 restitution, after pleading guilty to third-degree possession of stolen property. (Shields) Ohtrict Courts Only fines or forfeitures of $50 or mora ere listed untess a jell fence was imposed. Criminal cases Judge John A. Schumthets: Annie I. Decker, 24, transient, public indecency, 30 days with 20 suspended.

Robert L. Duncan, 24, E7725 FINA, third-degree theft. six months. Michael 34, stent, public indecency, days with 20 suspended. Loren C.

Jay, 16. E511 Rich, 6b- structing public servant, 10 days. Judge John J. Madden: Russell J. Stivers, 19, $720 Cedar, No.

4, degree theft, 30 days suspended, $100 fine with $75 suspended, deferred six months, wx months probation. Judge Daniel 1. Maces: Earl G. Heine, 20, 04314 Adams, 90 days suspended. rettic cases Judge sahn d.

Madden: Lonnie R. Goin, W1823 Cleveland, operating vehicle with license 10 deys suspend. ed. $100 fine with sa0 suspended. Index to Classified Ads Notices- 1 49 LEGAL NOTICES-1 LODGES-0 FLORISTS-10 DEATHS-12 FUNERALS-13 FUNERAL DIRECTORS-15 CARDS OF IN MEMORIAM-17 CEMETERIES-SERVICES-19 LOST -20 FOUND-21 RETIREMENT HOMES -72 ANNOUNCEMENTS-25 WHERE SHALL WE GO? -27 PERSONALS-2 RIDE 29 BUSINESS DIRECTORY -31 COMPUTER SERVICES-35 Financial -50-99 FINANCIAL HELP-50 DEBT CONSOLIDATION -51 MONEY TO LOAN -55 Money Wanted to BorrowState Regulated LendersContracts; Mtgs.

For Sale -70 Contracts: Mtgs. -Wanted -73 Money to Loan R1. Est. -75 STOCKS BONDS-10 MINES MINING -85 Real Estate- 100-199 HOMES FOR SALE -100 Homes For Sale-Northwest-102 Homes For Homes For HOMES-WANTED-110 VALLEY PROP. -115 Valley -120 HOME BUILDERS -124 LOTS- -125 MOBILE HOMES -126 Mobile Homes Wanted -127 SUBURBAN PROPERTY 130 Reel Spokane -132 Duplexes For Sale 133 Condominiums for Sale 134 Apt.

Heuses-For Sale -135 Apt. Houses 136 FARMS FOR -140 Farms, Acreage Wanted 142 DAIRY FARMS-143 STOCK RANCHES -144 TIMBER LANDS-14 ACREAGE-15 HOMES ACREAGE -151 RECREATIONAL PROP. -15 LAKE PROP. -FOR SALE 160 LAKE PROP. -16 For Sale or Exchange Business Opportunities -170 Business Opp.

-Wanted -171 BUSINESS PROPERTY -172 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY -173 WAREHOUSES -174 Rentals Summer Cottages -200 Lake Homes-For Rent-201 Rooms For Rent-209 Rooms, -210 Rooms, Board- Wanted -215 HOTELS-220 MOTELS-225 Duplexes For Rent-227 Condominiums For Rent -721 UNFURNISHED APTS. -230 FURNISHED APTS. -235 WANTED -23 Unturn. Houses For Rent -240 Furn. Houses- For Rent -242 Houses-Wanted to Rent -244 GARAGES-FOR RENT -24 Mobile Space-Rent-250 OFFICES-FOR RENT -255 STORES FOR RENT, SALE -265 Warehouses-For Rent Sale -270 Rec.

Vehicle Storage -271 SELF-SERVICE STORAGE -272 RENT-275 to Rent -250 Employment-300-349 Professional -307 -310 Salespeopie-315 AGENTS-320 Help-Invest. Required -325 Employment Agencies 330 Teachers' Agencies -335 Jobs Wanted --350-379 Permanent -352 SERVICES-355 CHILO CARE 360 Public Stenographers 362 Tax keeping -365 Dressmaking, Tailoring UPHOLSTERING -360 MATTRESSES, Bedding -374 BEAUTY SHOPS -376 Classified Rates Includes Morning and Evening Newspaper: 12 days 86' per line per de day 8 days 1.09 per line per day 4 days 1.39 per line per day 1 day 1.57 per line per day Minimum 2 line charge Single rotes dhe Contract rates on application CALL 838-4664 for Want Ad Service 7 A.M.-6 P.M. Mon. through Fri. 7 A.M.-12 noon Sat.

PLEASE NOTE! Financial, real estote and rental ads, corrections and cancellations must reach us by 6 p.m. Friday for Sunday Classified. All other classifications may be en until noon Saturday by phone. COUNTER SERVICE HOURS 8 A.M.-5 P.M. DAILY Closed Saturdays The Spokesmen -Review Spokane, WA.

99210 NOTICES 1.49. LEGAL NOTICES RICHLAND SCH. DIST. No. 400 New Construction and Remodeling Date of Bid Openina, Jen.

20. 191 INVITATION TO BIA HIGH SCHOOL THEATER AND LIBRARY ADDITION RICHLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 400 You are invited to bid on a lump sum General Contrect, Including Mechanical and Electrical Work for construction of new high school auditorium and library edditton with other miscellaneous remodeling work. Richland School District No. 400 will roceive sealed proposals until 2:00 P.M., on the 20th dey of Januery, 101 at the Administrative 01- fices of Richland School District, Avenue, Richland, Weshington, 97352.

Proposals wit! be opened end publicty. reed aloud. Proposals received after this dete and time will not be cepted. Interested parties ere invited to attend. Each proposal shall be accompanied by bid bond, cashier's check, or certified check made payable to the School District in amount of not less then five percent of the Basic Bid.

Drewings and Specifications comprising bid documents may be obtained at the offices of the Architect, Walker McGough Folt W. 244 Main Avenue, P.O. Box Spokane, ton 91210, Telephone (509) Bonefide General Contractors and Mechanical and Electricel Subcontractors may obtein one set of documents. All others may purchase parts of sets or sheets from the Architect. deposit of $100.00 will be required for each set of bid docu ments.

Deposits shell be made payable to the Architect and will be returned upon receipt of documents In good usable condition within ten (10) days after the date of bid opening. Late return of documents or return of mutilated documents will result in depesit forfeiture. Drewings and specifications may examined at the School District's Administrative offices, the Architect's office, Associated General Contractors of Spokane, the Spokane Construction Coun clI, Tri-City Construction Council, Kennewick, Blue Mountain Plan Center, Walla, Yakima Plan Center, The Pien Bureau Seattle, Northwest Pian Center Seattie, Associated General Contractors Seattle, Butiders Exchange Coop. eretive and Wenatchee Plan Center. No bidder may withdrew his proposal after the date end time set for opening thereof or before award of contract unless said is delayed for period exceeding 30 calender days from the date of Board bid of opening.

Directors The of Richland School District No. 400 reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any formalities and irregularities in any proposal or in the bidding. DR. ROBERT W. ILLER Superintendent and Secretary of the Board ef Directors 615 Snow Avenue, Richland, Washington 99352 Publication Dates: First Publication Dec.

30, 1900. Second Publication Jan. 7, 1981 SR 59 NOTICE PROPOSED NEW CHAPTER 248-156 WAC ADJUSTMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF NEED EXPENDITURE THRESHOLDS Notice Is hereby given that new Chapter 248-156 WAC, Adjustment of Certificate of Need ture Thresholds, will be proposed for adoption by the State ment of Social and Health Services. Copies of the proposed Chapter 248-156 WAC are available for review by interested persons at the following offices of the ton State Department of Social and Health Services. Region 1 Office W.

1101 College Street, Jan. 7, 1981. THE 13 Continued ber of the community 37 Survived by her husband, Millard R. Clark, Spokane, WA. two sons, Charles E.

Clerk, Springfield, OR; Joe E. Clark, Spokane, WA; three grandchildren; seven greatgrandchildren. Funeral services Thursday. Januery 1981 at 11:00 a.m. from the IRIS CHAPEL, HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST.

Rev. Frank Barnes officiating. Interment Greenwood Memorial race. CREQUE, Virgie Passed away January 5, 1981 at her home in Clayton, WA. Survived by her husband, Charles Creque.

the home; one son, Steven Hoskins, Spokane, WA; three daughters. Judy Insua, Pullman, WA: Ginger Ouncen, Seattle, WA; Pati McGrew. WA: five grandchildren; father, Reuben Nelson, Mitton Freewater, OR; three brothers. Delbert Nelson. Spokane, Cecil Nelson and Roy Nelson, both of Eugene, OR: one sister, Myra Blue, Mitten Freewater, OR; numerous nieces and nephews.

Funeral services Thursday, January 8, 1901 at 11:00 a.m. from the Clayton Community Church. Rev. William Mai citing. Burial Pleasant View The family suggests that memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Fund.

LAUER FUNERAL HOME. DEER PARK, WA in charge of errangements. DANIELS. Charles Henry tered into rest January 5, 1981 in a local hospital. His home Spokane, WA.

Survived by his wife, Kathe rine E. Daniels, at the home; one son. Harold Hopkins, Spokane, WA; three sisters, Lila ough. Cul de Sec. ID; Anna Richardson, ID; Gledys Keller, Lewiston, ID; four grand.

children; numerous nieces and nephews. Graveside services Thursday, January I 1981 al 11:00 a.m. at Greenwood Memorial Terrace. Rev. Bendon Ginn offici sting.

Interment Greenwood Memortal Terrace. Family suggests that memorial contributions may be made to the Inland Empire Die a betes N4824 Cannon, Spokane, WA 99207. RIPLINGER NERAL HOME, N4305 DIVISION ST. in charge. ERONSON, Burton David Passed away January 5.

1981 in Spokane. His home, Spokane. Husband of Mrs. RUby Eronson, at the home: Father of Miss dra Roe Eronson, Spokane: Stepfather of Mrs. Harold (Patricia) Carlson, Rainier, Minnesota, Harlow D.

Baiderson, Fort Lewis, WA David Beiderson, couver, WA; Foster Father of ry Mickeison, Morris Mickelson, both of Seattle, WA; 12 grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; brother of Mrs. Nancy Monk, Newport, WA, Conrad Eronson, Kirkland, WA; nephew of Mrs. Manette Warner, Minneapolis, MINN; numerous nieces and nephews. resident of Spokane for 62 years: veteran of www. Memorial funeral services will be Friday, January 9, 1901 al the ALWIN CHAPEL, HAZEN JAEGER, M1308 MONROE ST.

Chaplain Donald R. Moller eting. Cremation Hazen Jaeger Crematorium. The family pests that memorial gifts may be given to the American Cancer clety, Spokane County Unit, 1717 NW Blvd. Spokane, 97205.

FULTZ Irene E. Entered Into rest December 24, 1980 in Spokone. WA. Her home Spokane. Survived by one cousin.

Eline Belle Clark, Salt Lake City, UT. Funeral servcies Thursday, Januat 9:00 a.m. from the CHAPEL OF FLOWERS, INGER FUNERAL HOME, N4305 DIVISION ST. Mr. Lloyd Dierks officiating.

Private interment Riverside Memorial Park. GRATE, EdIT Passed away January 3, 11. Her heme Spokane, WA. Survived by one sister, Mrs. Batten, Ontario, Canada.

Funeral services Thursday, JanuBry at 3:00 p.m. 4 the BALL DODD THORNHILL LANGBEHN FUNERAL HOME, 5421 DIVISION ST. Rev. Weymeth McGrew officiating. Interment Riverside Memorial Park.

HAUCK, Ella Passed January 5, 191 in Spokane, WA. Her home Spokane. A member of the community 12 years. Survived by one daughter, Luella M. Bache, Spokane, WA; one son.

Russel D. Hauck, Helena, MT; four grandchildren; four greatgrandchlidren. Funeral services Friday, Januery 1981 2:00 p.m. at the CHAPEL, NESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. Rev.

Willis E. Shane officiating. ment Fairmount Memorial Park. HIGGINS, Audrey Passed away January In local hospital. Her home Spokane, WA.

A lifetime member of the nity. Survived by her husband. Michael J. Higgins, at the home; two sons Mark P. Higgins CPA Tim M.

Higgins, both of Spokane, WA; six grandchildren; three brothers, Irving Lusk, Florida: Tom Lusk, Portland, OR: Moc Lusk, Bremerton, WA; one sister, Lois Stone, Mt. Vernon, WA. member of St. Augustine Perish. Rosary Wednesday, January 1, 1981 at 7:00 p.m.

from the ROSE CHAPEL, HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, H2203 DIVISION ST. Funeral services day, January 1 1911 at 1:30 p.m. at the Riverside Mausoleum Ceretery Chapel. Rev. Joseph J.

Pash officiating. Interment Greenwood Memorial Terrace. HOLMAN, Claricy Mae Passed away January 3, 1981 in Arizona. Her home Spokane, WA. Survived by her husband.

Elwood Holman, the home; two sons, Arnoid Hotman, Spokane, WA; Donald man. Houston, TX; one daughter, Norma Dishmen, Spokane Valley: six grandchildren; three grandchildren; one sister, Grace Thyrian, Spokane Valley. A member of Pines Baptist Church. Funeral services will be Thursday, January 1901 of 2p.m. the CHAPEL OF THE VALLEY.

THORNHILL VALLEY FUNERAL HOME, $1400 PINES RD. Paster Frank Barnes officiating. Inter. ment Pines Cemetery. KLEIN, Erik H.

Passed away January 2, 1981 In Spokane, WA. His home Spokane. Husband of Mrs. Gerda Klein. at the home; step-father of Douglas W.

Hoxsey, Spokane, WA; Victor L. Hoxsey, Great Falls, MT; brother of Inge Thaysen, Copenhagen, Denmark. member of the Lutheran Church. A resident of Spokane for the last years and previously from 1919 to 1934. Memorial services Friday, January 9, 1981 at 11:00 a.m.

the Sunset Mausoleum. Fairmount Memorial Park. Rev. John F. Paulson officiating.

Cremation services were held the Haten Jaeger Crematorium, Monroe St. Inurnment to follow at the Fairmount rial Park Cemetery, HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME. N1306 MONROE ST. in charge. LONG, Geraldine Passed away January focal hospital.

Her home Spokane, WA. A member of the community most of her lite. Survived by her husband, Ed Long, at the home; three sons, James E. Long. Bellevue, WA: Bill Long, Greg Long, both of Spokane, four daughters, Tari Rogalski, Spekene, WA; Joan Matthews, Heldlebera, Germany: Patricia Manke, Harrington, Besty Long, the home: 13 grandchildren; two brothers, Jim Chamberlain, Spokane, WA; John Chamberlain, Spokane.

one sister, Jean Patterson, Seattle, WA; several nieces and nephews. A member Church. of the Memorial Gospel Assembly services Wednesday, January 1981 11:30 a.m. at the Gospel Assembly Church, W124 Sharp. Rev.

Steve Allen officiating. HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, 57203 DIVISION ST. In charge. McCOY, Passed Jan. In St.

1g- nattus. MT. Formerly of Wellpin. It. We.

Survived by Her Mother Step-father, Lillian 6 Sherman Alexie, One daughter, Brea Hos- 2 kins. Ford, One step daughter, Sabrina Wellpinit, WA Seven brothers, Arnold Sherman Alexie, Weilpinit, Norman Ford. WA Mike. Joseph James Ourpio, St. IgnaPus, MT.

Five sisters, Kim lene Alexie, Wellpinit, Danielle, Carolyn Durgio, St. MT. Numerous nieces, nephews cousins. Mother-In-law Poari Alfred McCoy, Fruitiend, WA. Also survived by Carson, um, WA.

Louie Durgio, ties. Member of Spokane Tribe of Indians. Wake I Interde nominationel Services, Thurs. Eves. Jan.

1901, at West End Community Center. Funeral Services, Fri. Jan. 9, 1901 10am West End Community Center, Rev. Jim Hosack Rod BurWest gess.

officiating, interment, New End Community STRATE FUNERAL HOME, Davenport, WA. McCOY, Stephen 31) Passed away Jan. 5. in natius. MT.

Formerly of Fruit. land. WA. Survived by Parents, Alfred Pearl McCoy, Fruittand. we.

Two daughters, Sabrina McCoy, Wellpinif, WA Brea Hoskins. Ford, WA. Five brothers. Don Dennison, Fruitiend, Wa: Kenneth McCoy, Wellpinit, Wa; Clyde Robert (Bob) McCoy, Fruitland, WA; Alvin (Pete) McCoy, Spokane, Wa. Seven sisters: Kathryn Kietter, Linda Teresa McCoy, all of FruWA; Carrie Abrahamson, Sandy McCOY.

Charlene hemson, of Wellpinit, Trudy Ford, WA. Grandmother, Kenney, Fruit. land. Aunts. Velma McCoy, Alesender, both of Fruitiend.

WA. 1) nieces nephews, numerous cousins. Member of Spokane Tribe of Indi- SPOKESMAN-REVIEW C5 13 FUNERALS Continued 1 LEGAL NOTICES Continued Suite 340 Spokane, WA; Region 2 Office W. Lincoin Yakima, WA; Region 3 Office 32nd Street Everett, WA; Region 4 Office 130 Andover Park E. Tukwila, WA; Region 5 Office 1201 South Proctor Tacoma, WA; Region 6 Office 2535 N.E.

Kresky Road WA; Health Facility Development Section State Department of Social and Hesith Services Airdustrial Park, Bullding MS LP.13 WA Telephone: SR70 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF LEIN FOR STORAGE AND OTHER CHARGES Ben Hughes 0933 Sard Ave Arvada, CO 80002 Billle Austin E11123 Jackson Spokane. WA 99206 Robert Ross E1340715 Trent Spokane, WA W216 Rod Boyles 1309 15th Spokane, WA 99203 Spokane. WA 99216 Rod Boyles E1309 15th Spokane, WA 99203 You are hereby notifled that the time for the payment of our lein upon the property stored by you, having expired, after due notice given to you and prescribed by will sell such property, to wit: Antique rocker, dresser, nized tub, sewing basket chille chair. mirrows, school desk, pictures sewing machines, tennis ets, stuffed chair, single bed. 13in snow tires, misc household, toys, clothing, glassware books, che dresser, typewriter, lawn mower attachments.

And alt other eftects on hand in which you have an interest, cording to the lease agreement, will be sold auction, by sealed 10AM Jan. 12th 1001, at Shurgerd Mini Storage, E12420 diana, Spokane. We re serve the right to refuse any and all bids. SRU NOTICE BEGINNING OF REVIEW. CERTIFICATE OF NEED APPLICATION SACRED HEART MEDICAL CENTER, SPOKANE A Certificate of Need application has been submitted by Sacred Heart Medical Center to provide program of renal transpient pery.

Reviews by advisory cles to the department Eastern Washington Health Systems Agen. CY Commission, (HSA), The and State The Network Hospital Coordinating Council are pected to be complete by March 1, 1981. Department review should be complete by March 31, 1701. The Department provides tunity for a public hearing to sons directly affected (as defined in WAC 248-19-220(34) 11 the HSA has not provided such opportunity. To be written request for a hearing which ties the and Includes full name, complete address and signature of the person making the request, must be received by Office of State Health Planning Certificate of Need Unit, M.S.

LP. 13, Olympia, 98504 by January 13. 1981. Notice of such hearing will be through a newspaper of al circulation in the HSA service ares. SR71 INVITATION FOR BIDS Worley Fire Protection District is inviting bids for Property atty Insurance.

Bids will be open Tues. Feb 10, 1901 of Fire Station 1, Worley, Idaho. Specitications may be obtained from Chief Bruce Holloway, Worley Fire Protection Dist. Worley, Ida: ho. 03876 SR69 12 DEATHS CLARK, Nettle L.

Pessed away January 6, 1981 in a local hospital. Her home Spokane, WA. memthe community 37 years. Survived by her husband. Millard R.

Clark, Spokane, sons. Charles E. Clark, Springfield, OR; Joe E. Clark. Spokane, WA; three grandchildren; seven greatgrandchildren.

Funeral arrangements are in the care of the NESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N7203 DIVISION ST. HAUCK. Lee Ella Passed way January 5, 1981 in Spokane, WA. Her home Spokane. member of the community 12 years.

Survived by one daughter. Luella M. Bache, Spokane, WA; one son, Russel D. Hauck, Helena, MT; four grandchildren: tour greatgrandchildren. Funeral errangements are in the care of the HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N7203 DIVISION ST.

HIGGINS, Audrey Passed away January in local hospital. Her home Spokane, WA. A lifetime member of the community. Survived by her husband. Micheel J.

Higgins, at the home; two sons, Mark P. Higgins CPA, Tim M. Higgins, both of Spokane, WA; six grandchildren; three brothers, Irving Lusk, Florida; Tom Lusk, Portland, OR; Mac Lusk, Bremerton. WA; one sister, Lois Stone, Mt. Vernon, WA.

member of St. Augustine Parish. Funeral arrangements are in the care of the HEWNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME. N7203 SION ST. LATTISH, William M.

Entered into rest January 6, 1981 in a local hospital. His home Spokane, WA. Survived by his wife, Violet O. Lattish, at the home; one ter, Judy Leftish, Spokane, WA; three step-sons, Robert Sellend, Spokane, WA; Richard Selland, Seattle, WA; Donald Selland, Oregon; 10 grandchildren; two greatgrandchildr one cunt, Dore Michell, Moire, NY: one niece, Diane Link, Spokane, WA. A ber of the Eagles Lodge Aerie In Spokane.

Funeral arrange: ments are under the direction the RIPLINGER FUNERAL HOME, M4305 DIVISION ST. PETERSON. Wilma Passed away Janaury 5, 1981. Her home Spokane, WA. Survived by her husband, Jack R.

Peterson, the home; turo sons. Ron Peterson, Spokane, WA; Jerry Peterson, Monroe, WA; two grandchildren; one sister, Lena Lledtke, Spokane, WA; one brother, Albert Liedike, Yakima, WA. BALL DODD THORNHILL BEHN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 5421 DIVISION ST. In charge ef funeral arrangement.

SANDERS, Laura Passed away January 1901. Survived Her home Spokane, by one daughter, Virginia Bartholomew, Spokane, WA; one step-son. Richard Sanders, Las Vegas, NV; eight grandchildren; 10 greet grand children; two Ethel Manke, Spokane. Evelyn Richins, Upland. CA: several nieces and nephews.

Preceded in death by her husband, Errol L. Sanders. Friends who wish may make memorial contributions to the American Cancer Society, Spokane County Unit, W1717 NW Spokane, WA 99205. BALL DODD THORNHILL BEHN FUNERAL DIRECTORS, S421 DIVISION ST. in charge of funeral arrangement.

TELFORD, I Passed away January HIs home wife, Linda the Spokane, WA. Survived by his horne; one daughter, Laura Telford, at the home; one step-son. Mark HIll, Spokane, WA; one stepdaughter, Vicki HIll, at the home; two sisters, Charlene Patrick, Carol Mizell, both 01 Spokane, WA; ho brothers. Kevin Scot, Concord, CA; Robert ScoM, Spokane. WA; several nieces, nephews and cousins.

BALL DODO THORNHILL 4 LANG BEHN FUNERAL DIRECTORS, $421 DIVISION ST. In charge of funerat arrangement. YOUNG, Lue Passed away January 1981. Her home Spokane, WA. Survived by ous nieces Freeman nephews including Selma Spokane, WA.

Friends who wish may make memoriel contributions 10 the American Diabetes Wash ington Affiliate, 1210 Terry Seattle, WA BALL DODO THORNHILL LANGBEHN FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 5421 DIVISION ST. in charge of funerel arrangement. 13 FUNERALS BOWERS, M. Entered into rest Jenuery 3, 1901 in a local hospitel. His home Spokane, WA.

Survived by his wife, Maude E. Bowers, Coeur d'Alene, ID; two daughters, Florida Goodson, Spe kane, WA; Dorothy Purvis, Coeur d'Alene, ID; one son, Charles H. Bowers, Franklin, IN: two sisters, Curien Ayres, Oille Rotenberry, both of Friez, VA; two brothers, Walter Bowers, Fielday, VA; Joe Bowers, Martinsburg, VR; four half-sisters; one half-brother; nine grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews. A member of the Hebron Baptist Church in Virginla. Funeral services Wednesdey, January 7, 1981 af 10:00 a.m.

from the CHAPEL OF FLOWERS. RIPLINGER FUNERAL HOME, N4305 DIVISION ST. Rev. Beidin Ginn officiating. Graveside vices and interment 11:30 a.m.

at the Marshall Cemetery. Family suggsets that memorial contributions may be made to the Bailie Memorial Boys Ranch Chapel Fund, Basin City, WA 98343. Coeur d' Alene paper pigese copy. CLARK, Nellie Passed away January 6, 1981 in a local hospital. Her home Spokane, WA.

A ens. wake interdenominational Services. Thurs. Jan. 191, at the West End Community Center.

Funeral Services day Jan 9, 1981 at 10 am West End Community Center, Rev. Jim Hosack Rev. Rod Burgess, efficiting, interment The New West End Community Cemetery. STRATE FUNERAL HOME. Davenport, WA.

MILLER, Clara Passed January 3 local hospital. Her home. Spekane. Survived by her husband, Harold L. Miller, at the home; ene son, ry Anderson, King George, ginia: one daughter, Mrs.

Stephen (Sharon) Marque, Greet MT: four granddaughters: brothers, Moline. Coeur Alene. ID, Virgil Moline, ID; two sisters. Patrick Lyn) Connett, ford (Ella) Bossio, Priest River. ID: several nieces and member of the Spokane Valley Seventh Dey Adventist Church.

Graveside funeral services Wednesday, January Greenwood Memorial Terrace. Pastor Russell Burriti efficiating. Interment Greenwood Memorial Terrace. The mity suggests me: merial contributions may made to the Spokane Valley Seventh Day Adventist Church, P.0. Box 204.

Greenacres. WA HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N7203 DIVISION ST. In charge. NAY. wilier Anmeny Entered Into rest January 3, 191 in Spokane.

His home Spokane. Survived one son, Ralph W. Nay, Spokane; hee brothers, Jack Hay, Dewey beth of Culburt. son, Montana; sis grandchildren; seven greet grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews. He was 5 member of the Car Men's Union: Maintenance of Roadway; Great Northern Veteran, Grave side services Interment Wednesday.

January 2:00 p.m. the Sunset Mausoteum. Fairmeunt Memorial Park. W5000 Wellesley. Gene Davis officiating.

RIPLINGER DIVISION ST. In N4305 charge. TILLMAN. O. Passed January Redmond, His home mond formerly of Spokane, Survived by one son, Larry man, one daughter, Kelly man, both of Aberdene mother and step-father, Mrs.

R.M. Brown. father, Jack Tillman. dene. WA; two brothers, Charles Titimen, Monterey.

C. Michael Brown, Spokane, Mrs. John (Dorothy) Lemon, Aberdene, WA: sen, Spokane, vices Thursday, January 11:00 a.m. af BALL DODO THORNHILL LANGBEHN NERAL HOME, 5421. DIVISION ST.

Rev. Edwerd J. Underhill officiting. Interment Fairmeunt Memorial Leuha Off Passed away Jan. 4, 1901 in Puttman.

Her home Pullman. Wa. Member of Community 45 Survived by Two daughters, D. Girard (Elizabeth) Clark, Pullman; Mrs. Raymond W.

(Dorothy) Lean, College Station, TX. One son, Richard E. Webb, CA. Three sisters; Barbara Des Moines, Wa: Anne Manke. Ritzville, WA; Carrie Spokane, Wa.

11 grandchildren. Member of Pullman Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Womens Christian Womens Missienary Group, Gamma, Gamma Chapter, WSU; American Legion WSU Womens Faculty Club, wsu Womens Exodus Club, Chapter of PEO. Funeral Services Jan. 10, 1981, 2pm. Pullman Presbyterien Church, Rev.

Stephen G. Maling, officiating, Burtal will follow Pullman City Cemetery. Family suggests that memorials may be made fo Everett M. Louise Off Webb Scholarship Fund for Undergradvate Agricuttural Majors wsu. Presbyterian Church for its Sound System fer Hard of Hearing.

Kappa Kappa Gemma's Memorial Scholarship Fund or The PEO In. ternational Projects or the EMW Fund. FUNERAL HOME. Puilman, We handling errangements. WEBER, Willam F.

Passed away January 2, in Odessa, WA. His home Odessa. Survived by two brothers. Gus Weber, Odessa, WA: Herbert P. Weber, Fairfield, one sister, Mrs.

Sol (Otilla) Reiman, Getting: hem, WA; numerous nieces and nephews. A member of the American Legion, the Gun Club, both of Metaline Falls. WA. Graveside services Thursday. January 1901 11:00 a.m.

the Odessa Cemetery, Odessa, WA. Rev. Haussuer officiating. American Legion and VFW Posts participat. ing af the Graveside.

STRATE FUNERAL HOME, ODESSA, WA in charge. WORKMAN. Anne (Gyms) Passed a January Edmonds Her home, Edmonds. WA. Formerty of Spokane, WA.

Mother of Mrs. nyon (Lou) Woltt, Mrs. Orel Connell, Ross Workmen, Diego, CA Victor Workmen, Ogden, Utah, Whitham Workman, Edmonds. WA; 12 grandchildren; several great grandchlidren; sister of Martin Gyes, Angwin, CA; several nieces and nephews. Funeral sere vices will be Friday.

January 2p.m. The GOTHIC CHAPEL, HAZEN JAEGER HERAL HOME, M130 MONROE ST. Elder Charles Brown officiatIng. Burial services Greenwood Memorial Terrace. 16 CARDS OF THANKS We Wish to express our sincere thanks to all our neighbors, friends relatives who have provided us with their love prayers in memery of our son brother, Mark Swanson.

Dale, Doris, Martlyn, Bob Nancy Swanson CEMETERIES19 SERVICES 1 lot for sale, lot 31 in black 37 Fairmount Memorial Park. W.5000 Wellesley, Spokane, WA. Call collect 2 PLOTS, 2 vaults, 2 markers, in Honor Section Greenwood Memorial. Big savings. 446-6701.

PET CREMATION Spokane Humane Society 20 LOST SOUTHHILL, Beagle Terrier Mix female dog. White brown spots. Answers to "Buffy" if found please call 424-7177 or 555 7033 ask for Leo. ENGLISH Setter, vicinity of Westmoreland 6 Perry Rds in Doer Park. old male, white with apricot spots.

Reward. 276-2702 FEMALE Rottweiler, tattoo inside leg, lost Dec. 30th, vic Broadway Mc Donald. Reward. 724-1072.

920-5326. VALLEY 2 Poodle Terrier Mix white long hair. 1 Mate Gold Cocker MIX, REWARD, 924-7215. FEM Irish Setter cross. light red.

112 yr Long Lake area, LADY'S Silvertone Watch In Lernor's Saturday Dec Reward! 624-4429 MALE PUp Part Husky, Blonde black face. Choke Chain, Vic. 9th. Freya, $35-7370. MINIATURE COLLIE, black, white tan Male.

Ears taped, 4-1079, 487-3994. OLDER Mete Brittany, needs medication. 16th Carnahan. Please call 534-5426. SMALL female terrier mix, Lincoin Heights area.

Please call 535- 3700 or 515-0351. SPRINGER Spaniel, mate, liver white. ares. Reward. $100 REWARDI Canon AE-1, sp-lite.

fan Nikon case, 1-1-41, Journalism student desperate. 1-253-4344 YR. Old male, miniature collie. white, days 244-5511 Donna Wheatley, eves FOUR leaf clever gold pin, mental value, reward, LGE, striped, spayed fem white chest paws. HIll LOST Female Black Afghan, In Marshall area.

Reward. OLD black Female Lab, New Years Dey, Hart Field erea. 377-1545. REWARDI German reddish ern, 147-4 Min. Collie female.

Libby School area. 535-7473 SPRINGER Spaniel, whitworth area, red collar WHITE COCKATEEL Vic. and. university. REWARD 21 FOUND FOUND 12-31, Crestline, Wellesley area.

Black short hatred temale dog. 483-2185. BLACK pup, bob. Chainsaw. Southside.

identify make, serial. 534-7287 FEMALE DOBERMAN 928-609 AFTER 5PM FOUND 72 cal. Baretta automatic handgun. Mike 325-5277 MALE black white cal. Freya 11th.

535-3705. SPRINGER Spaniel found on rose Fri, now of Humane Society 24 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIOFEEDBACK CLINIC Medical Center Bldg Trng Counseling GOSPEL Ministry. Family Counseling. Gene Mattoon. Refresh your Mexican style TACO MEJICO.

The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2025)


The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington? ›

Newsroom. For questions, comments or complaints about news coverage, please contact city desk at (509) 459-5403, or editor Rob Curley at (509) 459-5030 or If you have a news tip, call (509) 459-5403 or as follows: Local/City Desk:

How do I contact Spokane Spokesman-Review? ›

Newsroom. For questions, comments or complaints about news coverage, please contact city desk at (509) 459-5403, or editor Rob Curley at (509) 459-5030 or If you have a news tip, call (509) 459-5403 or as follows: Local/City Desk:

Is the spokesman-review conservative? ›

The Spokesman-Review is thought to lean Liberal, especially when it involves opinions on city hall and hate-groups in the Eastern Washington-Northern Idaho area.

Who is Mary Beth Donelan Spokesman-Review? ›

Mary Beth Donelan joined The Spokesman-Review in 1989. As Newsroom Office Manager and member of the management team, she supervises the newsroom support staff and the research library staff, works closely with and coordinates requests from reporters and editors and monitors newsroom budgets and payroll.

How much is a Spokesman-Review for home delivery? ›

Unlimited access to our website and the e-edition of our newspaper starts at only 99¢ a month for the first two months. Home delivery and unlimited web access is as low as $1 a week. Local journalism is essential.

What days is the Spokesman-review delivered? ›

Home Delivery of The Spokesman-Review: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, & Sunday. Wednesday & Sunday.

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You may terminate your individual account at any time by by contacting customer service via email at or by calling 800-338-8801. Upon termination, your access to our web services will be suspended on the last day of your currently pre-paid account.

Is Spokane more Republican or Democrat? ›

Spokane County is rather conservative for an urban county. It has voted Republican all but three times since 1948. Lyndon Johnson was the last Democrat to win a majority of the county's vote.

Who is the owner of The Spokesman-Review? ›

It is owned by Cowles Company, which also owns KHQ-TV/Spokane and The KHQ Television Group. While the newspaper wins awards, it also draws opposition from local critics and activists who suspect the Cowles family of using its alleged vast local media influence to sway public opinion.

Where is The Spokesman-Review based? ›

The Spokesman-Review is a daily broadsheet newspaper based in Spokane, Washington, the city's sole remaining daily publication. It has the third-highest readership among daily newspapers in the state, with most of its readership base in eastern Washington and northern Idaho.

What kind of doctor is Mary Beth Evans husband? ›

She married cosmetic surgeon Michael Schwartz on November 3, 1985.

Who is Lindsey Treffry spokesman-review? ›

Lindsey Treffry joined The Spokesman-Review in 2015. She is a managing editor, leading the copy desk, editing and assigning food, arts and entertainment content, designing pages, editing stories and managing the staff that maintains the website, e-edition and social media accounts.

Where is Mary Beth Leonard from? ›

Early life. Leonard is a native of Massachusetts. Leonard's father is Earl Leonard, a math teacher and vice principal. Leonard graduated from Doherty Memorial High School in Worcester, Massachusetts.

How do I contact KHQ Spokane? ›

Contact KHQ Right Now
Main Address KHQ Broadcast Center 1201 W. Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99201P.O. Box KHQ Right Now P.O. Box 600 Spokane, WA 99210
Jennifer Petruso, Sales Manager(509)448-4611
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Apr 5, 2016

How do I contact Krem 2 news Spokane? ›

Type 509-448-2000.

Who is the editor of the Spokesman-Review? ›

Rob Curley is the executive editor of The Spokesman-Review and joined the newspaper in 2016. He has previously held leadership positions at The Orange County Register, Las Vegas Sun, Washington Post and Lawrence Journal-World.

Who owns the Spokane Spokesman-Review? ›

SPOKESMAN.COM and all affiliated websites are maintained by The Spokesman-Review and owned by Cowles Publishing Company, 999 West Riverside Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201.

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.